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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Some do tend to verbose for the sake of it (The Blether comes to mind). These guys are likely lonely. But sometimes it is needed if a topic requires it, such as visa, medical or electrical. This is a forum, not Twitter, or X or whatever.
  2. Again! 🙄 Put some more gates with walkways in while you’re at and ditch the ground level ones so people don’t have to be bussed to their plane. Buses-to-planes is so 1980!
  3. His apparent displays of shock, horror and concern are all for the media. He couldn’t give a flying one.
  4. Lol mixing with all the quality players. Surprised title didn’t read, ‘Thailand, the hub of all fronts’. 😋
  5. The only tried and tested sleep aid I’ve found works wonders is a hard day’s work. 🙂 Diet (not eating too late) and hydration are obviously pretty important to get right first, as is exercise and a comfy bed. I also need my bedroom really dark and free of noise. 28-29 degrees works well for me, no fan on face or you can get really dry when catching flies. Anything too far below the above temp and I start to find it uncomfy, although sleep really well with cool temps back home. Using phone or watching movies right before bed also seems to lead to rubbishy nights’ sleep. I’ve tried it all in the past—magnesium, melatonin, antihistamines, sleeping pills, weed—all hit and miss. Amitriptyline (old gen antidepressant, also good for sleep) seem to work well on occasion, but can get some strange dreams… probably where alcohol is mixed in.
  6. Here we go! Thailand, I love you dearly, but for the sake of your reputation and mental health, I do wish you would drop this OTT self-absorbed centre of the universe hub twaddle. It gets old.
  7. Possibly, so stop children getting their hands on it with effective law enforcement, not ban it for all. Get the police to do their job! Poor schooling and filthy air through burning has far more detrimental effects on children. Regardless, banning it WILL NOT STOP kids getting they’re hands on it. I haven’t smoked for months, but choice is nice to have. Regressive dinosaurs, like in my own country. The only effective hub Thailand is is the hub of flip flops.
  8. What a poorly written, bias article. The author is clearly left and of that persuasion. I wouldn't blame people for leaving Canada. Trudeau and is clan are doing their utmost to wreck that great country. It is sad to see. A lot of Canadians are seeking refuge elsewhere purely because of the detrimental actions of that weak, misguided virtue-signalling leader.
  9. Good. Not a nice person. Britain has been a soft touch for too long, overlooking its own people for the good of the few. There are enough problems there already without adding little shyster terrorists like her back into the fold. Of course, the misguided Left (usually) will plead for her citizenship.
  10. Didn't read replies, but personally think Thailand is one of the safest places. Never really been threatened (bar my own d'head people) or pick pocketed. Went to Cambodia once and was pick pocketed on the very first day! I would not not lock my house in the UK, whereas it wouldn't bother me here. On world crises, we have been on the brink since not long after WWII, but for some reason continue to allow complete and utter pissants like Putin and Xi to gain power and threaten us all. It keeps happening. This is why you don't see civilisations across the galaxy. They kill themselves. Post WWII, Russia and China should have been flattened and subdued like Japan and Germany were. Plans were drawn up. But I agree, without nukes (horrible though they are), we'd probably be gone already. The threat of complete annihilation has prevented us from wiping ourselves out. On Putin again, though, the other Russian powers that be think he's a bit of a wimp and if they had their way would have chucked a tactical nuke on Ukraine long ago.
  11. Yep, that is typical tinfoil hat boomer tat. These guys struggle with emails and attachments, too. So funny. Don't worry about metadata, it is there for servers to identify data and work more smoothly, not to track the GammaGlobulators of this world with their dodgy weed pictures. Stroll on.
  12. ^^^ GG (in one incantation or another) does that. He'll be musing on naughty strawberries, or some other irrelevant thing, tomorrow.
  13. Oh ok, perhaps an issue with your device (have you updated lately?) or a setting has been inadvertently adjusted. Owned iPhones for years and have found them to be real twitchy with connectivity and stuff like this. / just seen your reply. always reset first, then try again. they get clogged up with cached media and refreshing tat etc. //
  14. Sounds like a load of old b'llox or maybe a kiwi thing. Thailand would shoot itself in the foot if it started charging proper money for visas, while Vietnam would clean up. I mean, they've just been giving them away to the Chinese.
  15. Heard that before! Your mom might do so, but do you think the Royal Thai Police will believe that little nugget? 😂
  16. Reread it. They said they would be happy to pay. Management are being typical in turning this down because it is the easy option and they will not lose face. If they entertain the topic and thus show their ignorance in not understating correctly, they will lose face which as we all know is very important here. I would get a Thai to negotiate with them on your behalf and offer to pay for the socket and for the electric. If they will not budge, sell up and tell them to go and do one (in a polite manner). More condos here will need to conform as this is the way the world is going.
  17. Don't know what to believe here, but there is usually payback when medicines are ingested, while immunisations generally require years and years of development and testing. All I know is that within weeks of getting vaccinated, I had terrible arthritic-like issues with my thumbs. Very painful. The docs were almost too quick to deny any sort of correlation with these jabs. I wish I never felt obliged to have them. Mmm.
  18. UK, US currencies collapsing? What a load of old conspiracist internet drivel. If anything, Thailand and China will go to pieces first... what is the former's economy based on, what do they make, and the latter has chanced its arm for too long and is pretty much teetering as we speak. The exchange rate will likely hover as it has been, and yes, don't forget that UK banks are paying around 5 or 6%. What are Thai banks paying?
  19. Awesome post, Sheryl. I can feel your frustration . If I were in your area, I'd shoot around as you have helped people with your medical knowledge no end on this site. Many areas in Thailand suffer from over voltage and low voltage 'brownouts', both of which can play havoc with sensitive systems and LEDs from China etc. The still-excited gases in fluorescent tubes will naturally glow for a time when powered down, but if they are always 'on', you likely have a trickle coming over the switch or a neutral issue. This is not 'normal'. Regards amperage, he is indeed getting confused with wattage -- 1kw is around 4A at 240V, so 9kw is about 36A. A water heater drawing only 9A would be of no use to woman nor beast. One also cannot measure amperage in parallel as one would voltage. The zubs have to pass through the meter 'inline' (shifting the leads to a different circuit), or via an amp clamp, and not all meters will take on high amperage as they require special meaty components, so he is probably telling porkies there too. If someone didn't answer, the knob on the right is for zeroing the needle on ohms when measuring resistance to get tighter readings. You don't need to mess with that. A real electrician will have done an apprenticeship over several years, while these handymen types have just picked stuff up. Very dangerous. There are some very competent Thai electricians, however, to which I have had the pleasure working alongside offshore. You wouldn't, of course, get that kind of calibre fixing lights. Hope you got it all fixed. 😉
  20. Yeah, don't bother with standard Thai post. A complete waste of time. It is about as much use as t*ts on a kipper! Utterly horrendously slow and rip-off service. I can just picture a little bloke rowing across the ocean with a bagful of letters. Recently returned same weight document back to the UK (cost around £1 to send here) and paid something like 260 baht to return it (6 times the price!), standard, and they were talking two or three weeks. EMS was upwards of 1,000 baht! It is insane. I mean, what the actual F! I don't like to put down Thais, but their international postal service is a proper cluster F. Go with DHL. They know what they're doing. When renewing UK passport here, not sure if they use DHL, but the courier service part of the process is really quick.
  21. Yes, you can do that (the standard 30-day visa exempt on arrival) and then change it to an o visa at immigration, then extend 3 moths later based on retirement. Think it's form TM 87, 2000 baht. However, they can be funny with doing that nowadays (depending where you apply), so I would advise to either get back early and do your extension, or pick yourself an o visa outside Thailand.
  22. I wouldn’t let it get to you too much. What the despicable individuals that run this place do is no reflection on the people of this fair land. They will suck up to the China/Russia axis for their own gain no end. Our own leaders also do crappy, crafty deals. Thoughts and deeds won’t change anything. Just close your ears, don’t read too much Thaivisa and enjoy your time. 😉
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