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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. @Chris.B Why do you choose TSL? There are many students who are not serious in learning in TSL, they are there for the education visa. There are many problems there which I won't say in public. They also use the same book/curriculum as YMCA. (they copied from there) If you are in Chiang Mai, I suggest you do an in-person course at YMCA with a huge classroom and not the tiny classroom at TSL. The students at YMCA are more serious in studying because they are not there for the visa. If you prefer online teaching, I suggest Learn Thai with Mod instead.
  2. Moderator, please close this thread as there are too many unhelpful trolls
  3. @DowntownAl I was in the same situation as you. A nasty neighbour moved in at the next condo unit and is a heavy smoker. He even smoked at 3 am in the morning a few times while I was sleeping. I am allergic to cigarette smoke and you should ask him to smoke downstairs or outside the condo. If he doesn't listen, then complain to the condo management. If not, just ask your landlord to complain to condo management if mgmt won't do anything about it. I know it's a bummer but we do live with a lot of inconsiderate and selfish people in this world.
  4. @noodleslayer Many jobs are reserved for Thai citizens or for citizens of neigbouring countries like Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. For other countries, the only work permit option are an English teacher or a specialist in a field that few Thai citizens can do. There are tons of documentation involved in applying for a work permit for non-citizens. Security guard, washer, general worker, cleaner, cook are all reserved for Thai people and people from the neighbouring countries. There are many workers who are waiting to do this type of job.
  5. Thailand is not Europe or America. You can't apply the laws and customs of another country in Thailand. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"; and not the other way around. Not only in Thailand but in most countries in Asia, drivers do not need to stop at zebra crossing if there are no traffic lights at the crossing. They will slow down at Zebra crossing but not stop just to allow you to cross. You should travel to other countries in Asia besides Thailand. Pedestrians have to cross only when there are no incoming cars.
  6. You're damn right! When I gave them the stainless steel container, they actually poured the piping hot food onto the plastic bag and then put the plastic bag into the steel container. lol. Then they asked me whether I should put the cold rice onto the steel container side by side with the plastic bag. I am not concerned about where they put the cold rice because either way is safe. It's obvious that they didn't know that putting piping hot food into plastic bag will leech out plastic materials into the food.
  7. It's not expressing my opinion but to educate them on scientific facts. They look very confused why I insisted on putting the hot food on the stainless steel container. I wanted to explain to them but my Thai teachers didn't teach me how to say this. ม่ดีต่อสุขภาพ (It's not healthy) is too general and does not explain why it is not healthy.
  8. It's better to buy from well-known shops like Zoom, Big Camera, Powerbuy instead of buying from small shops. The after-sales service from small shops is almost non-existent if you have any problems with the camera. We don't even know whether it is refurbished goods or fake goods.
  9. Thai people don't seem to have common sense, they put piping hot food onto small transparent plastic bag when I order a takeaway. I asked them to put the hot food inside my stainless steel food container instead and they all look so confused why farang requested that. How do I explain to them that 'it is harmful to our health when we put hot food inside the plastic bag' in Thai language? https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/01/hot-foods-in-polythene-bags-are-contaminated-by-chemicals-ecologist/ Hot foods packaged in polythene bags are contaminated by these chemicals mostly when they are hot or heated. “Those chemicals include styrene and bisphenol-A which can cause cancer, heart diseases and harm the reproductive problems,’’ she said.
  10. @WaveHunter Thailand Post is amazingly expensive for international shipment. It's only meant for delivery inside Thailand. I tried DHL international which offered a cheaper package.... surprisingly. You might want to try there.
  11. Gopro is almost everywhere. You can buy at Zoom, Big Camera, Powerbuy. Shop around for the best price though it's pretty standard pricing
  12. I see this quite often in Thailand, Thai drivers are too lazy to drive to the next intersection for a U-turn. That's why accident rates are high. They slowly inch their way and then block main traffic.
  13. I find this rather ridiculous. The purpose of vaccine is to develop immune memory cells which will produce the antibodies when the virus attacks. The amount of antibody in our blood shouldn't be used as a 'protection indicator' when there are no threats to our body at that time. It's virology 101.
  14. 270 days is 9 months, whatever happened to the 3 months recommended period?
  15. Astrazeneca is produced in Thailand by a pharma company connected to the Thai king so it's understandable that it is given priority. Sinovac was donated to Thailand by China and given free to the Thai public so I don't see how Anutin benefited to become 'millionaire' as alleged by somebody when no money was involved.
  16. It's really ironic that Thailand wants to attract tourists but charge exorbitant fees for the Covid tests even for those who are fully vaccinated.
  17. That's the problem when people are appointed ministers in certain ministries which they are not qualified just because they are voted in. It doesn't just happen in Thailand but many countries in the world where politicians become 'health minister' even though they know zilch about it.
  18. 1 to 3 meals would cost only 120 baht on Thai street food. Transfer from airport would cost only 200 baht if we take the airport train and local taxi. So all these expenses are exorbitant and will put real tourists off.
  19. I don't know why Covid tests can't be made cheaper in Thailand? Is the big pharma companies earning a lot on these tests? I don't think most tourists will come to spend 10,000 baht for the two covid tests and quarantine hotel just to spend one or two weeks in Thailand like a normal tourists would do because they have real jobs back home.
  20. Probably need a walking stick to walk or the knees are too weak to ride a motorbike. I am talking about the average guy though.
  21. I see many people dashing across a highway with heavy traffic in Thailand even though there is a bridge nearby and/or traffic lights nearby. Thai people have no sense of safety and convenience is utmost for them. Not many Thai people like to use the pedestrian bridge and the government should really think of having an electric escalators up instead of forcing people to climb up and down the stairs. Without escalators , it is a waste of public funds.
  22. You can ride a small motorbike until you are 70 years old provided you're healthy. I see a lot of oldies (Thai people) riding slowly in the middle of the road blocking traffic which is unacceptable in western countries. Do ride on the leftmost side if you drive slowly and not in the middle of the land and expect everyone else to ride the same speed as you.
  23. SWIFT always have the worst exchange rate so it's not worth it. Try comparing Deemoney with SWIFT. Deemoney 10,000 baht = 295.8 USD Transferwise 10,000 baht = 297.5 USD We are unlucky not to have Transferwise or Instarem which will give us much better exchange rates.
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