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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I see no earth leakage protection, so task A would be to install either a front-end RCBO or individual RCBOs on "risky" circuits (water heaters, outdoor outlets and lighting, wet room outlets etc.). I do note that you have a 100A incoming breaker so I'm assuming you have a 30/100 meter, unfortunately I don't think you can get a 100A RCBO that will directly fit in place of it ???? Schneider do plug-in surge arrestors that should fit that board, you'll need to shuffle the MCBs a bit to fit one but nothing major. That will sort any lightning issues should they occur (you don't seem to have had such issues, yet, but it never hurts). Actual under-over voltage protection is more complex with the plug-in boards, so unless you actually have chronic voltage issues I wouldn't bother.
  2. I'd start at Amorn. Otherwise get on Lazada and start searching ????
  3. @Thaifish yes, but! The "but" being that it uses the "tank sensor" input on the solar pump controller, we don't know if @MJCM controller has such an input. If it does he's home 'coz a regular pressure switch would do the trick, if it doesn't he will need a DC rated switch or some electronics (solid state relay) to control the pump.
  4. Who ya gonna call?? Super Boondee of course. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/who-you-gonna-call-ghostbusting-gadget-launched/IKYJMXH677URUAQU54DUA6MSDM/
  5. It's a bit more than half what @Thaifish paid for his 10kW system so is in the right ball park certainly. It's worth talking to his installer too, you might get a better deal. I found Global pretty competitive for panels (although there was a recent price hike) but inverters and other bits are (not unexpectedly) cheaper elsewhere.
  6. Hmmm, the usual reason for this type of thing is a switched neutral, you've not had any work done or a new meter recently have you? Can you verify that the polarity is indeed still correct just in case. It's possible that something has been nibbling on your wiring and cause a High-Z leak, maybe some damp has got in with a similar result.
  7. I have to apply the brakes a bit so that we don't over-produce (I'm going to automate it one day). On Monday our PEA consumption ended up as -11kWh
  8. Meanwhile, the car port made 760.19 kWh in November. This vs our consumption from PEA of 259.7 kWh over the same period. Madam is happy ????
  9. Meanwhile the government (OK BMA) owes BTS 30 billion Baht for operating the Green Line ... https://www.nationthailand.com/blogs/in-focus/40006812
  10. Or "x" is an unknown. My business card says "specialist" Those who can - do Those who can't - teach Failed teachers become consultants.
  11. Even worse, a "Consultant Engineer"!! It's in my job description that it's my fault, even if I wasn't even on the project when the descision was made.
  12. Indeed. We make an absolute statement of "the answer is xxx", then blame the input data when we are a factor of "only" 10 adrift ????
  13. "Think", "believe" and "may" ... But one can hope, and continue the sensible precautions.
  14. Do the instructions say anything useful? In reality it matters not, either way round will work just fine ????
  15. This could well be the issue, package not accepted by Thailand.
  16. If you've never used it as a Rabbit card before you may run foul of KYC (Know Your Customer) which requires you to "register" the card using your passport or (hopefully, I've not tested it) pink ID. It's a one-off task and an AMLO requirement.
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