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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Maybe they should reopen as a demolition firm, that was serious ground zero.
  2. A very small one that I use as petrol and electricity money, I haven't lived in the UK for 55 years.
  3. Why bother? what is the UK to me, nothing more than a supplier of my passport.
  4. I've got nothing against Russians or Ukrainians, we're all unhinged to a greater or lesser degree. I can imagine that the stress levels felt by both citizens of these two countries must be higher than that for citizens of other countries, we aren't in a position to judge.
  5. Let us not be naive, the sun will still rise, rice will still be eaten, it is the way of the world, big boys will beat little boys, who said life should be fair. It is as it is.
  6. I doubt it, the trip was just a Japanese jolly, their department hadn't used up all its budget.
  7. Oooops, tourist numbers from the state of Xi falling again.
  8. No, America will be doomed, the mafia will rule but perhaps America deserves this fate and they will turn to their beginnings again, sometimes disasters are needed for a cleansing.
  9. 'Stinky' goes to prison, 'where am I' goes to the care home
  10. I'm not American, like most Europeans I look at what is happening in America with dismay and at Trump with disgust. Are these two candidates the best that the USA can do? One belongs in a care home and the other in prison.
  11. Trump isn't well read. He lacks in eloquence, sharp wit, humour and charisma but worst of all he lacks class.
  12. Let us be kind, they are both geriatrics bordering on dementia and the orange one is insane, apparently its the best America can offer.
  13. Pragmatic to the end. What he is saying is, "dear elites, don't put a spanner in the works for my freedom"
  14. The gravity of the situation was immediately apparent to him.
  15. A bit dangerous, if the women were British he may have got a kick in the nuts for his trouble.
  16. Sounds like a sensible man, he's already showing symptoms of shell shock before going to the front lines so he won't be dying on the battle field like the thousands of morons from both sides, way to go, leave the fighting for the 'heroes', life is certainly better with both legs still attached, who needs to suffer in poverty on a disability pension with the hypocritical thanks of the motherland ringing in your ears.
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