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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Any tech-savy mobile phone shop is able to take the memory chip out of your phone and read the contents of the memory chip (there are programs to do that). Fingerprint, facial scan, etc. are not a guarantee that your information would be safe. And surely not nowadays where that information could be easily faked with AI. https://flashfixers.com/recover-data-dead-phone-chip-off-data-recovery/ I "cracked" the memory of the mobile from someone and you would be astonished if you know what was in there. Even files which had been deleted a years ago were easy to access. The only way to protect yourself is to go ASAP to your bank and cancel your bank account if your phone is stolen. Second, avoid storing any information on your phone that could be used against you. If possible, use a "phone wipe" utility to reset your phone's memory (Google). Don't forget that your phone is linked to your accounts (Mail, Google, Microsoft, etc.) and it is very easy for a hacker to access this information once your phone gets stolen (saved passwords).
  2. I was thinking to bring my car to a "Confiscated Vehicles / Auction" place, but I have never done that before. I was a few years ago on such an auction and there were cars of every age and every brand for auction. Some of these cars on auction were ready for the scrapyard. In Korat, this is almost every month. But expect to get at least 50% less that the price in mind. Also, most of the auction money goes to the auctioner for his costs.
  3. I had that option already in mind, leave the car with a trusted friend and hit the road. I have no doubt the the friend would send me the money (minus expenses) when the car would be sold. But I would rather not involve anybody in this. What is a "tent"?
  4. I want to sell my car asap to leave Thailand. Problem is that I can not wait unti a possible buyer would show up. In my country, there are a lot of car resellers who are willing to sell your car and sometimes to buy your car. In Thailand, I know that there are companies like "Car for Cash" which are giving money for your car. But I doubt that they would be interested in an older model. What other options do I have to sell me car fast?
  5. The same goes for a lot of other breeds (Doberman) and owners of a Lion as a pet. The animal is only serving as an extension of their dick (status)
  6. If you are talking about my PA insurance, the premium increase was only the Age increase as listed in their insurance. No other increase. I have no burglar insurance on the house I rent, but I have a fire insurance and an Insurance for my belongings by flood or a fire.
  7. In most countries, one can only get a firearm AFTER PROOFING that he/she is capable of handling the firearm. In most countries, one can only get a drivers license AFTER PROOFING that he/she is capable of handling a vehicle. In most countries, one can only operate a machine AFTER PROOFING that he/she has learned all the safety rules to operate that machine. It would not be that difficult to allow the ownership of an animal AFTER PROOFING that he/she has learned how to handle the animal and eventually pass an annual test.
  8. Almost every car/motorbike insurer let you bend the insurance to your needs. I have Viriyah for my car insurance and I adjusted the hospital claim from the standard 200K baht to 500K baht. The difference in price is worth the hassle when it comes to an accident. I have also a PA policy with MTL and I am glad I took it almost 10 years ago. Had a few accidents in all these years (not car/motorbike accidents but dog attacks and house accidents) and the footed the bill without discussion.
  9. It would be far easier to put down anti-social nobheads like him and let the dogs grow up in a peaceful and loving family. Why some people in this group always put the blame on the dogs is way beyong belief.
  10. The "Perpetrator" is a member of the RTP. Everything will be swept under the carpet after a week, the boy and his mother will be get the message that they better keep quit about the matter and life goes on the beautiful Land of Smiles. Just my 2 cents input in this thread ....
  11. Thai people does care when something like this happens. But they have a different approach to it. Wish the "Ped" bad luck will backfire on you and Karma will send back luck to you in double. That's why Thai people will never wish you bad luck. They let Karma get the guy.
  12. The problem with LINE accounts is that they are tied to a phone number. A friend of mine, who has several factories in Indonesia, gets a new phone card every time he is in thailand. He also makes every time a new LINE account to be in contact with his wife and children. After a few months, the phone card is simply thrown away. Somebody else gets the old phone card, but will be registrered in LINE under my friends name. LINE is a real mess and about time to ditch that application.
  13. The LINE app is used by a lot of scammers because it is not controlled by anybody. Even most scammers on Facebook are asking "Permission" to chat in LINE as in Facebook they can be reported.
  14. Not only in Thailand, but the whole world over. If you look at kids today, parents are both working full time to get ends meet (according to their lifestyle). Most students are not smarter than an amoeba, despite going to high school/university. They spend their time being an activist for the green movement. That is the sign of the times.
  15. Young delinquents should face the full extent of the law, but should not be jailed in the same prisons as the adults. That would only create more crime and criminals. In my country, and most of the western countries, juvenil delinquents are jailed in a rehabilitation centre. Shielded from the adult criminals. Only in murder cases, where the murder is maybe additional agrevated, the minor delinquents should be jailed in a high security prison and their release from prison bound the severe details.
  16. While I agree with most of the posts here, the 1st thing to consider by the judges is the well-being of the children and their children. Put them both in a maximum security prison and let them work in prison to give their children a good life, IMHO.
  17. Type: Chevrolet Optra 1.6 Sedan Doors: 4 Doors Color: Silver Interior: Leather Date: 28 February 2005 (2548) Km: 302227 km Extra: - Remote door + trunk lock - Roof support bars. - 12V, 6/12A Battery charger. - Front camera. - Reversing camera. - Flood protector. - OBD checking device. - 4 USB outlets for passengers. - Car had front axes and cooling circuit changed 2 weeks ago (about 25,000 Baht). FIXED PRICE: 80,000 Baht + transfert costs Location: Nakhon Ratchasima
  18. VERY widespread, and this will not change soon. The kids will be forced to take the blame and everything will be forgotten (after paying the BIB a filled brown envelop). Sad, but true. I know a 12 years old kid who was hit with a can by the teacher several times on his back. His parents pressed charges against the school. But after an "Interrogation" the boy admitted to have teased the teacher and refused to lesten to the teacher. The teacher offered a "Wai" and everything was back to normal. The education system in Thailand is rotten to the core and only a complete haul can change that.
  19. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb Now he faces a jail term and/or a fine for attacking the presumed Pedo. If he had killed him, preferable kicked life out of the pedo by a group of friends, he would be walking scott free.
  20. So, how did they manage to get an extension of stay? Or were they staying in the country on a very low budget which dried-up quickly? Happy 3-year extension in jail.
  21. There are everywhere shops like this that repair busses after an accident. Jusst ask a local for such a shop.
  22. It was in Korat. 15.0376641, 102.1463631
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