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Everything posted by JAS21

  1. If MEA change my meter to no export…that would be a good way for me to go as I only have a 5kWh battery. Look forward to comments
  2. When we left home yesterday, for a few day golfing etc … we were on 51 units from MEA. He will read our meter this morning so don’t expect it to have changed. Running all the month on no export. Only one light and Fridge/Freezer running last night … battery down to about 65%…We were away at Xmas and it’s been cool so that probably explains the low MEA reading
  3. Have used RACHVIP MRI CENTER 8-10K and 2K+ for contrast inc report… used for spine and shoulder in my case.
  4. My wife and I have both a joint current account and a joint savings account with RBS. We also both have debit cards on that current account. We also both have internet banking on those accounts. Only problem we encounter is that RBS have stopped posting replacement cards to Thailand. So when they expire I have to change our address to his and they post the cards there. I then freeze the accounts until we receive the cards from him…then change the address back to here.
  5. There is a pinned topic on Roojai … it was hidden for a period but is now viewable … has some useful information. We have also just renewed insurance on our MY15 3.2Ltr Everest T+ with Roojai. Conditions similar to Nanlaw above … value is 790K with 3000Baht deductible Paid 10,900Baht inc compulsory insurance and Roadside Assistance. My wife is noted as main driver with anyone else over thirty years old can drive. We do have front and rear car cam which gets you extra discount. Never had a claim on this vehicle. They have an age limit for named driver. Repairs at Dealer Garage of my choice.
  6. We have 5M on both of our cars …hit a Merc S Class and you will need that …
  7. I used to rally a 1293S…in those days … ‘66…it was considered quite quick …but not by todays standards.
  8. It’s like easyPass except you don’t need to slow down.
  9. You can try Kanya Clinic … the one in Ratchathewi…a guy I know as Pete … speaks english. I can give you his phone number if you PM me…cost is 1000Baht for one hour. I have to say it’s rest …I had a full tear so operation… done at Princess Chulabhorn by Dr Sittan Aimprasitticha 100% successful. It cost me 150,000 … would have been 100K but I wanted it done ASAP as I knew the tendon would shrink. Take my advice don’t let it develope into a full tear as I did. A partial tear is so quick to repair and so is the rehab. And the full tear hurts when it occurs!!!!!!l Yes, as said don’t get it injected as I believe that probably caused mine to fail …it softens the tendon. Lazer is better than ultrasound if you can find somewhere who has it …I had 30 sessions at a gov HOSP
  10. Gunter Ritter ..ECU Thailand or something like that for the remap. Search Facebook for a car club … seems to be clubs for most car models in Thailand
  11. So we played Fleet. Great for the first nine as a couple of navy guys played with us (@scuba got a par on index one???? almost the only one though). Second nine was a disaster as they had finished ... gave up after three or four holes as got lost and too many balls into the water that we didnt know was there ... course OK though. Eastern Star was a nice course, MrsJ said it was hotter than Plutaluang which we actually enjoyed more although fairways were a bit hard, greens fast and many sloping. As we decided, or more correct was decided for me to just play at Plutaluang we looked for and found a resort nearer to the course which had a nice swimming poor. Hideaway Ban Chang is an amazing new resort, absolutely unique and at an attractively price. Any visitor coming to play golf in the area might consider taking a look. Relaxing around the pool and bar, after golf, just the thing. We are back home now but MrsJ wants to go back there later next month .............####
  12. Sorry have only just seen this topic…we had exactly the same problem, developed after several years…Thai plumbers tend to chuck the wax seal away. Took me over one hour to chip away the cement between the toilet and base. I bough the full sealing kit from the toilet manufacture ….somewhere on this forum is the topic on the hassle that I had…maybe 3-4 years ago now.
  13. Thanks guys that info was very useful. We had pre booked X2 Vibe for two nights and it’s actually quite nice. As we left Nonthaburi before 7am … to miss the traffic … we decided to take a look at Plutaluang … it seemed OK, maybe a bit dry and definitely plenty of leaves, quite busy but it is a weekend. Think it was about 1300thb all in weekday. MrsJ asked about playing on 26th,lady said would be very quite as all Falange get drunk on 25th….. Then looked at Grand Satterhip hotel, which is very close to the golf course. would be ok for one night circ 1000thb. No swimming pool though. Then went to Royal Thai Fleet golf course. Liked the idea of playing by the sea as it is cool. Tried, and failed, to get the same price as my wife. But anyway at 300thb weekday and 400thb weekend shouldn’t complain, and no caddie. 500thb to share a buggy for 20 holes. So plan is to go there tomorrow. It will be an experience! Later went to Eastern Star, looks nice and 1550thb all in. Lunch there was also OK. They have accommodation but as a lot of Koreans staying could be a bit risky virus wise. So, at present plan is to stay here more nights. Edit …555 I just noticed then there are two packs of three Durex in a tray with a bottle of Listerine and a couple of masks … that is a first as far as I’m concerned … had the chop when I was in my 30’s anyway…..
  14. Thinking we might go to that area over the Christmas period. Want a nice hotel with room over looking the sea and a swimming pool not too far away from the room. It has been many years since we stayed in that area. Only golf course we know is Plutaluang. So can any local recommend an hotel and/or a golf course. tks
  15. As I said elsewhere this months usage was 75kWhs and running fully on No Export. Our meter was read on the 16th and up to now (21st) we have only imported 4.5kWhs The last few nights have been quite cool and on two of them we didnt use air con. The battery has been close to lasting the night (DOD set at 25%)... last night was an exception as Mrs J decided to spend twenty minutes washing her hair in the shower running at the full 4kWs. Water is a little cool now if you dont use the heater. From midnight until just now ...5pm the inverter software showed that we imported 0.96kWhs and actually exported 0.20kWhs. Not really surprised that the inverter software couldnt keep up with the load changes ... first my coffee at about 6:15am then several other high usages ...breakfast/car charging/two lots of cloths washing at 50DegC/ironing/watering garden ect etc. The anti reflux cut in about 1:30 pm when the battery was full and demand had reduced. Below a snip of the data
  16. I’ve made two transfers from the UK so far this month … same as always…money arrives 14:02/03 Hrs the next day … International Transfer
  17. This month have been fully on No Export Generation/usage 352.kWhs Import from MEA 75kWhs cost 302.thb including 70thb rebate. Total usage 427.15kWhrs Previous months usasge 82-166-246-390-387-448-325 Estimate charged our PHEV 6.2kWh battery 15-20 times. Each time saves about 50thb in gasoline... on the odd occassion have charged/partially charged the car battery from MEA. Will be interesting to know how we manage on No Export when it gets hot. Our Daikin FTKM18WV2S air con units appear to be quite economical. Actually it's an SV in the bedroom.
  18. We have just bought a Lazy Boy sofa and single chairs.. bit expensive but quite nice... About an 8-10 week queue at present so it seems if not in stock. They do two qualities of leather Two places to view .. SB Design square and La-Z-Boy Flagship Gallery
  19. MrsJ and myself left the UK in 2007. Both our UK licences ran out a few years later. We haven’t been back to the UK since leaving … never intend to…don’t see any problem with only having a Thai licence. YMMV
  20. According to a seller on the Merc stand at the Motor Expo just now he said at the next Motor Show ie March 2023…I guess he should know …
  21. Not far off … GF 650. CF 350 if you want a buggy an extra 500 …. The owner has spent a lot of money since he bought it out of the bank maybe 4+ years ago now. Worth a visit if you want to vary your day … the only drawback is that it doesn’t drain quickly so there could be a few damp patches if it has rained the night before …
  22. So we have just had our first full month’s bill, Oct 16th to Nov 15th and the system has been running throughout on ‘No Export’. Battery DOD set to 25%. Generation was 416.91kWh and import from MEA was 82kWh (327.13 Baht). System sometimes imports a small amount when I know that it should not, on one occasion I noticed 750Ws for a short period. I will increase the battery output kW setting just in case that figure is fed into some algorithm or whatever, that tells it to happen … also talk to Sofar for suggestion. We have been very heavy on air con usage, but that was the idea for installing solar. Our cooking facilities are all outside and now we can have the door open and a fan blowing cool air, when cooking etc … makes things somewhat less unpleasant. Won’t know, for at least a year, what the payback might be, but it won’t be just 3-4 years! And of course no idea what will happen with the price of a kWh in the future. We have a PHEV with just a small 6.3kWh battery which, when shopping etc, will do at least 15kms. On gasoline, running around, it will do less than 10km/ltr. So we save about 50 baht whenever… not a lot but better than nothing. At present if the battery is full when solar production ceases, then it will last until 2-3am. I foresee this not being the case when the hot season comes. Out night time load is one 18000btu inverter air con unit, one fridge freezer … rated at 704kWh/year … and one 20.5 watt light bulb. So quite light. When we were away the load was light bulb and Fridge Freezer and twenty four hour usage showed was 3.6kWh … not too far away from expected. We could buy another battery and that would get rid of most of the MEA import. I wouldn’t have to pay as much for one as before … have a friend who speaks Chinese and he could sort for me. So now more happy with the installation.
  23. PDC is normally what causes that bleep bleep bleep sound when reversing and approaching an object … turns to a continuous bleeeeeeep when you get even closer. And of course shows on your graphic amber or red. Also will do same when eg a motorbike gets a bit close to you. Seems doesn’t work when you are towing ….. as your trailer would not have PDC
  24. I see today that it is 1050 Baht after 1 pm. No idea how long for. Also had lunch there, first time for quite a while … must have changed the chef as the food was considerably improved … can even recommend now ……..
  25. Daikin warranty is three years on those units ... not sure if it covers the cause of failurs you had though. But as Crossy suggests it may very well be repairable.
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