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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Possibly not, our jinjoks will go after the red dot thinking it's edible.
  2. She has her slave then 🙂 We feed "ours" in the evening, fresh water and a couple of tablespoons of dry cat food. She also has somewhere sheltered to sleep. Not really a social cat but she does sometimes hang out under my desk crunching up a nice juicy rat 🙂
  3. Adding a different tack, would there be any mileage in leasing/renting the space occupied by the house/village office to the current occupant?
  4. High at Pathum, well down on yesterday 🙂 But, what's on its way to us from up-north?
  5. If you can point the beam at their roost, I see no reason why it wouldn't work. We are owned by a cat but the beasties are well out of her reach, actual rats however are a different kettle of fish 🙂
  6. To answer our OP, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's hardly delaying me going out into the heat. It also means I can interact, even if briefly, with a pretty lady. There was a similar post a while back questioning the practice. One member noted that the checker had found that the chuckout lady had double scanned an item so he was charged for two and only had one. Error corrected at Customer Service. I must admit that the check seems so cursory that I can't really imagine them finding anything unless you have a TV in there that's not on the receipt (or one on the receipt that isn't in the basket).
  7. Hmmm. I see it still in General and nothing in the moderation log. This topic is closed as a discussion of moderation.
  8. View this quiz 11 October - Weekly Featured Quiz - General Knowledge Still nobody with a Full-House. This week it could be you! Submitter Crossy Type One Right Answer Time 5 minutes Total Questions 10 Category Weekly Featured Quiz Submitted 10/09/2024  
    • One Right Answer
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    • 10 Questions
    • 33 Players
    Still nobody with a Full-House. This week it could be you!
  9. Not heard about the hippo-channel but ... There was certainly one for the baby panda a few years back. The world's most boring TV as it spent 99% of the time asleep, they could have used a still image and nobody would have noticed.
  10. WARNING Lasers of the type indicated here can cause permanent eye damage. Common sense is required and no pointing at aircraft (they are not big silver birds), people or pets. Use the regular red pointers to amuse/annoy the cat. Anyway. A few weeks back Madam was moaning to the builder's merchant that pigeons roosting on our gable-end are, er, depositing on the patio roof which now has solar panels which really don't like pigeon poop. He told her to use a laser pointer! Hmm. A bit of research showed that laser bird scarers really are a thing. Apparently, the birds perceive the beam as a solid object and avoid it, no actual contact with the creatures and certainly not in their eyes, that would be unethical (even with pigeons). Green is the colour of choice for birds. Commercial units are not exactly low-cost of course so it was time to do some shopping. I ordered the most powerful, green "laser pointer" I spotted on Lazada. "3W" it says unlike your normal pointer of about 3mW!! https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i265013902-s411903063.html The beast that arrived would not look out of place in the hands of Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi or Yoda!! Apparently green lightsabers are wielded by Jedi warriors. It does come with diffusers to make pretty patterns, these are still in their plastic bag Charged the supplied 18640 Li-Ion battery on the supplied charger, time to test. I checked the input power and I reckon the laser is nearer to 2W but so what! It works like a charm, the birds see the beam coming and scatter, no need to actually hit them so no smell of barbecued pigeon. Walk around the house aiming towards the beasts a couple of times and they don't come back. After a week of use at dusk when they are seeking somewhere to roost, we are now down to one or two each evening, Madam encourages them to leave (she's evidently got an evil streak). It works at long range (commercial units of similar power claim several km), aimed at the next house over (100m or so) and their pigeons scattered too.
  11. Meanwhile in the 21st century ... My UK private pension provider use an App very originally called MyPensionID. They send an email with a unique identifier, fire up the app, take a photo of your passport ID page (it reads the data) then take a selfie video (you need to blink). A few seconds later it goes "ping", all done. A further email arrives confirming your confirmation. There is also a snail-mail option for those who are smartphone challenged.
  12. Looks good to me 🙂 Avoids crimping if you don't have a crimp-tool.
  13. They certainly work with pigeons! Green is the best colour for birds.
  14. You need bi-metal cable splices https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004389997423.html
  15. Does the outdoor unit start and stop (conventional) or vary speed continuously (inverter) once the room is down to the set temperature? Do note that inverter compressors do have a minimum speed below which they stop, so if the cooling load is small for the unit size you'll see it cycling.
  16. It's actually a sandbag replacement system. We get free sandbags from the local government due to our location (wrong side of the flood defences) but they come as a kit, a truck load of sand and a roll of bags. Guess who ends up filling the bags?? Once rendered and painted it will look ok, add large (opening) windows on top and madam will be happy. I've already planned for more solar to run the A/C 🙂
  17. Today's high tide. We've gone up somewhat since yesterday, but overall, the current river flow seems manageable. Nobody in the village is actually worried yet! Big tides on Oct 18th to 22nd. Meanwhile. Phase-1 of the permanent flood defences is complete. It's actually part of Madam's Grand-Plan to enclose and A/C our downstairs living area, but there's 9mm re-bar vertically into the floor slab and horizontally into the columns. There will also be a second wall inside making it a double wall which will make the top wide enough for guests to sit on.
  18. Pressing the "Test" button of course 🙂 A few (not many) years back I required a supplier to insulation test newly delivered equipment (it was in their Delivery Spec. for flips sake). They turned up with a genuine hand-crank Megger!! It would have been ok but it was out of calibration (by 5 years). EDIT To prove I'm pure evil (as many members already know). A favourite trick in a previous life (when I was actually allowed to touch electronics) was to charge up small ceramic capacitors using the megger, then leave them strategically "lying around" in the electronics lab just waiting for an apprentice to pick them up. They kept enough charge for a serious "nip" for several hours!! Amazingly, you can still buy them.
  19. In order to trace leakage to ground you need an insulation-tester (or "Megger"). They do tend to be a one-trick pony and the cheapest I've found is by "Aneng". https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mh12mh13-i5128983639-s21648925185.html?
  20. 8A is a couple of kW going somewhere! If nothing else it's costing you $$$ and something will be getting warm. Does your meter actually read zero when there's nothing in the clamp? Have the neighbours tied in somewhere? I note that the stand-alone RCBO is only 15mA, replacing it with a 30mA may solve the tripping issue without compromising safety.
  21. High tide at Muang Pathum Thani, looking stable. Let's hope it continues that way.
  22. I'm sure the fittings here (even "premium" brands) are made of some sort of water-soluble metal. The ruddy things seem to just dissolve from the inside leaving a paper-thin structure that crinkles up like aluminium foil at the slightest stress.
  23. And these often also have a minimum of 100 (blue sign) in the outside lane 🙂

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