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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah, he has an off-grid (or on/off-grid) hybrid which has separate input and output connections, you need the transfer switch in order to bypass the inverter to keep the supply on if the inverter fails. With an on-grid hybrid there is no need for the transfer switch as there is only a single connection into the electrical system. If the inverter fails then the grid is already connected.
  2. I second the over-watering and compacted soil. Meanwhile Madam's plants are going great guns on slightly shaded sunshine, home-made compost mix (well-rotted garden waste, chicken droppings, coco and sand), along with tap water. I still don't know what's she's going to do with them as neither of us fancy smoking the stuff, it will probably end up in her DIY "herbal" tea (mostly mulberry leaves at present).
  3. I believe there are a number of shippers who do it, I've only ever asked just for "Thailand Special Line" some have never heard of it and are not interested, others are no problem.
  4. I will say that having manual gates gets old, very, very quickly in the rainy season ???? Sit in the car and press the remote, or send Madam out in the rain?
  5. Electric or wife/maid operated??
  6. "The doll is being kept by the police in case the owner wants to reclaim it." I wonder what they will charge him with if he does actually turn up
  7. Becoming a ThaiVisa (as was then) Mod and having to deal with the tripe that some posters produce. No names of course, they know who they are
  8. Slightly on-topic anecdote. Some years ago (last century) we were working in KL. The senior management were staying at the Hyatt, we minions were in the Hilton (this was in the days when projects actually had a budget!). One of the regulars at the Hyatt bar was a very passable ladyboy, of course we all knew her, chatted, bought her drinks etc. etc. Then there was the "new guy", so of course she came on to him (with theatrical winks to the rest of us). There was of course some, er, "encouragement", from them as knew (it would have been rude not to). He thought he'd scored!! Later in the evening, after a lot of lady drinks they both vanished at a "discrete" interval in opposite directions. Shortly afterwards the boss's mobile rang "<insert surname of boss>!! There's a man in my room and it's not me! Click, brrrr.....".
  9. My bold. Herein lies a much more fun thread ...
  10. Yeah, it's gone all PC, "don't offend anyone or you'll be cancelled", so now the only ones to be offended are those actually paying to watch this drivel.
  11. Make sure your test leads are in the right holes (Com is usually the black lead). Set to DC volts. If the meter reads a +ve value then the red lead of the meter is on the + lead of the panel. If the meter reads a -ve value then the black lead of the meter is on the + lead of the panel. Check by measuring a known source, like a 9V battery that has + and - marked.
  12. They might be marked inside the connector box, but the simple test would be to strip the cable ends put the panel in the sunshine and check with your multimeter.
  13. Step son has an extra-cab pickup. He was stopped yesterday on the way home from the family seat and "reminded" that passengers in the back of the cab need belts (none are fitted of course). The cop apparently looked "disappointed" that only he and Madam were actually in the truck at the time. This has been tried before and the social-media uproar led to a rapid u-turn. I doubt this time will be much different.
  14. 117353229_303261504444513_7476378172864589294_n.mp4
  15. It's certainly wise to stick with a single, good quality, brand of connector throughout your installation. MC4 is an international standard but they do vary between manufacturers, I've certainly had some that are a bit "tight" when mated with a different brand and can be a little tough to get apart (OK I actually had to cut a pair off). I've never had any overheating issues with MC4s (I did have a panel connector box fail due to a bad internal connection https://aseannow.com/topic/1266821-a-little-caution-about-low-cost-solar-panels-check-those-connections-before-you-lug-it-onto-your-roof/) but my strings are 10A max (MC4 are rated at 20A - some special versions go to 30A). I reserve judgement on those quick-install connectors he shows at the end, I'd like to actually examine a set but they look like the contact area to the wire is very small! With the correct tools crimp connectors are fast to install and reliable.
  16. If he can get all the certifications etc. etc. there's plenty of work on the Mega Projects and (hopefully returning soon) O&G. ???? (we insist on certified sparkies on our jobs) As a jobbing sparks in the village the regular Chang with two screwdrivers, a neon, industrial scissors and a roll of tape will always undercut him on price ????
  17. This is something I've pondered in the past. There is no doubt they can monitor the HV trunk supplies, but there are no CTs on our village transformer (on LV or HV) so down to village level is unlikely. Now whether our few kW of solar is noticed (it would be seen as a load reduction rather than actual -ve power unless everyone was dead and using no juice at all) in amongst the big scheme of things ... And if they do notice are they going to expend manpower going looking? (other than the man on the ground meter readers). I did note that our meter chap came rather later in the day than usual this last time, could just have been running late. I've decided it's not worth worrying about, if they are sufficiently concerned that they are going looking then so be it. It wouldn't beyond possibility that they could hire some drone operators to go looking, this is being done in the US where certain states actively discourage even off-grid solar - the supply authorities make less $$$.
  18. So two 7 panel series groups which are then placed in parallel for a 7S2P arrangement.
  19. That's really unfortunate ???? In reality I expect it's going to come to all of us who are doing unofficial net-metering hence my installation of a hybrid along with our on-grid unit (if we do get a digital meter I'll replace that with another hybrid).
  20. Yeah, the process, including the mortgage delays and "creative financing" seems pretty typical, you got it all sorted remarkably quickly ???? We got a "construction loan" from SCB to build the house, to be converted to a mortgage on completion. By the time SCB had finished faffing around the house was finished (on my own coin) so it went straight to being mortgaged.
  21. I think you're good to go, I have a lot of 10mm2 on 50A breakers.
  22. Right now no, we have a grid-tie hybrid so there's no need for any transfer switch. I am in the process of building a 3-way automatic transfer switch to use with the Emergency Power output of the inverter and our auto-start genset but I'm using interlocked contactors (both mechanical and electrical interlocking. I don't like to take risks with my $$$ investment). Units like this (use it in manual mode) also provide guaranteed isolation during the change over. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ats-automatic-dual-power-transfer-switch-2p-63a-i557682430-s1023824660.html
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