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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. BTS is already double-standard compared to the MRT. For the MRT if you are 60+ you can get an "elder" card for half fare travel (I have one). For the BTS you have to be 60+ AND Thai! Not fair, and I say that knowing that many members know who I work for On the flip side:- BTS give employees free travel. MRT give staff half fare.
  2. Yeah, our contractor used some of the "natural" deterrent, seems the rats like it! We have a cat (sorry we are owned by a cat), who does a sterling job of ridding the garden of rats ably assisted by our resident Sunbeam snake. Not seen any rodent damage actually inside the house although the Golden Tree Snakes (probably too small to take on a grown rat) do sometimes occupy the spare bedooms much to the annoyance of the maid who is terrified of them.
  3. Yeah, I wanted to use trunking on the more populated routes, sparks insisted on conduit as the rats couldn't get down it. We have a rat problem on both Pink and Yellow Lines (all in tray or underfloor ducting), we also have a problem with birds nesting behind the conductor rails, snakes then eat the eggs. Wondering if we could re-direct the snakes to eat the rats.
  4. Definitely! Madam has decreed that our next new vehicle WILL be an EV, no hybrids! Right now waiting for the jobs market to get going again after covid stalled all the mega-projects.
  5. It has arrived, obviously rather under-declared as is standard practice. Just VAT on the CIF plus the handling fee.
  6. A resort I won't name spent $$$ on a beach cleaning machine, it filled up, then someone thought of how to empty it and cart away the rubbish. It sat for a considerable time, full and festering, before it vanished never to return ????
  7. Good start. BUT Does he have the manpower and budget to actually clear the nets of the garbage they capture before they fail and let the lot through?
  8. What size (BTU) are your aircons? Conventional or inverter type? They will be your big loads, TV, lights and the freezer are minor.
  9. It really depends what you want to do. Simple backup for power cuts - The diesel is easy to install and many come packaged with the required transfer switch and auto-start. You will also need UPSs for your PC and other tech to bridge over the gap before the diesel starts (ours takes about 30 seconds). Offset your power bill and provide backup power (or even go competely off-grid) - Then solar is a good fit, it's also silent in operation. Unfortunately the cost of the required batteries will make it more expensive than the diesel. Task A is to define exactly what you want to do.
  10. Welcome to Thailand and Thai electrical installations ???? Why not start a separate thread with some photos of what's there already and we can point you in the most economical direction for your upgrade?
  11. Your local puyai-baan should have the number of the local creature-wrangler, should be a quick job with such a small nest.
  12. Just ensure you're not eating Wotsits Mr Smith goes to the STI clinic. " Doctor, my penis has gone orange over the last two months & it also smells of cheese" The doctor takes a look & then checks all his medical journals & then says to Mr Smith- " Mr Smith this infection has never been seen before, maybe it's caused by something at your work" Mr Smith - " I doubt it I lost my job 2 months ago" Dr - "Well what do you do with yourself now" Mr Smith - "Nothing I sit at home all day watching porn & eating Wotsits" Wotsits - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wotsits
  13. Yup, there will certainly be VAT, solar equipment is "supposed" to be zero for duty, we shall see. I have no problem paying legitimate fees, it's part of importing stuff and my past dealings with FedEx have actually been ok.
  14. I work full time (5 days), but flexible hours allow me to be (mostly) home by 4PM. Then it's a spot of pottering in the garden (if there's no cricket on TV), dinner then inside to avoid the mozzies and more TV. Weekends are always full, home maintenance (Madam makes a list, always something busted), gardening, fiddling with the solar. Not sure about when I will retire, could do it in a couple of years but I think I will keep working at least part time or I'll get bored / need to get out of the house. Oh, and I do a little modding on ASEANnow.
  15. Just got an SMS from FedEx, box is on the way, delivery Wednesday. So it looks like Seplos' covid related stock issues (at least for bare BMS') are sorted ???? No indication (yet) from FedEx of any duty to be paid.
  16. Are you the account holder (named on the bill)? If so you should be able to close the account any time, PEA will come and read/remove the meter and return your meter deposit (EDIT IIRC meter deposits were all refunded a couple of years back anyway). You will need a Thai speaker and a visit to the PEA office. Having never actually done it I'm not sure how they ensure that you don't just skip then without paying. If the bill is in the landlord's name then there's not much you can do. You could try reading the meter and using the PEA calculator to work out the bill that's going to be due and ask the landlord to remove that amount from the deposit he refunds. Of course he may or may not agree to do that.
  17. Is there anything behind "Tax Details"? Pretty well everything will attract 7% VAT on CIF + duty (if any is charged). You can check the duty rates here https://www.simplyduty.com/ not everything from China is zero duty. You could ask the seller if they can do "Thailand Special Line", it's slower but is duty (and VAT) paid, it lumps many shipments together for a bulk clearance and it usually works out cheaper than paying individually. Not all sellers know about it or will use it.
  18. If you think you may have monkey pox, you should swing by your local surgery. Fetching my coat
  19. Yeah, has to be Citi Thailand at Makro.
  20. OK, let me check, I got 1,000,000 notifications this morning so the email is back. EDIT According to the pinned thread it's supposed to re-start today. I'd give it a while.
  21. I actually had one in a Korean hotel, I had a Korean GF at the time, she got "seasick". She didn't like the way the "standing waves" pushed her bum up (if felt pretty darn good to me) We actually had to change rooms (company got a refund on the hotel bill).
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