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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. The "wooden balcony railing" looks to be a rustic wood finish piece of concrete artwork, very pretty (not)! and completely useless.
  2. After doctors police stitched up Wiracha he was taken to the police station where he said he had tried to avoid another bike but lost control at the bend hitting the oncoming policeman. "don't you know who I am?" Sorry, feeble I know, but couldn't resist. Blame the 5:00pm Chang!
  3. I don't believe that "English" belongs in any criticism of the comprehensibility of the OP. It's "Thailish".
  4. Is it my imagination, but are the pylons and the buildings in the picture leaning, and by different amounts? Stupid idea, and bound to be poorly executed at outrageous cost, achieving nothing useful except envelopes, of course.
  5. Daiso sell a black bird mobile for 60baht, a couple of these will work a treat. Sorry I can't post a photo 'cos I'm not at home, and can't find one on the net. Comes in a flat A4 sized packet from the gardening section.
  6. Serious question: how much damage does a small road roller do to an automatic pistol?
  7. If Pattaya, Boy Air and Sound. Boy air and sound 088 897 4222 https://maps.app.goo.gl/UcfNSSL3F3zY4Y7q9
  8. Strange, is it not, that all the Russians living near me claim to have been born in Ukraine, to have Ukranian family, or are married to Ukranians!
  9. Thanks for your reply to my post. I do not feel able to share this publicly as it would be too easy to identify location and personalities involved, the situation is fairly unique. I have pm'd you.
  10. My point here is that there appear to be irregularities in the accounts, which are published as above.It is therefore appropriate to dig further. The committee, management and JPM are refusing access to records.
  11. Does a condo co-owner have an absolute, or indeed any, right to view financial records, such as supplier, contractor and other invoices, and bank records? I am unable to find any definitive reference on this matter. Can anyone help me out?
  12. Crocodile suffers extreme indigestion after snacking on Thai mp
  13. You are only partly correct. Yes ATC where there is one will instruct which runway to use. The pilot has absolute discretion in whether or not to accept that instruction. If the pilot considers it unsafe he or she can elect to use another, and ATC must (eventually) comply. The amount of consequent paperwork and general brown stuff that follows is a very strong deterrent, but the pilot in command always has the final say. Large commercial jets, being fast and heavy, are mostly immune from danger from downwind and crosswind landings, except in really bad conditions. The smaller the aircraft, the less immune to weather conditions, the limits to the ability of the aircraft to cope with such are defined in the POH (pilots operating handbook) of the type. ATC will base the decision on Runway in Use on the wind direction at the start of the shift. If the wind direction reverses, as it can, they are not so quick to reverse the runway in use, particularly at a busy international airport, as it totally disrupts the traffic patterns. They might continue with a 20knot tailwind...ok for an A380, not such fun for a small commuter jet, and potentially deadly for some light aircraft. If the pilot opts for an opposite landing he may well have to hold for a very long time until a break in traffic permits......unless he declares an emergency, e.g low fuel. Even more paperwork and brown stuff!
  14. In theory, at least, the direction of take off and landing are entirely at the pilots discretion, whatever ATC may think about it. If the pilot gets it wrong, = "incident", he is in the <deleted>. Regardless. Always.
  15. I can't help thinking there are more important things going on in the world than vapid videos of 2nd or 3rd rate restaurants making fools of themselves. Potential nuclear war is marginally more interesting!
  16. It's never big sums 'cos they ain't got big sums. They keep little sums in many banks to keep the family off the money trail.
  17. "There's none so blind as them who will not see!" John Heywood.
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