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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. Im in Bkk now and visited a high class hospital requesting to have the Mpox jab. Dr asked why I wanted it. I said bc I live in Pattaya and Im active there Is anyone else concerned about this new virus. I think its going to be worse than chinese covid virus. thanks
  2. My tree planting knowledge is minimal and thus asking for help here We want to plant Ashoka trees to get privacy on our land. The last photo shows how high they can grow. We dont want gaps like that though but want full coverage A plant shop offered to sell us 3m high Ashoka 450 baht each (top photo). In the middle photo are waste height (middle photo) Am I better to plant the small ones or the 3m high ones? I can see they have support poles for the 3m ones. I was thinking myself what would happen during a huge storm. I think planting the smaller ones there will be no issues like that but I have to wait much longer for them to grow high. What would you advise. We want to block out the neighbours sooner rather than later thanks
  3. yes but sometimes it does have issues. If any error messages a trip back to the branch fixes it. They are all very helpful to me.
  4. why dont you tell us what you really think of him. haha. Well said by the way.
  5. old dinosaur who feels so important and powerful. she should have slapped him in the face
  6. Deport the Swiss kicker please
  7. You are thinking like a westerner. This is Thailand. Thais dont pay their taxes... go figure that one out.
  8. Very dumb to leave your doors open. Why would you take that risk. The thai guy that helped me find the snake guy in the photo lives near our land. Drove past today and his front door is open. He leaves it open all the time. Tried to tell him but to no avail.
  9. So the guy who removed the snake from my yard is wrong is he? He said no antivenom in 60min and you die. Come on mate. You dont know what you are talking about. Dont type these messages from your bar stool in pattaya.
  10. Duh, please read the 2nd info in the photo. Where is mentions 'fatal'
  11. We have land in semi rural area. Tree's and rice fields around. Small canals with water nearby. Last week I folded an old vinal sign and put it on top of our concrete boundary wall. 2 nights ago we had a huge storm and it was blown off the wall into our carport area. I asked a friend to help me fold it back up and saw the snake right where my friend was standing- it was under the vinal sign that she lifted up. Called the local snake guy who said if bitten by this species, one would die within 60 minutes with no anti-venom. His advice was 1. Everyone living in rural area's should own a snake book like the one I showed him 2. If bitten try to get a photo of the snake or find it in the book 3. Go to the nearest public hospital- not a private hospital. They have all the anti-venoms 4. This time of year clean up all outside living areas. Snakes are looking for homes out of the rain. 5. If one doesnt have a camera kill the snake and take it in a bag to the hospital for identification. The following day watch yourself being ridiculed by the Thai tabloid news stations. It happened a year or 2 ago in Isan. cheers
  12. Moved 500km away. Best decision ever. Brothers banned from visiting. Parents come sometime
  13. Actually last year they renewed my blue card. It expired last month. But as stated above Im not on my our businesses SS. Im still paying every month automatic debit. Unsure about your last sentence. thanks
  14. I have accounts in numerous Thai banks. I recently opened up a account with UOB. The lass told me that I can use my card at any bank at any location in Thailand and no fees. Also can use the card in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore no fees. UOB recently bought out Citibank and both cards are in the app. Pink bank GSB would be my 2nd choice. All funds are govt' guaranteed. 1 million limit on all other Thai banks. I think Pink bank is a solid choice for all farang living here. Whats your fav bank?
  15. I suspect that you are married to a high sot Thai lady and that you spend a lot of time shopping in Siam Paragon. Is this correct?
  16. I suspect by the tone of your response that you are a sensitive person with a large ego. Do you react this way when someone in your daily life doesnt agree with you. If you have limited knowledge about any subject maybe you should refrain from responding Many westerners have a WP without having a company structure. In fact I recently read a comment on another forum about a guy in Chang mai who is in this situation and he just submitted docs to apply for thai citizenship. Please think before your fingers touch the keyboard. Or maybe you should not think too much. This advice is for free.
  17. Hi, I read your comment with interest and wanted to know if you can look at page 2 of this post Luuk Chaai comment. Does his photo look like a safe set up? We have a building rented. Our tenants run a restaurant. They have a kitchen with a line of cookers under the cook top area. I would like to get a photo to show you actually. If one of the pipes leaks during the cooking process I assume there could be an explosion? Every morning they raise the metal gate of the kitchen and fresh air flows in. So if, for example, they forget to turn off a gas valve overnight, then one would hope that after raising the large metal gate that will be less of a problem? We dont know if we should continue renting to them actually. Its a high risk tenant. Should rent to a motorcycle shop or a furniture store.... thanks for your opinion on this
  18. Renters can get insurance to cover this. But also ask for 3rd party ie if the explosion in your rented house then damages the next door neighbour. A good broker can sort you out with this. We rent a building and our tenants have a restaurant. We pay half each for insurances
  19. Its not good feedback. What he said if factually incorrect.
  20. Incorrect. I have a blue card and I pay SSO on my own 432 a month. And we do not have a company structure. We operate our business via my wifes name. I also have a pink card. Both numbers are different to each other. And I have a Work permit. I think I should not bother renewing my blue card. It doesnt really matter. I can rock up to the hospital anytime and just give my HN number for the hospital that Im registered to. I must keep sufficient funds in the account for the next 25 yrs.
  21. Holy crap. what a shocker. I will never leave my shoes on the ground in my carport again
  22. This morning I had a friendly scorpion walk past my shoes. I live in semi rural area with small plot of land. My wife says I can die from being bitten by it. I thought it was akin to being stung by a bee. Do hospitals have anti-venom for this? Nevertheless I will start putting my shoes on a chair from now on.
  23. In my situation as described in my post above, I think I should not do anything. Just keep paying under the private scheme of SS. Not pay via my wifes business. Whats the point of changing it? I have huge salary and would therefore be forced to report a false (lower) base salary per month. Theres no way I could report my huge salary. The SS premium would be massive. Complete waste of money
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