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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Thank you for enlightening me. It's the former I want.Opticians /optometrists. I'm trying to avoid inflated hospital fees.
  2. I recently purchased spectacles from a Chain optical shop and they are not doing what I expected. Is there private ophthalmic doctor in the Pattaya area I could try for eye testing? I read sometime back on this forum of one on Thepprasit Rd but can't find the post.
  3. I wonder what the fire safety precautions were like and fire exits available? Scant, if any If recent fire disasters in Thailand are anything to go on. R.I.P.
  4. if it ever gets off the ground ( sorry) and it;s maintained as well as everything else here, we can expect some exciting headlines.????
  5. I got the drive down loaded to a memory stick. Tried to run it but no luck. My nephew's friend has offered to make up an inexpensive computer using the monitor I have. Thanks for your advice. I'm just letting you know the outcome as promised. Merry Christmas.
  6. I am not into banking. A bank transfer was made from Switzerland on the 24th Nov to my local Bangkok Bank branch. There is no sign of it so far. Taking the numerous Thai holidays during this period is this normal. If not what is the procedure to trace it? Is this done by the payer or the recipient?
  7. Not an armed robbery.n a pub with his minders.????
  8. Obviously. Because there are more vaccinated people now.
  9. They were armed and posed a threat to his life. Not on his livelihood. That's the difference.
  10. While being processed,how many times have you, been interrupted by, I suspect an agency Rep, plonking down a bundle of passports in front of you.? You don't get special treatment for free.
  11. That's the way I expected to go.I was just hoping there was a less expensive way of doing it for my relatives sake. Thanks for the advice.
  12. Would it not make more sense to leave the present visa situation as it is and focus on those allegedly taking money to allow fraudulent visas.?
  13. I was trying to avoid that.
  14. I want to buy a new computer and it will be paid for by a relation in NZ. Is it possible to transfer the payment by the internet directly to the seller at the time of purchase? Bearing in mind the time difference and exchange rates.?
  15. "But we are not mad. But I am the exception."
  16. Have you experience of this? A knicker sniffer?
  17. For me, looking in the mirror in the mornings and seeing myself still here is enough excitement for me. I'll be 89 tomorrow. I'll check in the mirror tomorrow.????
  18. You don't beat him up. Once he is subdued you call the police to have him charged.
  19. Wow! Nineteen days overstay.. That's worth a photo shoot.????
  20. You don't have to keep repeating yourself. Who's a pretty boy then.????
  21. The croc looks as though it is laughing after the bite."Gotcha this time. Now f off and leave me alone."????
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