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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. 'I caught a couple at 2am'? This sounds like a pervert out for a cheap thrill. The one taking the pics should be charged as a peeping Tom, or Somchai.
  2. do it online. Save the acceptance on a memory stick and pop into the print shop near you.
  3. I wonder how long some of those making comments here have lived in Thailand? Many of the parents of children tragically drowned here are both workers on construction sites and farms. Their children are with them and of course wander off. Most Thais I suspect, cannot swim. I taught all my nieces and nephews to swim at an early age. Of course the kids wander off and some come to harm. A lack of parental control? Again, of course. A reservoir being dug, being fenced off? You must be joking. This is not a Western country where rules and regulations are in abundance. This is Thailand. R.I.P. little one.
  4. I'll send you my barber's name. She does a good job of butchering my hair. 😉
  5. A giant Offendus moth. Its main object in life is to frighten the brown stuff out of lily-livered homo erectus.
  6. The meat and stuffing is different😉.
  7. Professional training?? How to pocket the dosh without getting caught? 😉
  8. I make my own sausages and copy cat HP sauce, which is a must on an English breakfast. It's not difficult and well worth the effort.
  9. No excuse for the truck driver but the motorcyclist looks to be a bit early off the mark like many motorcyclists do. But then.....R.I.P.
  10. Mr Anusak acting like a silly anus-actually.😉
  11. Pen and paper, mightier than the -word?😉
  12. Not only Rome. Anywhere where there are religious leaders assaulting children.
  13. Another example of the emotionally fragile mind of the Thai male. They behave like children. 'I want my toys back or I'll......🤨
  14. He said, 'I was so upset. I didn't know which way to turn.'😉
  15. I've had one like this for years. A and a silver tea strainer and holder that I brought here in 1987. I only get that out when the vicar comes to tea, to go with the cucumber sandwiches and cream and jam scones. "More tea. vicar?" 😉
  16. Liverpool Lou. What about the traditional tea strainer used in the UK?
  17. Pitipaht? More like Pitiful. Another example of the male emotional fragile mind here. Sad.
  18. Thai road etiquette? Where did you see that?
  19. Safety measures at the construction site are expected to be reviewed to prevent similar occurrences in the future.? Too late. The horse has bolted and taken a life with it. 😢
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