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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. That you have an EVSE (EV charger) means you will need a 30/100 supply (the installers insist). The digital meter is already suitable. You're probably going to need 35 or 50mm2 aluminium cable, but do verify with your contractor and PEA as the rules vary by location. How far would the cable run be from the meter to the house, you say it needs "numerous" poles? Need to verify volt-drop. For your connections, I would tell your sparks to attach a length of 25mm2 copper cable to the end of the aluminium and keep the joint outside the house, properly taped up with self-amalgamating tape it will be weatherproof. Use a bi-metal splice of appropriate sizes, something like this: - https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bimetal-al25cu16-sqmm-i5052044639-s21361692389.html
  2. A couple of bickering / off-topic posts have gone walkabout.
  3. At 8.30PM our lights, A/C, TV etc. will be running on stored solar energy. It's actually a pain to turn the lights off, each has a separate remote control and none of the remotes have batteries. I think they'll stay on
  4. @advancebooking Get your own temporary meter from PEA ASAP. PEA only install the meter, anything between the meter and the house is your problem, so get your pole-man to put the poles where you intend running the cables to the house. He may as well install the proper sized cables (check the PEA requirements) for your permanent meter at the same time. Aluminium cable is much cheaper than copper and less likely to wander off in the night, but you must use one size larger than the copper would be. Aluminium also needs special care at terminations to avoid poor connections leading to fizzing and conflagration. Have you done any sort of prospective load calculation to determine how large a supply you need? OK that's a rhetorical question - Alternative question, how big is the planned house? Pool? Cooking appliances (electric or gas)? Water heaters? Man-cave with big power tools? Potential for an EV?
  5. Indeed, particularly as: - I just hope he doesn't end up on a menu somewhere
  6. I think it's time to draw a veil across this one, the bickering has commenced and will now cease!
  7. If he was "stunned" why is he still conscious? Fetching my coat...
  8. A Guy goes into a bar with his pet octopus and says, "I bet $50 that no one here has a musical instrument that this octopus can't play." The people in the bar look around and someone fetches out an old guitar. The octopus has a look, picks it up, tunes up the strings and starts playing the guitar. The octopus' owner pockets the fifty bucks. The next guy comes up with a trumpet, octopus takes the horn, loosens up the keys, licks it's lips and starts playing a jazz solo. The guy hands over another fifty bucks to the octopus' owner. The bar owner has been watching all this and disappears out back, coming back a few moments later with a set of bagpipes under his arm. He puts them on the bar and says to the guy, "Now if your octopus can play that I'll give you a hundred dollars." The octopus takes a look at the bagpipes, lifts it up, turns it over, and has another look from a different angle. Puzzled, the octopus' owner comes up and says, "What are you pissing around for? Hurry up and play the damn thing!" The octopus says, "Play it? If I can figure out how to get it's pyjamas off, I'm gonna shag it! "
  9. Yesterday, Mary’s husband Jim thought he saw a cockroach in the kitchen. So, naturally, Jim sprayed everything down very carefully and then cleaned the entire kitchen thoroughly from wall to wall and floor to ceiling. Absolutely nothing escaped his cleaning regime. When he’d finished the kitchen sparkled like new. Today, Mary put the cockroach in the bathroom.
  10. I've fettled the heading slightly for more directed responses. Yeah, it's standard loop-in lighting wiring pretty much everywhere, if you need a neutral at the switch you need to specify it when wiring (we did and I've only actually used one of them). Dimming LEDs is a whole subject of its own. If you can't get neutrals to the switches, would you consider using smart lamps?
  11. Yeah, colleagues on our Malaysian project told me "If you need new shoes, go to the mosque".
  12. Moving away to the west now we are all drenched.
  13. Their shop, their rules, you don't have to shop there. I do admit to being a bit confused mind. Our local builder's merchant wants shoes off if you go in the shop itself (you have to in order to pay). But the electrical place a few doors down doesn't. The vet wants shoes off (try that with a wriggling dog in your arms), but the dentist doesn't until you go in for torture treatment. Consistently inconsistent! Welcome to Thailand.
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