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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Too bad the mob didn't get a hold of him. Some street justice would have served him right.
  2. I'm "going off on a tangent" because I point out what these optimizers actually do and recommend stuff that will actually make a difference? Removing junk files and having up-to-date drivers is obviously good, but it's not gonna make a slow computer faster, despite what the developers of these softwares claim. At worst, they'll mess around with the Windows registry and actually cause issues rather than solving them.
  3. What is this basic stuff and why does it make the computer run faster?
  4. The problem is that the "easy stuff" doesn't really do anything to make a slow computer faster. As I wrote, at most they'll improve the boot time and free up a bit of disk space.
  5. "Optimizers" are generally bogus and won't do much besides removing a few MB's of junk files and perhaps make the computer boot faster by disabling some programs that usually start together with Windows (which you can easily do yourself by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Esc, going to the "Startup Apps" tab and disabling software you don't need to start immediately when the computer starts). If you really want it to run faster, take it to a computer shop and let them change the hard disk drive (if your computer has one) to an SSD, and perhaps install additional RAM.
  6. In one breath he makes veiled nuclear threats, in the next, he whines about russophobia. What an absolute clown.
  7. What an immense loss for the expat community in Thailand. A truly great guy with so much knowledge and willingness to share it. He will be greatly missed.
  8. Me thinks there's more to this story than your friend is letting on.
  9. Your friend is talking rubbish. Immigration has no authority or access to freeze anyone's account and the bank certainly don't have any reason to in regard to immigration matters.
  10. Plenty of them will if the minimum salary is raised to 712 baht. Either that or shut down.
  11. Absolutely, and then watch half of all Thai companies go bankrupt or move elsewhere in a few months, leaving millions without jobs.
  12. Says who? Thailand has the death penalty, so they definitely have the right, regardless of what you think.
  13. They should also offer to cut infants' eye lids off, in case they're having trouble keeping their eyes clean.
  14. You asked a question ("Who is talking about 2?") and I answered it. That's it. Don't write "a couple" and then complain about people thinking you mean two, as that is what it means.
  15. You. You are talking about two. A "couple" is two.
  16. I haven't been this outraged since the local mosque denied to host my pork BBQ.
  17. Despite popular belief among religious nut-jobs, Christianity didn't invent morality (which should be immediately obvious, considering it's history of bloodshed and child raping). Christianity has no place in public schools.
  18. Read and understand what I write if you're going to reply. Jada Smith is a woman and is making the claim that Cleopatra the historical figure was black, which the evidence points against. That's the issue, not necessarily that a black actress was chosen.
  19. While I get where you're coming from, the one who made this about race is the person who's making this movie, Jada Smith. "We don’t often get to see or hear stories about black queens, and that was really important for me, as well as for my daughter, and just for my community to be able to know those stories because there are tons of them!" – Jada Smith.
  20. We went from about 1100 to 2300. The AC is working pretty much around the clock, so it's worth it.
  21. Really brings your blood to a boil. Lock him up and throw away the key.
  22. Open the video file and just drag-and-drop the subtitle file onto the window with the playing video.
  23. Jesus Christ, man. Him being attacked for "talking loudly" was a lie told by his wife. Watch the video linked on page 9. The guy was being an absolute tool and was looking for trouble. He was asked repeatedly to leave, but refused and continued to abuse the people there, in front of children.
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