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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. When applying for a retirement visa extension, how many months should be left on a passport before it expires?
  2. Nowadays a better description would be 'strangegenderwoman.'
  3. I was about to ask the same question. Here in Sattahip there are strict laws banning building on hillsides at a certain level. But that law still seems to be broken occasionally. But then....
  4. Interesting. About five years ago I had cataracts removed. Then a couple of years ago laser treatment. Everything was hunky dory. Now I have macular degeneration in one eye and was advised by the specialist not to have the 'injection treatment'. I can read and use the computer. So at ninety, I'm not too concerned. When I can see my way clear I'll keep an eye open for any new miracle developments. Well. This is on the Pub Forum.😉
  5. He is still name-calling like a schoolboy bully who has never grown up and learnt how to behave like an adult. But then maybe that is what his cult disciples like. So sad.
  6. Sorry. Not this topic. In your 'Do you like Conrad' You advised me to read something to know what woke means. I did and liked it, but your post is now blocked when I try to read it again. Can you please send it to me again? Thankyou.
  7. They are Thais. Karma.😉
  8. Too expensive. Won't cut corners and can't be bought.
  9. I wonder if he is in charge of inspecting the standards of road construction in Pattaya. It would answer a lot of questions.
  10. No, don't! Light the slow-burning fuse. It will give ammunition for those that will insist on the ousting of them and start rocking the boat.
  11. Creating a Rogues Gallery? But are there any honest politicians?
  12. Clever buggers, these Chinese. Maybe she is an Attaché or nut case.😉
  13. With the man and woman astronauts' space journey extended from eight days to eight months, I wonder how they handle their sexual urges. With the picture of the female's hair standing on end like Barbarella's one wonders if the two have found a way to handle them despite the problem of weightlessness.
  14. Or hoping for a stroke or giving one.😉
  15. I was wondering where I'd seen that material before. My missus has a tea towel the same.
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