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Everything posted by LALes

  1. As the French say, "plus ca change, plus ca meme chose."
  2. Dollar dropped 50 satang an hour ago but recovered a lot of it.
  3. LALes

    Thai beef

    I spent many years in some top U.S. steakhouses and I can tell you that U.S. beef will only be outdone by true Japanese Wagyu, not some clown sticking a Wagyu label on his local steaks. That said, Aussie beef comes in a distant second or third (depending on the quality of Argentine you can get). Thai beef doesn't even register on the scale. And the much hyped Thai-French blend is hardly better than average Thai. Do yourself a favor and steer (ha!) clear.
  4. Damn, same age as me. Why do we keep losing all the good ones? He seemed like a selfless individual who's main aim was helping people. I was one of the countless to benefit from his knowledge. RIP, Joe.
  5. When I wandered in there 2 weeks ago for a look, I asked to see a menu and he gave me a tablet with pictures on it and Chinese writing. I asked him about english and he seemed a little surprised. I'm not sure they really anticipated an English-speaking clientele.
  6. Talked to the Chinese guy who runs the place a week or so ago. They were in soft opening. I didn't eat there yet. He and his staff are all from Xian. What that means as far as what type of Chinese cuisine they serve is open to conjecture. If this damn smog would lift, I'd head over there and try it.
  7. In BKK, Siam Kempinski, behind Paragon, has an excellent cigar lounge with everything well cared for. They have a second venue at the Kempinski on Lang Suan with live jazz next door. You can't go wrong at the the Oriental, by the river, either. I assume, by your requirements, that you won't be frightened by their price point.
  8. When I look in the mirror, I think, "that can't be accurate." So much for attracting the superstars of 20 years ago. Old Father Time. He will humble the best of us.
  9. All right! We got some new ethnic groups to hate on.
  10. I miss the Panasonic portable shavers. I should have bought the last 4 I saw in Robinson, Soi 19 a few years back. I bought only one. 2 shavers in 15 years. I like that kind of longevity. Seems like Panasonic has drastically reduced their footprint in Thailand.
  11. Six of one, half dozen of another. Pick yer poison. They love him in Isaan because he at least recognized their existence. Sad state of affairs when that's all you got to hang your hat on.
  12. Don't be deterred. Go back there. Its the best pizza in Pattaya, maybe the best in Thailand. Real deal pizza from a real deal New Yorker. The only competition is Soho in Bangkok.
  13. Vinyl outsold CD for the first time since 1987. Still, I have hundreds of classic rock and jazz CDs and I would never part with them. Don't need no streaming service.
  14. Poorly written headline made it sound like a 20 year sentence.
  15. I renewed at Jomtien with 800k split between baht and dollar accounts, both from Bangkok Bank. Not a problem.
  16. You mean they couldn't just transfer him to an inactive post?
  17. And the only reason I ordered COD was to be able to check the package when it arrived to make sure it was what I ordered. However, the courier wouldn't let me open the package. It was wrapped with Lazada tape in a Lazada box so I figured it was OK. It was not. Lesson learned. Don't accept any COD package without first checking to see if Lazada says it was shipped.
  18. Here we go again. Same old arguments and same old proposed solutions. The alcoholic crowd can't see anything past their own noses. Public safety is only a small part of the problem. Disturbing the peace is the larger issue which no one wants to address. Open air bars blasting loud music all night with screaming drunks in residential neighborhoods is a real problem that will only get worse with a 4 am closing time. The fact that Anutin has left the door open is an open invitation to more bribery and no enforcement of what defines a "tourist area". Can't we just squash this proposal once and for all?
  19. Sitting here in BKK, I felt the change as soon as the calendar turned to February. Cool season is over. Days and nights are warmer and more humid...the impending hot season looming. Yes, I believe its gonna be a MFer of a hot season this year.
  20. Casa Fiesta was my favorite brand for refried and sliced jalapenos. Neither one in stock for months at Villa.
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