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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. He may fall ill in the UK and not be able to return until he recovers?
  2. Oi vey. My life already.!Give over. You are coming over like a cracked record. Who cares whether you are Jewish or not.πŸ˜‰
  3. Gandtee


    Another with his head in the cloudsπŸ˜‰
  4. Gandtee


    The tattooist must have had good eyesight. Did he use a magnifying glass?πŸ˜‰
  5. Perhaps all visitors to Thailand should be warned that pointing the foot at someone in Thailand is strictly no no. To kick someone is the ultimate. But then the Thais do it all the time. Kick someone I mean, but not point with the foot. And if the visitor sees shoes outside a premises, take their shoes off before entering and make sure you choose a good pair on leaving.πŸ˜„
  6. Gandtee


    Why I wonder do some people like to desecrate their bodies with tattoos? I can understand why some servicemen might want to have a tattoo showing their allegiance. But when I see males and females bodies plastered with what to me look like senseless scribble, I wonder what the attraction is. To me seeing a girl with tattoos is a complete turn off and a repellent. If the males want to give the impression of hard men by having tattoos, there must be something lacking in their psyche. But then we can do what we like with our own bodies.
  7. Do you have evidence that he didn't? He was Prime Minister at the time. That's where the buck stops. Or should.
  8. Moored out to sea? That is where it should have been after the gun problem. Not sailed back into port to point at another vessel. My brain hurts.
  9. Ive no doubt he wrote the order making it open season on suspected drug dealers, leading to nearly three thousand extrajudicial killings.
  10. He is very privileged to be able to do so without spending a day in prison. Meanwhile another not so privileged young person is serving a twenty five year prison sentence for writing something. Double standards?
  11. Even though I think you are a bull*****r Bob, you've just tickled my taste buds and I'm going to down an icy Chang. At ninety I daren't miss an opportunity. Cheers.πŸ˜‰
  12. I had the same problem with Skipalong. He doesn't get sarcasm. Sad really.
  13. 260? Obviously a not very likeable person.
  14. He said " I was just putting my finger in the dame like the boy in the legend.."
  15. Maybe that is one of the problems. Locked up in a small cage. I'm not defending the dog. It should be put down after attacking someone. But people do raise so-called dangerous breeds as family pets and never have any trouble. It's the care and training with any dog that is all important in my opinion.
  16. It seems that she was left holding the baby. There is more to this story than meets the eye.
  17. This site is being taken over by weirdos. First Bull<deleted> Bob and then Gorgeous George, the Florence Nightingale of the Thaiasean mentally disturbed. Disturbed after reading his diatribe. My brain hurts.
  18. Most of us know what you need. Stuffing with the rough end of a pineapple.πŸ˜’
  19. Maybe we could start a Truss fund to make support more available.πŸ˜‰
  20. I said "Where's your wife? Have you left them?" He rubbed is hands together and said, "Mind your own f*****g business!" Then he decked me. It brought tears to my eyes.πŸ™‚
  21. I think the UK does have a les majeste law but it it hasn't been used in ages.
  22. More to the point. Why do you, your self, post online with continuous inane subjects? To inflate your ego by seeing your comments in print, I suspect.
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