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Everything posted by steve187

  1. they pay my state pension into my wife's bank account in the UK
  2. have you had an invite letter from them
  3. have you had tracking checked, since the new ball joints
  4. my triton is 32psi all round unless loaded,
  5. i saw a post on i believe facebook yesterday looking for 5000 staff, listing wages and list of job perks with a photo of a building with byd thailand on it
  6. maybe one one fell off a bike in front of you
  7. either get a new passport before feb, or use old one and get extension to oct only. then with new passport obtain fresh year extension in oct
  8. all those years of extensions and knowledge and you failed to look in both passports for your 'admitted to date' , you were lucky you had not used your one time per entry excluding re-entry permit entry, 60 day wife extension
  9. at the present time is only male foreigners married to a Thai female, that has to meet financial requirements, so who under the new same sex marriages will need to meet the financial requirements, foreign female married to Thai female, or foreign male married to Thai male
  10. i know its in the past, but could he not have done a VE 30 day entry, then a 30 day extension and then a 60 day Thai family extension, but as posted by Tod best to get a yearly family extension
  11. RIP and best wishes to the injured, but these minibuses are not fit for purpose, and are no more than flying coffins, please keep away from them, either getting in one, or driving close to them
  12. watched ep 01. seems good
  13. Thai driving licence for proof of address, if you have one, for my wife's Uk passport i had a local friendly hotel owner, write a letter on headed paper that she was living at that hotel.
  14. what new retirement visa regulations, all such talk is just scaremongering
  15. sorry should be 800,000thb when you apply for renewal on the 9th they will automatically give you a 30 day under consideration stamp, so you would be ok to stay, but when you receive the yearly extension it will start from 11th Aug
  16. so she says she owns this land but pays rent, strange no site of any land docs etc i assume
  17. link please op if you can not season the required 400,000thb then you could apply for a 60 day visit Thai wife extension, if you have not already done since your last entry, excluding re-entry permit entry
  18. how does '' You have much to learn I,m afraid.....without condoning what this idiot did'' read as if the poster is trying to blame the injured party, i think you are anti expat, and defiantly anti aseannow posters, there are plenty of places to get visa info, if that's what you are after
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