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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Really? Are you serious? It took almost 3 weeks to get water to the state. https://www.cato.org/blog/hurricane-katrina-remembering-federal-failures You should read your history... Before blaming everything on MAGA
  2. They do it again because some politician made a great deal of money on this scam without any retort from the public. Those tablets previously were crap. The schools barely used them and the kids were the same. My own kids had one and they lasted about 2 months. I am certain the same will happen again. What a waste.
  3. I am confused. These camps do not get US money every week or every day. How is it affecting them so quickly? I think they are dramatizing and playing the poor us card. Also, they are in Myanmar. Why isn't that country helping? It seems though that being on the border to Thailand that at least the Thais are contributing for this.
  4. He was not a foreigner... He is half Thai... Jeez.. I can not believe you actually got likes for your bashing. He was racing to pass someone and struck a motorcycle. You do not know anything more than that. It does not even say if he was passing in the correct lane.
  5. Come on... FEMA is supposed to be there when help is needed in disasters. Yet, the hurricane that devastated New Orleans, they could not even get their SH-t together to send drinking water.
  6. What makes you think he will ruin it. Biden already did that and Trump will attempt to make it better. That does not mean he will make it better. But really, at this point anything is better than what Biden did to the country.
  7. She is crying over this plight but it is not accurate. They are not immigrants. They are illegal immigrants which means they are breaking the laws for being in the country illegally. So her tears are for an unjust reason. Heartfelt video hmph.. She does not even understand what or why these people are being arrested and deported currently.
  8. It does not bother me they think a different way. Opinions are like a-holes. Everyone has one and they all stink. What bothers me is why they try to place blame on a man who was not in power at the time.
  9. The View is 100% anti-Trump. Especially Whoopi. it is nice to see them put in their place to see an objective view rather than their one sided opinions against everything Trump says and does.
  10. They do not say if it reduced congestion though. I would guess that the majority of free riders do not own a vehicle or drive it daily on the streets. It is quite difficult to ask a car owner to stop driving and instead wait in long lines and stand on crowded trains to get to work.
  11. Hopefully we will see some news about more arrests for this. Of course, if there is corruption and bribery, we will not.
  12. But, the officials said that the Chinese mans claims where false? Who are you going to believe? A corrupt official or a convicted Chinese inmate?
  13. good to get these people out. How dare they open and work at an unlicensed and unregistered child care facility.
  14. Me as well.. Flew to the UE on a MAPS flight. Was not bad..
  15. he probably tried but from the looks on the photo I can not imagine anyone actually offering her anything substantial for personal services rendered.
  16. He wasn't even the President then. Only the President elect. How could Trump have done anything?
  17. Don't you think it is cheaper for the Government to use military transport.. We are talking about getting millions of illegals sent home. That is a lot of private jets to carry them all home. I think he was brilliant to do it this way. No need to negotiate with the airline companies or anyone else. No waiting either.
  18. It has got to be cheaper than the cost it will be to take care of them financially with food and housing and all the other stuff the gove would have to pay for them especially if they ended up in prison. Not to mention the price for the loss the Americans would suffer at those criminals hands being able to freely walk around doing what they want because they are illegal and Bidens rule of catch and release.
  19. Are you nuts? Trump could not have done anything that made LA burn down. You can place that on your buddy Biden. Trump also just got into office 7 days. Did you expect price reductions immediately? You can blame your buddy Biden for the price of eggs also. What really bothers me is do all people who are Biden buddies think the way you do? If so, it does not matter what happens in the country or what Trump does because it is already too far gone to fix.
  20. Sorry but i disagree.... They need new blood and new ideas that that people will take to heart and home... Otherwise they are screwed for the next election
  21. I would have to agree. Simply because too many Dems voted for the Republicans this time. It is also too early to tell what Trump will do during his tenure as the Prez. If he follows through with his promises, the Dems don't stand a chance in hell to win the next election. People voted for Trump because they are tired of spending all their money just to make it to the next paycheck. Time will tell if Trump can reduce the costs for things and make more jobs available. Also, I do not think the Dems will win the next election if they continue to promote open borders for illegal immigrants as well as continuing their stance on wokeism.
  22. Am curious where all these Thais are getting their guns so easily. Seems everyone and their mother has a gun hiding somewhere in their home or possession.
  23. Read on folks. Nothing to see here. The pollution will subside even without the Gov doing anything and all will be forgotten until next year when it becomes worse than it already is now. Then more rubbish half-baked ideas about how to stop what has already happened will occur once again. Lip-service to those suffering given only to appease the complaints without making any real solutions how to stop the smog and prevent it from happening worse next year.
  24. Come on.... Do you really believe anyone would accept to carry bags to anther country without some form of payment unless it was family? Especially in Asia? I would say this man was very clever indeed. Collected the fee to take the bags and then submitted the bags to the authorities for inspection. My guess is he was paid thinking there were things in the bags not illegal to carry like the drugs found.
  25. Saw a recent documentary about these things. Including Air Force footage showing alien spacecraft in flight. To say I believe it. I am pretty sure those who don't are so naive to think we are the only intelligent life given the vastness of space and the proof there are literally thousands of planets with the ability to sustain life. A space shuttle showing a video recording outside the window of a craft entering and leaving the planets orbit very quickly? So many Air Force videos released showing crafts with behavior not possible with our technology. It is safe to believe there is an alien conspiracy within the worlds governments to keep the public from knowing about life on other planets. Just as it is safe to guess that alien technology could solve many problems with fuels and power problems. But we all know the oil and gas conglomerates would never allow that. I saw in a video released about tech being tried using mercury based on alien tech. From tests being done and published it creates propulsion, generates electric, and gravity when in a magnetic field. . Everything needed for space travel. Something that NASA is now trying to apply to their spacecrafts as well Musk. So why should we not believe other life forms could not have achieved these things?
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