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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Yes, I regret not having left Thailand before. Spain is great.
  2. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1580380000365&uri=LEGISSUM:c10521
  3. Living in Thailand was never my first choice, but Thailand was a nice country to live in. Everything was dirty cheap, unless you wanted to keep eating Western food and have a Western lifestyle. Eating a full "Pad Grapao lae Kai daew" in a roadside restaurant costed 20 Baht (0.60 Euro). But as I grew older and my Health started to go downhill, life in Thailand became less enjoyable. Also, the cost of living became very expensive for me. I needed to go frequently to a doctor visit at the hospital and I was feed a lot of medication. Daily tasks became a burden to me. What made me decide to leave Thailand? 1. In 2022, I got the message of my doctor at the hospital that my Kidney function was degradating very fast and that I would soon need to start to do a Kidney Dialysis. The cost of this would be a very big junk of my income. 2. The level of corruption at Immigration and other departments started to become a burden. At the age of 70, I am not keen to run around for every "requirement on the spot" of the immigration officers. I thought that thai people had more egard for the elderly. 3. The oncoming changes and requirements for foreigners who were staying more than 180 days in Thailand was a "NO" for me. New taxation rules, taxation on my foreign income and a message of my bank in Belgium warning me that they had send the documents about my "Wealth" that were asked by Thailand was the "Final Straw" for me. 4. I was residing in Thailand on a Retirement Visa, type "O". This type of Visa did not require to show a Health Insurance. But Immigration was changing the rules and there were remours that they would require a Health Insurance on this type of Visa as well. Which insurance company would be willing to write a health Insurance for a 70 year old men with a medical history of a Stroke, a Heart failure, a Pacemaker implant, recent surgery for an AAA, and Kidney failure? Yes, paying a very high Insurance price which at the end would mean nothing as every little thing could be connected to existing diseases. I went back to Europe. I chosed Spain because it is my country of birth, the nice weather and benefit the (almost) free healthcare as an EU citizen, Besides healthcare, I have other benefits in Spain by being a 65+ citizen. I will reside here 179 days in a year, to avoid being taxed and do trips to other countries as long a I can. As an EU citizen, I am entitled to the EU health insurance which repatriate me in case of an accident. If I have an accident or need hosptal care, but can not be transported, the EU healthcare will sponsor my hospital bill. It is maybe not the most perfect choice, but for the moment it is the best option.
  4. All for the "Clicks" and the "Followers". It is so easy to make money on the internet nowadays. Just find something controversial, make a (AI) clip of it, and share it on Instagram, Tik-tok, etc.
  5. Where do the parents of these victims live? In LaLalie-land? Don't they know that the RTP only works for brown enveloppes?
  6. Yes, a "typo". USB should read UOB. "Bangkok Bank" in your reply would be easily confused with Bangkok Bank. I went to the UOB bank BRANCH in Bangkok. UOB bank Korat wanted me to withdraw my EUR funds, which would be automaticly converted to Thai Baht. The next step would be to send the funds to Belgium, which required a convertion from Thai Baht to Euro. UOB bank in Bangkok didn't require me to do a conversion and did send the funds in EURO directly to Belgium. Yes, I have an FCA account in Belgium in USD. So the USD funds at the Bangkok Bank could be directly be send to Belgium without conversion. "Bangkok Bank" Branch in Nakhon Ratchasima did move the funds directly to Belgium. No need to go to Bangkok. To be clair: Bangkok Bank, Branch Nakhon Ratchasima has a Foreign Currency division which is directly connected to Bangkok Bank . So, any transaction can be done directly from any branch. UOB Foreign Currency branch can only be opened in Bangkok. All transaction of the Foreign Currency account need to be done in Bangkok. Withdrawing Foreign Currency in a local branch can only be done in Thai Baht, after contacting the Bangkok division. UOB has no Foreign Currecy division in Korat and need for every transaction of Foreign Currency to contact their Foreign Currency Branch in Bangkok.
  7. If there would be no Royalty in the UK, some other high-place officials will have access to that money. Nothing will ever change.
  8. As long as the fines for offending the traffic rules are laughable at, nothing will change. All the traffic fines, or at least the ones that caused bodily injures, should be 5-fold of what they are today. And no "OR". If there is a punishment with jail, the jail term shall be prioritized.
  9. The new ATM's (seen a lot of them) which require the insertion of your ID-Card will identify money from abroad. Soon, all ATM's will be equipped with identification. Thailand is not as stupid as you think.
  10. Help reduce climate change. Feed this Oxygen consuming waste to the lios in the zoo.
  11. Is Old pedo's with young kids not only for the Cathlic church and their priests?
  12. ..... OR A PEANUTS FINE. As long as the punishments are so low, criminals will do it forever.
  13. Showing your ID is required almost everywhere in Thailand. Sending a post/package need to show your id.
  14. Let's hope that this "unidentified person" finds the attackers and beat them up in the same manner as they beated the homeless man.
  15. Here is an overview of the costs of the transfer of UOB bank.
  16. A while ago I posted the question what the best way would be to move my FOREING CURRENCY in a Thai Bank back to Europe. Many member came up with DeeMoney, Wise, etc. But all these applications asked that I would convert the FOREIGN CURRENCY to Thai Baht first and transferred the Thai Baht into a DeeMoney or Wise account. From there, the amount would be transferred back to Europe, but it needed to be converted to EUR again. A big waste of money. Last week, I was making the final arrangements to return to Europe and tried to move my FOREIGN CURRENCY trough SWIFT. I had 2 Bank Accounts: 1. Bangkok Bank, USD account 2. USB, EUR account First, I went to Bangkok Bank in N. Ratchasima and asked if I could move my money out of Thailand. I showed them the original transfer from Belgium to Thailand from 2005. No problem. Filled a few papers, a lot of signatures and about 1 hour later everything was finished. The money was the next day in my account in Belgium. Initial sum: 13,939,32 USD Transferred sum: 13,894.32 USD Difference: 45.00 USD The next day, Thursday, I went to the UOB bank in N. Ratchasima, and asked the same question. But that was impossible according to them. I would need to WITHDRAW my money to Thai Baht, after which they could send it to Belgium in EUR. We tried to do it directly trough the application on my phone, but it was not accepted. The manager noticed the problem and asked me where I opened the account. As I opened the account in Bangkok, he suggested that I would go to Bangkok and try to wire my funds to Belgium. Next day, Friday, I went to Bangkok and asked the question again. No problem. Filled a few papers, a lot of signatures and about 1 hour later everything was finished. As it was weekend, my money arrived in Belgium om Monday in the afternoon. Initial sum: 11,700.30 Eur Transferred sum: 11,650.97 Eur Difference: 49.33 Eur If some members here want to wire their funds out of the country, I advise then to talk to their Bank.
  17. I had exactly the same answer from the TAX department a year ago when I was asking for a TAX ID-number. The answer from the "knowledgable" members in this group was that I had to say that .....
  18. Aseannow is also AI assissted ...
  19. Scamming people
  20. AI generated pictures are used to produce followers, viewers and comments. Generates money. Strange is that Facebook allows this.
  21. Special Arab and Indian people. The fatter the more attractive.
  22. Artificial Intelligence
  23. Nowadays, the pictures that generates the most viewers and most comments are pictures of woman/girls with huge breasts and a huge "Brazilian" butt and legs. Many woman/girls go to Turkey to get a surgery to look like that. Not so long ago, there was a post of a girl who died from such surgery.
  24. Confuscious


    This morning, while reading Facebook, I saw a picture of a woman on a meeting page. Normally, I skip these pages without even looking. But this page caught my attention as the hand of the woman had 8 fingers. A clear sign that this picture was AI generated. Nonetheless, the picture had generated 2,500 like and about 2,000 "Comments". Most of these comments were about people who felled in love with the lady on the picture, people who wanted to marry her, people who wanted to wake up next to her, etc... Not one of thes comments were about the 8-finger hand. If people can be fooled so easily and so blatantly by an AI-image, what does this say about the future of humanity? When I see this and the silly reactions, I don't understand how we came so far.
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