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Everything posted by seajae

  1. once again we see the rich and well to do getting away being arrogant bastar&s and the police doing nothing about it, loss if licence a huge fine and even crushing the car should all be on the table for what this animal did, they risked someone elses life to get their jollies and show their arrogance. Typical Thailand really, these rich/well to do idiots can kill people and the police just lie down or should I say bend over for them, shows again how pathetic thai police really are
  2. how many times do we see bike riders flying down near the inside of the left lane between cars/trucks and the footpath/gutter because they dont want to slow down. The amount of times I would have had the car door torn off or my arm damaged by a bike rider if I hadnt checked first is staggering, they simply dont care or think about it, they see a space and just go for it, a turning car/truck just doesnt stop them trying to get through before they block the space. Speed and not wanting to stop for anyone else is the problem, the lack of thinking at times also doesnt help, I have even had bike riders on my left hand side try to do a uturn/right turn across the front of my car while I am moving forwards at traffic lights, they just think they can do as they please and everyone else will stop for them
  3. Is anyone else getting hundreds of emails from [email protected] and 126.com, this morning I had over a hundred emails from these email addresses in 2 of my email folders, it is chinese based spam and apparently it happens to other email users a lot. The only english is the email address, everything else is chinese scratchings, I have adjusted my allowed emails with my servers so hopefully it will not happen again but wondered if others have also been targeted
  4. days have been definitely hotter than usual, also all the unseasonal rain storms do not help either, by this time of the year our dam is usually almost dry but this year it is virtually overflowing and has been for weeks. Just 30 minutes outside and I am soaking wet, never happened before this year, the usual weather patterns appear to have changed a lot, making it hard to plan ahead with the trees and what we normally do in the dry season
  5. started posting originally when I was looking at coming over & trying to find out more about living here, then when I did move here I found some of the posts pretty informative (especially immigration & laws) and others a good laugh. These days the same thing applies but it also gives me a chance to vent any frustrations at some of the things that happen here a lot plus help others when I am able to, still lots of laughs though and still some good advice when needed, it also gives me something to do when having my morning coffee, really have to thank many of the members for making it an enjoyable way to fill in some time
  6. being called a farang doesnt bother me at all but the way it is said by some can be very agressive and demeaning, its all in the way it is used, not the word itself
  7. really have to wonjder how stupid people are to travel during covid when they know that if they test positive they will be isolated, the fault lies fully with them for their total ignorance of the possibilities. I know a person that decided to travel to several countries during the same period as this and ended up in Cuba where she tested positive for covid, she then started to whinge about it when she was the one that ignored the fact that covid was more prevalent in third world countries. Only total drop kicks would even think about travelling to other countries that have the testing etc like Thailand during a pandemic then having a whinge when they were found to have covid, should have thought more about it before travelling
  8. I tried to change my yelllow book form our other house to the new one after immigration queried why my current address was different to the yellow book, while the current yellow book office said no problems they would cancel it the local office where we live now said they would not issue one to me at all and to maintain the current yellow book for the other address, as with everything else in govt offics it all depneds on the local officers as to what they consider the regulations to be
  9. a big part of the brown outs is due to the electricity companies attempt to save as much money as possible by not having as many transformers as they should. We complained to them that we were constantly losing power, they did nothing, I went looking for the closest transformer, none within 1 klm yet there are 6 houses within 200 meters of us with another 20 or so a bit further away, when we asked why there was no transformer close by they said if we wanted one we had to pay for it ourselves then all the other houses would benefit as well but not have to pay, only us. Unfortunately this is how it works here, its all about profits, the less you have to spend on equipment and maintenance the more profit you make, until us and a few neighbors built our houses here the wires to our area were slung through tree branches, we had to pay for them to errect power poles
  10. also doesnt help when the bikes/side cars do not have tail lights, the police really need to come down hard on the BS lack of tailights by bikes as it is almost impossible to see them on dark roads at night especally when the riders are dressed in dark clothes. The car may well have been speeding but no tail lights on the bike would be a big part of the crash as well and where abouts on the road was the bike for the car to hit the side car, would have had to be in the middle of the road maybe the bike rider was off their face as well or clowing around
  11. would love to see them do a crack down on all the unroadworthy cars/trucks/bikes on the road not just the exhaust systems, I have seen pick ups with the sides tied together because they are rusted out and no longer attached to the beds, when they do any turn at all the sides swing out away from the bed. That many unroadworthy vehicles on the road that just makes it all the more dangerous especially combined with the way many thai drivers/riders think/drive, they need to do more than just check exhausts but that would require the police to actually do what they are paid for
  12. I updated about 2 months ago, it works well but is not quite as user friendly and a bit harder to do/find things when you first use it. You will need to alter the menu so programs you use often are listed, you will also have to get rid of all the garbage programs they automatically add to it, they have made it harder to utilize some programs, downloading multiple pics from a camera is no longer straight forward and you have to search to find/change some items that were easily accessed in 10, Over all it runs well and if they fix up some of the issues using programs etc it should be pretty good but they havent had a decent windows since xp, that was a great program. You dont lose any programs/files etc on the change over but you do need to tweak a few afterwards, all up it was easy to upgrade
  13. yesterday an overseas payment was taken from my account and I have a few that come out regularly, where did this info come from as it appears to not be the case if payments are still being taken from my Bangkok bank account
  14. the mere fact that these people have any illegal land should be enough to charge them all, there is no excuse for doing illegal acts especially when you are part of the govt. Again we see thai law covering up for certain people, shows just how pathetic thai law/courts/justices really are, law will never be applied equally in Thailand, its all a matter of your family name, your wealth and your circle of friends/aquaintences, the law has no part in it.
  15. its been very hot here in Surat Thani on many days, we just stay inside with he air con running, 5 minutes outside and your clothes are drenched in sweat. The biggest problem we are having is all the rain, generally this time of the year with the dry we can do work on our trees but with all the rain its been impossible, we have even had a few days where we have seen water levels get way too high and flooding has occured throughout the district, hopefully the wet season will not have much more major flooding.
  16. we bought a nissan navara calibre sportech 4 door (not 4 wheel drive) 3 years ago, it enables us to do all the necessary work around our land etc as well as being an extremely comfortable car to drive on long road trips. We didnt need a 4wd nor did I want one, this car is perfect for what we wanted, nissan are very reliable, in fact we have just replaced the wifes toyota work truck with another nissan 2 door truck. Our calibre is very reliable, enough room in the carry tray for everything we need to do at our land, interior is very comfortable, it is really great to drive and looks pretty good as well, the wifes toyota hilux was a top of the range model and the nissan is a lot better comfort and driving wise.
  17. anyone that tries to sexualize/influence young children to their own way of thinking needs to be charged and put away, young children should never be influenced into making sexual decisions when their mental capacity is not mature enough to do so. Telling these children to then not let their parents know what the teachers are doing shows the teachers are well aware what they are doing is not right, they are simply pushing their own sexual preferences onto these kids for their own gratification with no thought to the well being of the children themselves. Being gay is a personal choice, when kids are mature enough they know what they want, same with gender disphoria, pushing these things on to young minds that are not capable of understanding it all is simply wrong but with the woke brigade taking over we are seeing just how far the extreme left can push to get their own way with no regard for anyone that does not think like them even though they are in the minority, democrats have a lot to answer for. The only ones approving of them doing this to kids in most cases have no kids of their own or put their own personal sexual satisfaction above that of children or anyone else. I am fast losing all the regard I have had over many years for the gay community pushing this garbage, all the gay people I have known over many years would never have approved of this, they had morals and would never try to interfere with children or the way they thought, shows just how demented the ones aproving of this really are
  18. china want Thailand more in debt so they can take over the country and do with it as they please, same as in other countries they have done this too
  19. mate, we built another house on the other side of town on our land that is one level and small, makes a big difference to the 2 story house, no stairs is a life saver, the daughter has the big house
  20. what also doesnt help is when trucks park so that they are sticking out on the road(have seen then taking up half the lane) or in areas with no lighting, the ones that hit them are at fault but the way the trucks are parked doesnt help and would be illegal in most countries
  21. thai ministers/govt like people/countries that kiss ar*e and will hand over big envelopes/cake boxes, something china has no problems doing but the west are more reluctant to do so, has nothing to do with arrogance. This can be seen with everything the govt ministers do, nothing gets done here unless someone is getting a nice pay packet from the ones wanting to do it, this applies to all govt contracts etc, Thailand thrives on graft and corruption and china specializes in it
  22. in western countries maybe but here it is a huge risk, our other house had to have all the ceilings replaced because white ants ate the dry wall between the paper covering and it all collapsed, , there is no way I would use it on the walls as it is just asking for trouble. Ceilings were not hard to replace, walls would be a major job if white ants got into them
  23. make sure if through the mail it is not in a bank branded envelope as it will go missing, I had 2 taken by the postal staff before getting the next one sent in a plain packaging with a piece of cardboard on either side of the card so they couldnt feel it, even the manager at the local post office admitted the staff will take them if they know its a card, express registered post is the way I get them now.
  24. with the things the current govt is doing he probably is starting to look good again for many that were against him but he is a convicted criminal and as mentioned above has more charges against him if he ever returns sp it does make it hard to believe. Trouble is with thai politicians they simply cannot be trusted in most cases, lying is in their dna, telling the truth is simply something they refuse to do, when we finally see a politician that starts being honest with the people they are attacked by the govt, especially when they know they are becoming popular and are a threat to them staying in power. While I do not like thaksin I think anyone that can remove th current govt from power to stop all th BS going on may well be a good thing, at least then we may see an end to the forced rule and stacking of the parliament
  25. all the ones I have been to are supposed to fine you if you leave a heap of un eaten food but none have as yet, while some shops do have below par food we usually just take small amounts first to check out the quality, you see many thais piling up plates of food then just leaving it when they realize it isnt that good. A lot of the problem is many of them dont want to have to keep walking back to get more, its the same reason they double park in front of shops etc, they do not like walking any further than they have to. The other reason is that often when something is nice it dissapears very quickly and you have to wait for a long time for it to be re supplied if at all, while we enjoy some of these shops you have to be picky with them, you quite often see them closed down when they do not have reasonable quality food too, it can be very cut throat depending on costs and budgets when they try to use low quality to make more profit while keeping prices as low as possible
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