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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. He didn't know they were fake......but that was what I would have said as well. However, not knowing they were fake gets you up to 10 years prison, knowing they were fake gets you between 1 and 15 years and 2-3 million baht fine. I presume that European authorities would want to know where he got them as well. A whole new world of pain has just opened up for him.
  2. I think what is being ignored is the rising power of BRICS, at the moment the only thing stopping the collapse of the dollar is that dollars are essential for cross border trade. BRICS is showing self confidence by halting trade with the US and UK and trading among themselves using their own currencies, some big players here, India and Saudi Arabia in particular. China now gets coal from Russia instead of Australia, China gets soy beans from Brazil instead of America, same thing is happening among them with steel and IT (India has more talent than silicon valley). I think the West is in for a big shock, their hegemony in trade and banking is being challenged, when a BRICS currency is finalized the cat is among the pigeons. Many smaller countries, especially in South America, are showing strong interest in BRICS, they are fed up with the West's bullying, China's influence in Africa is increasing while the West's is decreasing, we are due for a major reset right when the debt laden West is at its weakest.
  3. Which country do you live in? I've paid 300 baht under the clip board even while the road block was being checked by the boss.
  4. and a better option, you can print the debt away if necessary without annoying the foreign debtors.
  5. but most likely, if you don't pay up you get taken to the station.
  6. Japan although heavily in debt (230% of GDP I believe) they have an advantage over the US, most of their debt is local, ie. in Japanese yen. Basically Japan has the problem of deflation which is harder than inflation to get rid of.
  7. He disobeyed the officers instructions (pay up at the roadside, "under my clipboard if you please')
  8. How stupid can you get, this deal was screaming scam from the beginning.
  9. I had targets when I was younger but as Schopenhauer once said, "Don't expect happiness then you won't be disappointed"
  10. I think the lies being told by Yellen and Powell aren't so much political as a psychological whistling in the dark (which Wall street believes) In fact I have read an article which says it's possible that the FED is too scared to lower interest rates as they should do because they fear accusations of political bias in an election year. China, a major exporter to the US is now a basket case, Europe is already in recession, Japan has never really come out of recession for the last 20 years, Yemen/Iran, Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Russia are now major factors in the West's demise, all beyond the Fed's control. It is said that the global supply chain disruption started when Trump started the tariff war with China. There are so many factors at play here but the biggest must be that the West, in particular America, have been living beyond their means for too long, there's no more wiggle room left. Perhaps, as some say, there has to be a total economic collapse before a new start can be made, a collapse that has to be made over a ten year period, good night to that.
  11. When inflation has been brought down without too much damage to the labour market (obviously there will always be some damage but not so excessive that the FED has to bring down rates excessively, which never works because it's too late and just causes another spike in inflation) The inverted yield curve in the Bond market (where short term yields are higher than the 30 year bond yield) is the real economy telling the deaf FED they've over done it and recession is coming shortly. The FED is between a rock and a hard place and being mocked by most economic experts but there isn't much they can do, drastically lower interest rates now to save the economy and by so doing spike inflation, or carry on higher for longer which will bring down inflation but cause an economic meltdown.
  12. A soft landing has never been accomplished in any major economy, fact is we are in or heading into a major global recession. Compared to the West Thailand seems pretty stable at the moment but one major part of the economy, tourism must suffer as recessions eat away concessionary spending power but that is beyond Thailands control just as the FED's problem is the supply chain disruption which they can't alter either. Once the FED pivots that will be the official surrender to inflation but it will happen anyway as due to excessive tightening there is a liquidity problem which will cause a stock market collapse preceded by large scale unemployment, in some sectors, banks, Amazon, chain stores etc. it's already happening, soon to be followed by car manufacturers, shipping, road haulage and builders etc. Foreclosures on houses whose value will continue to drop will put the banks into trouble as well as defaults on credit card debt (already having to charge 20-25% interest rates). The debt party is over, the Major economies have to inflate their debt away.
  13. Posing before they made an informal meeting with the crowds below.
  14. Under the defamation laws It doesn't matter if what he wrote is true.
  15. A large section of Thai voters are not outsiders.
  16. Yes for us Thailand seems to be an island of stability but we have to be aware of the fact that our incomes, state pensions and company pensions, rely on the economy, money doesn't float down from thin air, there is no economic safety just because you get a pension, remember when Argentina, for example, was so broke they stopped paying pensions. Worrying though is pointless, it is as it is, we all float on a sea of causality unable to set our own course, only the ego thinks it is master of its own destiny.
  17. You personally have no sovereignty over anything, not even your house, it's owned by the bank, whether you still have a job tomorrow is decided by your employers. The laws (over which you have no direct or even indirect control) in the UK are basically the same in every European country so what sovereignty are you talking about....apart from your little voting slip but governments are really ruled by the markets and international events, what you want doesn't really count (would you like an end to homelessness, unemployment, war, high interest rates, income inequality, a failing NHS, long waiting times for an OP, Charles and Kate have no problems there, having to choose between heating and eating). Blocks exist world wide because there is safety in numbers and it is financially viable because size projects outward power and influence, it opens up markets and travel, the lack of which the UK is experiencing now. The UK isn't special, it's not even a nice place to live, how's your frozen pension doing? The EU doesn't do that to its pensioners, they look after their people.....Oh and 'Rule Brittania' died a long long time ago.
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