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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. Never eaten there before but I heard it is much more expensive. How's the prices like?
  2. A foreign bank account is not a source of fund because I can transfer money into that bank account from Thailand and reuse the money, What I mean is pension fund from government, stock dividend etc.
  3. You can either open up another bank account like SCB or use Instarem. Instarem doesn't cover as many countries as Wise but it does cover Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Euro Zone Countries, UK, India, Canada and the US.
  4. No, Western Union gives very poor exchange rate and will cost you more. Use Wise or Instrarem with much better exchange rate. I am sure this isn't a one-off thing and you can use your Wise/Instarem account sometimes in the future. The Wise/Instarem account can remain inactive for a few years without any charge.
  5. Did you have to show proof of the source of income from your home country (pension etc) to immigration or is a 12 months statement enough?
  6. Having Covid if you are fully vaccinated is not a death sentence nowadays.
  7. Just don't go for Dhipaya, terrible customer service and people there who don't know how to handle things for foreigners. I am also searching for the best Covid insurance in Thailand.
  8. There are cases reported in this forum that the yellow book is not used at all. Using your vaccination certificate should be enough. There was a thread on this a few months back if you still insist on getting one.
  9. Maybe he didn't know that we can send money out of Thailand via Deemoney.
  10. Does immigration require an additional source of income proof for every renewal? I thought a 12 monthly transfer bank statement that it came from abroad is sufficient. The cost of transferring 40,000 baht in and out of the country is minimal if we use Transferwise or similar low cost service. A few people in the past borrowed money from their friends/agents for 3 months in the past; that's why immigration changed to the new rule of requiring 5 months and 12 months for retirees. 'A few' people is enough for immigration to change the rules.
  11. To me, it is silly to need bank statement when there is already a bank book with updated details. As long as we show that there is a latest entry on the bank book which has the same date as the bank letter, there shouldn't be any problem. I guess it depends on the officer who is working at that time. Sometimes, we cannot argue logically with them.
  12. Maybe the big boss realized that some people have been cheating the system by recycling the money. They have the discretion to do that. Putting 400k just for 2 months isn't a big deal. Compare with retirees who has to put 400k for 12 months, and 800k for 5 months in a year. I am surprised immigration didn't require marriage extension holders to put 400k for the whole year.
  13. @thaisail Regarding the transfer of money to Cambodia, why didn't you use Instrarem or Transferwise? It is easy and exchange rate is better than going through your friend in Singapore.
  14. That should be the way how Thailand should welcome visitors with rapid test at airport , no quarantine and no insurance. Cambodia is doing it right and hope they will get more much-needed tourism money.
  15. When did they come back for 3 weeks? Every time I passed there, the doors were closed. Did the owner tell you that she only had 4 regular customers? That is ridiculously low considering that Thailand has sort of opened from Nov 1 onwards.
  16. Has anybody actually tried this? I am curious as to what are the effects that we can see short-term and long-term for elderly people above 50 years old. I mean it's not for bodybuilding.
  17. Did they give any reason why they went back? She was a really good cook.
  18. There used to be a Burmese eatery on Sermsuk Road near the Corner Bistro & Burrito. Both shops are right opposite Kad Suan Kaew. There was a mother-daughter team manning the shop. What happened to the Burmese eatery as the shop has been closed for weeks now.
  19. Maybe Jackie Chan can hire him when he comes for a movie shoot in Thailand.
  20. There are no plans to lift all restrictions yet. The situation in Thailand is getting worse with 18,000 daily cases reported recently. Until we get less than 1000 daily cases or somebody less paranoid takes over the government, it will be status quo of 'quarantine for 1 to 2 days and expensive insurance'.
  21. Does the Thai government allow home quarantine for mild cases in the case of foreigners?
  22. There is a USD50k insurance that you have to buy that will cover the cost.
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