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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. But were you quarantined in Phuket before this by coming to Phuket through international flight? That would be different because you are already Covid tested.
  2. @srowndedbyh2o Just apply for non-O visa and bring in 800,000 baht. It's less of a headache. Let's hope that immigration doesn't increase the minimum amount in the future for non-O due to the action of some people who circumvent the requirement and hire agents. People are already complaining about the 800k, there might be an exodus if it were to increase to 1.2 million baht.
  3. I was thinking of going to Bangkok for a few days and then come back to CM but not keen on paying extra for the Covid tests. I'm fully vaccinated but I heard that we also need Covid test even if we are fully vax, when coming back to CM so I am confused.
  4. Then it became the biggest wave in Thailand surpassing all variants. I hope this new wave isn't as devastating. What the heck is Delta+? Why not rename it as Gamma?
  5. Must we get two Covid tests even if it is a local flight from BKK to CNX ? I am talking about local tourism.
  6. There are calls from certain quarters to delay, I am just reporting the news.
  7. There is a report on BP (which is not allowed to be linked) that there is a surge of 461 cases in Chiang Mai. There are calls to delay the opening to December.
  8. As usual, Thailand is not being specific. What constitute foreign residents? Which visa count as foreign residents? A foreign resident could be just permanent resident.
  9. I think at this point in time, things aren't very clear even if you ask the embassies. Wait until it is closer to 1 Nov. It says here that you have to be in Spore for 21 days before travelling to Thailand.
  10. When I pointed this out, somebody here argued it's because UK and USA have done a large number of tests but other countries didn't. lol Most of the countries from the list are from the richer countries with higher number of tourists to Thailand.
  11. Yes, Thai nationals can enter and they don't have to get the medical insurance and I think they don't even have to pay for the local Covid test.
  12. So it's just a reduced quarantine to 1 day instead of 'quarantine free'. If you are tested positive on arrival, then you will be quarantined at the hospital. The expensive Covid tests and insurance requirements will scare most short term tourists off.
  13. Exactly. USA and UK have the one of the highest at 80k and 50k average daily cases and Thailand deemed these countries safe whereas a lot of other countries don't have such high numbers. Indonesia with less than 1k daily cases isn't considered safe.
  14. 50,000 USD health insurance? How much do we have to pay for that? The two Covid tests itself is going to be around 6000 baht. Why do we need hotel booking if some already are staying with their friends, wives etc? I doubt many real tourists will come, it's more for those long term stayers.
  15. Thai just love to put sugar, MSG and chilli in almost every dish. MSG actually makes us lethargic after the initial rush. Some even have headaches due to allergy with MSG.
  16. That's why Thailand should really require a criminal check on long-term tourists. Which visa does he hold?
  17. It might even be postponed to 1 Dec once the infection numbers start to climb again so it's better to have a wait-and-see attitude before booking. Chiang Mai is having a Covid surge now.
  18. No, it didn't grow back after many weeks.
  19. Really? Then why are there are so many hill tribes who are still living in Thailand? These hill tribes were refugees from Laos or Myanmar.
  20. Are they still doing vaccination at Promenada? Why did you get it so late?
  21. Do you have a link to the product and can it be purchased in Thailand?
  22. USA has one of the highest infection daily cases in the world and it's on the list. Personally, I think the list is more politically instead of rational.
  23. Can't we just apply for the new Non-O visa without leaving the country?
  24. It's a long story but I'll keep it short. A wandering cat seems to like my house and comes to s-h-i-t-t around the grass lawn every night when I go to sleep. My neighbour suggested that I put vinegar into the lawn because cats don't like the smell. It did the trick but it also killed my grass lawn after one or two days. My neighbour didn't tell me about this side effect so I have to redo my lawn again. So I need to increase the PH again.
  25. Certainly not one of the best. If you go to government hospitals, the wait can be 4 hours.
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