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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I might be wrong, but as I read the story, the "victim" was ready to forgive the attackers at the Police gathering. But it was his dear wife who was insulting the "victim" the night of the trespassing and again at the police gathering and claiming that she knew "high placed police officers". After the plead for forgiveness of the Swiss man, his wife was making a mountain of a mole hill and asking the victim to ask publicly for forgiveness to her. GET RID OF THAT WIFE!!!!!
  2. Despite all the promises of the Thai government, the average Thai (unless you are a good looking lady or Lady boy) have a no future in their life. The average wages minus the cost of living and the care of the elders leave nothing to live for. And Thailand has no social safety net for the people who become too sick or too old to work despite the millions Thailand makes our of tourism. I live here already 23 years and see every day people struggling to make a decent living. Poverty goes from the old to the young. A dreadful circle.
  3. A friend of me broke his upper leg in a scout accident. He died on the way to the hospital. A broken or hurt leg can be fatal despite all first aid care.
  4. As soon as I read Tik-Tok, YouTube, Influencer, etc. in the heading, I go on to the next story. That whole Social Media act, where everybody has become a "Specialist" on any subject and tells everybody what they should stop eating/stop drinking/stop doing because X/Y/Z has reached for me the point of ignore this whole thing. I see daily on Facebook/Instagram literally tens of people with a story about something we eat/drink daily and showing a clip with worms warning that the consumption of that food/drink is bad to our health. Social Media has reached the point where "False News" for the sake of reaching viewers has becoming over the top and is slowly killing itself now. Not that I regret to see the the death of Social Media ...
  5. I would not recommend to use WISE for any transaction to anybody. Use bank transferts. I send WISE an email a few days ago, asking a simple question about money transferts, and they could not give me a response to it.
  6. Take care when sending large amounts by SWIFT. All the banking transferts between European countries and Thailand are done at the Thai side by DEUTSCHE BANK and they have the rule that transferts less/equal than 50,000 Euro will be converted automaticly to Thai Baht. This happened to me despite that I mentionned very clearly that the 50,000 EUR should not be converted. Luckely I was able to get the 50,000 EUR without convertion at my Thai Bank, Foreign Devices Account.
  7. Sad to see the lifes of 13 yound woman ruined because of the greed of the driver. Hope that others will get lesson out of this.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/386824107358746/ Just did the car inspection and paid the insurance for 1 year yesterday.
  9. 36V 350W 500W 12 inch Electric Handcycle Wheelchair ... RisunMotor.com https://www.risunmotor.com › products › 36v-350w-500... 36V 350W/500W 12inch Electric Handcycle Wheelchair Tractor Conversion Kits with Battery ... Forward speed: 15-20km/h. Backward: 6km/h. Brake: Dual Disc-brake;Hand ...
  10. Yes, there is no much choice in Thailand. But are they allowed to drag a girl on their lap in a wheelchair and driving like Niki Lauda? I saw several of these "Tri-Cycles" with 2 people on it. And this apparently is not limited to Pattaya.
  11. On my 1st accident in Thailand, I hit a pedesstrian (on a Sunday) who was crossing a 6 + 4 lane and stoned drunk. I had no camera at that time and the cameras on the street was out of service. The pedestrian flew about 20 meters away and broke his leg. As this was happening at a crossing with a police booth, police was very quick to handle the case. After the police took notices, I was told to go home and to present myself at the police station the next day. The next day, I went to the police station and the whole family + extended family of the pedestrian was there. The sister, who used to work in Pattaya and spoke some English, asked 300,000 Baht for damages to her brother. The police officer who was handling the case advised me to get a lawyer and let handle the case. Which I did. The lawyer send one of his "female" servants to visit the pedestrian in the hospital and recorded the meeting. He told her that "he was stone drunk and didn't see me". "He was also too drunk to do the stairs of the pedestrian bridge." 2 days later the case was handled at the police station and my insurance agreed to pay 25,000 baht if they dropped the charges. Everybody accepted and the case was closed. The lawyer charged me 15,000 baht for his services. That was the lesson when dealing with the Thai authorities. Get a lawyer and let him handle the case.
  12. I was last week a few days in Pattaya and watched these "vehicles" driving on public roads (the side walks were all occupied by parked motorcycles or selling stands) and many of them were developping a decent speed. My question: is a Driving License required for these vehicles and why/why not? Why is a driving license required for vehicle "A" and not for vehicle "B"?
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawsuits_involving_Meta_Platforms
  14. I read many times stories about all countries opting for the Digital Currency and how this will give the ruling parties a complete control over the citizens. Read many times horror stories about China, where such policy is already implemented and people could find themselves in a situation of poverty just because they spend money on something not acceptable to the ruling party. But that was China, far from my bed. Until I found yesterday this leaflet in my letter box, inviting all citizens of Johoi to "register" for a Digital Health Card (QR-Code). But registering is only possible WITH A PHONE. Seems that citizens are really like Cattle being led to the slaughter house Translated copy of the leaflet:
  15. Forget all the 3rd party applications or paying to youTube (= META). If you have a Tablet, PC or Notebook simply go to the link on top and delete "Ube". The result should be "Yout.com/xxxxxxxxxxx" and brings up a meny to download the file in different formats.
  16. To be fair, I did many times follow the instructions on my Garmin GPS and Google Maps on my phone and if it was not a littlte bit of common sense I would be send on a road to nowhere. Recently, I wanted to visit the main Buddhist center in Korat, but noticed that it was located in the Military domain (although accessible from the main road). The Garmin GPS showed a blank field without roads in the Military zone. Google Maps wanted me to drive around the military zone, but I could nowhere enter the MZ. I used my own common sense and entered the road the Buddhist center easily WITHOUT and GPS.
  17. Criminals who are given the death penalty should be listed as "volunteer" to donate their organs as well. Serving the community.
  18. I am not for the dealth penalty, but in such cases I prefer to carry the Chinese penalty on. Dismember him while still being alive and sell the body parts.
  19. I am so tired of hearing this. If you want to buy a second hand car ONLY because it's cheaper, go ahead. When I was looking for a second hand car, I fixed a budget and went to the second hand car dealers. I found several cars, younger as mine, at a better price. Asked for a copy of the car book and went to the dealer where the car was purchased. The car NEVER went to a dealer for a check. Asked the insurance company about the car and the car was involved in 1 or more crashes. You like to buy cheap? You will be paying the cheapo car very dear.
  20. Any tech-savy mobile phone shop is able to take the memory chip out of your phone and read the contents of the memory chip (there are programs to do that). Fingerprint, facial scan, etc. are not a guarantee that your information would be safe. And surely not nowadays where that information could be easily faked with AI. https://flashfixers.com/recover-data-dead-phone-chip-off-data-recovery/ I "cracked" the memory of the mobile from someone and you would be astonished if you know what was in there. Even files which had been deleted a years ago were easy to access. The only way to protect yourself is to go ASAP to your bank and cancel your bank account if your phone is stolen. Second, avoid storing any information on your phone that could be used against you. If possible, use a "phone wipe" utility to reset your phone's memory (Google). Don't forget that your phone is linked to your accounts (Mail, Google, Microsoft, etc.) and it is very easy for a hacker to access this information once your phone gets stolen (saved passwords).
  21. I was thinking to bring my car to a "Confiscated Vehicles / Auction" place, but I have never done that before. I was a few years ago on such an auction and there were cars of every age and every brand for auction. Some of these cars on auction were ready for the scrapyard. In Korat, this is almost every month. But expect to get at least 50% less that the price in mind. Also, most of the auction money goes to the auctioner for his costs.
  22. I had that option already in mind, leave the car with a trusted friend and hit the road. I have no doubt the the friend would send me the money (minus expenses) when the car would be sold. But I would rather not involve anybody in this. What is a "tent"?
  23. I want to sell my car asap to leave Thailand. Problem is that I can not wait unti a possible buyer would show up. In my country, there are a lot of car resellers who are willing to sell your car and sometimes to buy your car. In Thailand, I know that there are companies like "Car for Cash" which are giving money for your car. But I doubt that they would be interested in an older model. What other options do I have to sell me car fast?
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