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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah, that's the place, poor language. Fill in the details and you should be able to order the relevant beastie.
  2. Scroll down. "International Certificate" is bottom left of the screen.
  3. I've edited the topic title for clarity see above posts.
  4. You would need a controller matched to the pump voltage/current. Is there a visible manufacturer / model number on the controller? Can you post a photo of the controller terminals / labels? We should be able to come up with some simple electronics to control the pump even if you can't get a DC pressure switch (at low energy levels a regular AC switch will be fine).
  5. Try Lazada search for "gas spring strut". You'll have to hunt out one of the correct length with the right fittings.
  6. "Here kitty, kitty!!" (Brucie fans of a certain age would understand). Meanwhile it's great he has a tracker. If he's finally taken home I just hope the government doesn't use the success to revive the idea that's what's good for wildlife is good for even lower forms of life (foreigners).
  7. Yeah, it looks like he has plenty of slack in the incoming supply to add another box with the new gubbins in ????
  8. Yes of course, and using a DIN system opens up the possibility of using lower-cost surge supression too. Choose your new distribution board wisely to take account of any future updates such as adding solar or a standby generator. Crossy Mission Control has, shall we say, "evolved" over the years and is a bit of a mish-mash. if I was doing it again from scratch I'd do it rather differently.
  9. Yeah ^^^, there is a reason fitted carpets are not popular in the tropics. They are a magnet for the local wildlife which once it's taken up residence is a nightmare to evict. Movable rugs can be placed outside in the sunshine which is very effective disinfectant / creature killer.
  10. We have at least one member who is mining in CM, hope it's not his rig. Just a quick sum, there's 40 or so miners in the photo, at say 1,000W each that's close on 200A at 220V even without considering cooling! From the linked article (Google Translated):- Quelle surprise!
  11. Yes, you can get a check for 100 Baht at any branch of the NCB (National Credit Bureau).
  12. @pe747 your problem is that you have a "plug-in" type distribution board, the units you link to are DIN mount, sadly they fitteth not ????
  13. You need to log in using the same ID number you used on the old version to get back your stored data. The new version is actually a lot better than before although it took me a few attempts to get it going on BlueStacks it worked first time on my phone.
  14. Who is your current ISP? What reasons have been given for not being able to change? Are you in a house or a condo? Location? A wired solution would normally be rather better than using your phone, we get unlimited 1Gbs fibre download for 749 Baht (ToT).
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2007/oct/03/uknews4.mainsection From the link:- When a noxious cloud sent shoppers running in panic on the streets of London, emergency services feared the capital was under chemical attack. Wearing specialist breathing equipment, fire crews sealed off the area in Soho on Monday afternoon and began a three-hour hunt to find the source of the eye-watering stench while a hazardous area response team stood by, fearing the worst. Three streets were closed and people evacuated from the area as the search was carried out. After locating the source at about 7pm, emergency crews smashed their way into the Thai Cottage restaurant in D'Arblay Street only to emerge with a 9lb pot of smouldering dried chillies.
  16. It would indeed. Sadly, no it's not our place my workshop is a more modest 4m x 5m room, it does have a window and turns out to be the coolest room in the house (I wonder if it was designed that way ) due to none of the walls ever getting direct sunlight. Computers are located in more friendly parts of the house.
  17. If your balcony is covered and your location sufficiently sheltered that you don't get significant blown rain then why not? Although I'm not sure I would want the electrical stuff quite as near to the outside elements as in the posted photo. You could install roller or Roman blinds with guide-wires to limit rain and wind if necessary. Like these:-
  18. A troll / flame / antagonistic post has been removed. Let's keep it civil people, my finger is itching over the "Holiday" button.
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