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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. It probably runs in a straight line between where it goes in and where it comes up (I know, TiT), which is probably close enough for your planting operations. In conduit and knowing there's a cable "somewhere near" hand digging should be OK, but I wouldn't be putting trees that need big holes near the cable run anyway.
  2. I'm not aware that PEA/MEA have such a service, but I expect they'd be able to point you towards a contractor who could locate it if you visit your local office. Why do you need to find it? If it's failed or you need to upgrade just dig another trench and lay a new cable ???? Is it direct-buried or in conduit?
  3. As a Brit looking in from the outside, the US is accelerating backwards through time ...
  4. Are you clicking the "Send" button in the notification? Until you do it doesn't send the mail. Then you put the OTP in the box and click "verify".
  5. Incredibly I did think of that! Like most BMS's the Seplos FETs run as either hard on or hard off, both of which are low dissipation modes. The heatsink hardly gets above ambient but I will of course monitor the beast from the logs (it also looks after itself if things get too warm). The unit I have is the 100A version, the 200A has the same heatsink. It's also worth noting that when this BMS is installed in their rack batteries it gets less airflow than my simple cover permits.
  6. @Gulfsailor glad you got it sorted without mishap. I would however caution anyone contemplating working "live", get a pro or a local in. It's not actually the risk of getting a shock which is the greatest hazard (it is of course a hazard) but the danger of "arc flash" should your incoming supply live contact the incoming neutral. There's no over-current protection whatever other than the drop fuses at the village transformer! An arc-flash event can prove fatal or life-changing without the proper protective gear. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_flash
  7. OK, top and sides added. Notes to self:- Acrylic solvent adhesive allows some adjustment whilst it sets. Acrylic solvent adhesive does not allow adjustment if your carefully positioned parts move and then it sets. If you get acrylic solvent adhesive on your fingers it will leave fingerprints. Acrylic solvent adhesive fingerprints don't polish out. Nowhere near perfect, but it will do the job and it's hidden 99.9% of the time anyway.
  8. Also, a 12,000 BTU A/C will only pull about 5.5A when running at full chat. Of course if he's going 30,000 BTU then ...
  9. Simple 3mm acrylic cover installed, I feel rather more comfortable about the works now. Toothpicks bottom left are to operate the LCD buttons through the small holes, I won't bother with the LCD if I get any more of these BMS's, the PC interface is pretty good. Still debating whether to give it sides, the overall enclosure is rain-proof, but ...
  10. They could fill the space left by the engines with batteries and go zero emissions.
  11. Nah, it was a UK PP renewal, speed (or lack of it) entirely at the door of the UK passport service ????
  12. Yup ^^^. Now whether you link N-E is another animal. Check the supply poles. If the heutral (the tope wire if the 2 or 4 on small insulators) has a ground connection every 3rd or 4th pole then the area is wired as MEN (Multiple Earthed Neutral) and a N-E connection will add another layer of safety. If you don't see that earthed neutral or you are not sure then assume that the supply is TT and run the neutral straight into the RCBO. Any Class-1 appliance (water heater, A/C, most white goods) will want an earth to prevent that annoying "tingle" so many of us are familiar with here.
  13. Their service fee is 5,000 Baht on top of the passport renewal fee.
  14. Yeah, government have already said they're worried about tourists giving it to macaques!
  15. Smart idea ???? This stuff is an amalgamating tape, make sure you stretch it enough when applying, after a while it becomes one solid mass ????
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