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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. 2 decades ago, I went to the 1st funeral in Thailand and as was usual I was dressed in black. At the funeral, nobody was wearing black clothes and I was told that it was not appropriate as everybody was wearing colored clothes. Except the family members.
  2. The QR-payment was instantly, so the bank was not to blame. I also send them a copy of the statement, thus the money was transferred. No need to cancel my reservation and cause me a lot of hassles to find at midnight another hotel. I did try to contact somebody at Agoda and all I got was the "helpline" where I was supposed to answer all kind of questions but none was to the point The email address I received from Peter did resolve the problem INSTANTLY. You had no problem with Agoda, good for you.
  3. I think it was the email to the right person who did it, but anyhow, big thanks to all for helping me out.
  4. Send them an email this morning, received a lot of emails back from AGODA, got a call from AGODA at midday and got a REFUND trough WISE around 3pm. Thanks to "petermik" for their email address.
  5. I know several applications who relies on the reporting from users, but not google maps. At least, I never saw this until today.
  6. Yeah, but I assume as it was not published Google can take it away without notice.
  7. This morning, as I was travelling, I used my GPS (Google Maps) like I always did before. But when I approached a Speed sign, Google Maps screen showed the location of a Speed Detection device and send a Voice warning about a speed camera. During my trip, this happened a few times and when I paid attention, the speed cameras where indeed at the location. Anybody else noticed this?
  8. Send me the email address on my PM
  9. The money was already transferred by my bank. I tried to find any email address or any phone number to contact AGODA, but the only contact was a call service offering all kinds of menu items to select from but no means to address the SCAM.
  10. I tried to book a hotel with AGODA, and after doing the payment (QR-Code) everything seemed to be fine. I received a lot of emails from AGODA about my booking, my payment, etc. which all was accepted. But in the late evening, I received again an email from AGODA that my reservation was cancelled due to a banking error. I checked my bank payment again, and the correct sum was deducted from my bank account and transferred to AGODA. I tried to contact them, but there was no way to get in touch with AGODA. As it is weekend, and Monday I will be travelling, I will not be able to contact my bank before Tuesday. That's the second time that a fully correct booking is CANCELLED by AGODA and I will not use them anymore. But I would like to have a full refund of my payment. Anybody had any luck with that?
  11. Plenty of bars named in ASEANNOW where the police found underaged girls working. TROLL
  12. You should take a walk on Beach Road or go to some bars and watch how parents/family are offering their underaged children to the "wealthy fahrangs" who have travelled 10,000 miles for having sex with a child.
  13. The aunt and the girl will be "persuaded" by some officials to drop the charges in exchange for a few thousand baht and there will be case as nobody is going to press charges. End of this case. Next one please ....
  14. Clarified the THAI law for stabbing a person ......
  15. Seems that TEMU has aleady their share of scammers. https://fb.watch/uw1_fIayqX/
  16. I don't know the relation with Foreign banks and Thailand, but a lot of people had been warned or had their accounts abroad closed already and the banks requiring the account holder(s) now to be resident in the country where they opened the bank account. Seems that even the banks don't want to be involved in the Thai plans.
  17. I am already packing and making everything ready to leave Thailand this year. Was planned to leave in March, but had to postpone. I am Belgian citizen, but I will go to Spain fr the weather and the better place. Same rights as in Belgium when living in Spain. Bye Thailand
  18. Nothing to do with visa application. The document translated by Google translate. Personal information and bank details are taken out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visual search results Translated text [name] Bank & Insurance [name] Customer and Account Services CRSReporting@[name].be MR [name + address] Our reference: ...... Brussel, 23 mei 2024 Topic: Automatic information exchange in the context of CRS Ir/Madam, Below you will find an overview of the data relating to ......, which will be the subject of information exchange to THAILAND for the year 2023. This exchange takes place via the FPS Finance and takes place in the context of the Common Reporting Standard ('CRS'). [name] Bank provides this information in accordance with the Act regulating the communication of information regarding financial accounts of 16/12/2015 implementing the European Directive 2014/107/EU of 09/12/2014. The data exchanged is as follows: OVERVIEW OF THE PERSONAL DATA EXCHANGED BY ...... Name Legal address THAILAND Date of Birth Place of birth Country of birth Tax Identification Number (TIN) (issued by) OVERVIEW OF THE EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT DATA AND TRANSACTIONS OF ..... Explanation of the overview below: The data with (*) is not exchanged and [name] Bank has only added it for clarification. (A*) Product name. (B) Product number. (C) Balance of your product in EUR. Negative balances and balances of closed products are exchanged as 0.00. (D) Date of the balance of your product in (C). (E) Reference of your product, used in the information exchange and known to your tax authorities. (F) Type of transaction, as determined in the aforementioned regulations. (G) Total amount for this type of transaction calculated in the same currency. Negative totals are exchanged as 0.00. (H*) Type of transaction, product and, if applicable, name of the security, as known to [name] Bank. (1*) Amount and currency of the transaction, as determined in the aforementioned regulations. (Y*) Date on which the transaction was paid to you. (K*) Reference of your transaction, which you will find on the statement of your transaction. .... ACCOUNT BE......... [amount] EUR 31/12/2023 .... ACCOUNT BE......... [amount] EUR 31/12/2023 INTEREST ... account interest EUR ... 02-01-2023 (VAL 01-01-2023) MASTERCARD .... EUR .... 02/01/2023 (VAL 01-01-2023) [bank] Bank & Insurance EXPLANATION In this document, [bank] Bank limits itself to the exact representation of the data that are the subject of information exchange. This is done on the basis of information known to the bank and instructions imposed by the aforementioned regulations and the Belgian tax administration. This overview is therefore only indicative and, for example, does not necessarily correspond to the income that you must declare in your tax return. There is a right to have the personal data that concerns you corrected. You can submit a dated and signed request to [bank] Bank for this. Everything about Common Reporting Standard can be found at www.oecd.org/ctp/exchange-of-tax-Information/Automatic-Exchange-Financial-Account-Information-Common-Reporting-Standard.pdf. Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us, either by telephone on +32 ..... , or by email: CRSReporting@[bank].be.
  19. My bank account is in Belgium. The letter from Thailand was directed to the tax department in Belgium which disclosed my bank account and other financial benefits.
  20. Transactions by Credit Card, and the country of transactions are listed in the overview of your bank documents send to Thailand.
  21. I already posted the proof of this a while ago. I received a while ago a letter from my bank saying that they had send information of my account (total funds, source of the funds, etc.) to Thailand as asked by international rights. Countdown to leave this <deleted>ty country since then.
  22. Strange report. Was the girl under the age of 15 or not?
  23. 20 years ago, Korat city used to have 2 gogo-bars and a few bars. But they catered mainly the locals and Japanese tourists. Even now, many places are only accesible to Japanese and you can read clear on a paper at the door. That said, there are still some places with good nightlfe and good bars. Most bars, are filled with the usual English/American/Aussie people and are not exactly the same bars as you can find in Pattaya or in Bangkok. Still, you can enjoy a good drink and a chat with the (boring) expats/English teachers. A place where you can find always a girl/woman for a quick <deleted> for a cheap price are the main parc at the Yamoo statue and around the main hospitals. Nice girls and a nice night out are plenty to find and worth every dime. But most of these places are a no-go zone for the usual foreigners unless you speak good Thai and you are accepted by the locals. I go sometimes to these places and prefer them 500% above Pattaya or Bangkok. A picture of last Christmas at one of these bars.
  24. You tried to find "Joho" for 10 minutes at no avail? How about going back to Kindergarten to leard how to do a computer search?
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