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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. A large crowd was seen downwind, floating about 2m above ground level! ????
  2. I reckon they're using pretty naff 2.5Ah 18650s. Pack is 3P13S so I divided 100Ah by 39 cells giving 2.56Ah per cell. In reality 3 x 2.5Ah in parallel gives 7.5Ah which is the real capacity.
  3. If that really is a 48V x 100Ah pack I think Elon Musk might be interested
  4. The USA wants to charge people for using the sun to charge their solar panels and batteries.https://solarrights.org/sneakysolar...848d-7128-ed11-ae83-281878b83d8a&ceid=9176718 OK the bill actually failed https://solarrights.org/sneakysolartax/ but it just shows what lengths big business will go to in order to protect their balance books.
  5. Are you using a power logger? You are not going to see short duration dips with any domestic level meter. As @sometimewoodworkersuggested, get a good quality lamp and see if the flicker persists (indicating a supply issue). I've certainly had cheap LEDs start flickering and then failing altogether in the past but the modern ones are much, much better but still not immune from supply blips.
  6. I've had a few things come via Best recently, no issues other than being S-L-O-W ????
  7. Hands up everyone who tried to count the sheep
  8. Well, if for no other reason to aid others in avoiding the same scam. "Delivered by seller" could be a convenient way to move outside Lazada protection without the buyer being aware until it's too late ????
  9. @LALes It might be beneficial if you list out exactly what happened as bullet points There's a lot of information in the OP and later posts which seems to be causing confusion. It does seem that you ended up outside the Lazada system at which point their protection ends ???? And everyone, please stop the bickering of the thread will get closed.
  10. Yes, I realise that, what I was referring to was this on the item sale page.
  11. Some bickering posts have been removed. @LALes was this a "delivered by seller" item perchance?
  12. And there was I thinking it was just a regular wet-season storm Climate-change is real enough (just how much of it is down to us humans is debatable) but I don't think we can really put yesterday's bit of cloud down to it 100%.
  13. Define "flickering". When on, when off, when there's an extra load? Rapid, slow, random?
  14. Yup. I published my incoming QR (pay me 100 Baht) on several sites talking about QR payment codes, thus far I've had no takers ????
  15. Singapore is OK, but I'd go for Malaysia personally. Hire a car and get off the beaten track a bit (although Cameron and Genting Highlands are usually a must-do). Drive across to the east coast, maybe do Tioman Island (in summer when you can fly there).
  16. Related anecdote:- Long ago my ex-wife walked in on our oldest daughter (who was 15 at the time), shall we say some "heavy petting" was occurring on the sofa with her well "topped and tailed". Wifey beat a hasty retreat. Next day said daughter was hauled off to the local Family Planning clinic, logic being that you're not going to stop them experimenting, so let's avoid having any little miracles just yet. Daughter told the clinic that she didn't want the pill as it "would make her fat!". So she was given a box of 144 Durex in a not quite opaque bag, to ride home on the bus! For some reason the pill became a hastily chosen alternative (they were in an opaque white bag). I can't imagine why she changed her mind
  17. This is my problem, Madam wants to speak English (or Italiano - she's fluent, we courted in Italian), the grandkids want to practice English, all the project communications is in English leaving me precious little time to use any Thai ????
  18. And SCB, it's right on the main page of the App ????
  19. At least the cells are new. Nothing wrong with these packs (although I wouldn't have one in the house, even a new one) just avoid mixing them with other chemistries.
  20. Has anything more been heard about the staged discount for low users (under 500kWh)?
  21. And now we are getting silly. Please feel free to connect whatever you like to whatever else you like. There's a thread on another forum about mixed Li-ion and LiFePO4 packs. Nope, nothing bad happened but it was a controlled test with small packs rather than a continuously operating system.
  22. If you do try it please do it outside in a well ventilated area.
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