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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Go to Immigration - you can now get a retirement extension!
  2. In fact, for a few years, My English wife was the "money in the bank" person with a retirement extension showing the word "retirement" in her passport and in my passport "dependent". Don't know if that still applies.
  3. There are REAL (of the sort you mean) people - and I am one of them! I have lived alone but, though I prefer being with someone, I am happy with myself and my philosophy of life and never feel loneliness! There are very few people in over twenty years (none that I encountered by just going outside) that engaged with me for money.
  4. One might argue that on the previous two occasions you overstayed there were "reasons" but part of your question seems to be asking if you PLAN to overstay for two days is that OK? Not a good plan! - for the reasons given by others!
  5. If you write some of these things as above, in your profile for a prospective mate of the sort you say ou are looking for, then you won't attract them. There doesn't seem to be much you say about your personality. Being good looking for example, maybe a first attraction but rarely is it a lasting one. And don't be surprised that stating that being financially well off, doesn't demonstrate that you are kind and thoughtful and considerate, caring, and honest and reliable. Thailand is not much different from anywhere else as it relates to finding your ideal partner. And one might even have to accept that even finding your perceived ideal, that there is no guarantee of a lasting rewarding and loving relationship.
  6. My comment shows clearly I am against animal cruelty in all its forms but it seems to me you are Ok that cruelty to "vicious" dogs is justified. Well, it isn't! And certainly not to me. The topic is NOT about vicious dogs per se. It is about cruelty to dogs, that happen to be pit bulls! No more comments needed about Pit Bulls. Stay on the OP topic please!
  7. This comment is irrelevant to the nature of the OP. This is about unnecessary cruelty of animals of whatever breed. I don't like pitbulls in the slightest but they have my sympathy as it relates to the context of the topic.
  8. Thank you. I am already with AIS so shouldn't be a problem
  9. And of course at 2am there were thousands of tourists on the beach - families with children, close enough to witness or even notice a bit of "heavy petting" Another storm in a thimble for an effective non-event!
  10. On another topic but connected with Malaysia. I will be taking my tablet and my phone to Malaysia. What do I need to do to get Internet connection? Is it a matter of getting another SIM card of Malaysian flavour? Or is there some alternative to that as I remember as something like "International roaming"? Thank you
  11. How many places have you tried that might indicate a trend in all of Thailand?
  12. Thank you I have checked - there is a CIMB ATM at the airport, Will it take my Kasikorn visa card and/or my SCB card? In any event, I will make sure with relative banks at this end in Thailand before I leave!
  13. I have read on this forum over the last few years that "Super Rich" exchange outlets offer the best deals. Is that still the "GO TO" place? And I guess if it is, one changes back the unused Ringgits in the same outlet on return to Thailand. The amount I exchange will only be for two days and nights in KL in about three weeks time so not a large amount! The current rate is around B7.5 for 1 Ringgit. Thank you for this and other suggestions that may help!
  14. The calming effect of a massage to some extent is in the meditative state one is in while lying down, eyes closed, doing nothing, daydreaming, few distractions, particularly when turning off your phone! for an hour or more.
  15. Go to, ThaivisaCentre.com There are more than a thousand positive reviews online there. You don't need to actually visit their offices at all. Customers services are excellent and an email will be answered in less than a few hours.
  16. But I received this two weeks ago: New expiry date: 4 June. Please note with importance that we will be changing the receiving Bank Account before your next Payment is due - New receiving Bank details are below, please do not make any further Payments to the Account you previously transferred to as Subscription cannot be added for this from now on. For all future Payments, please Pay to the following details and send a copy of your Payment here once completed - Your Account can then be updated with further Subscription. KASIKORN BANK ACCOUNT NO: 1533978122 ACCOUNT NAME: THOMAS EDWARD Thanks in advance Best regards James
  17. If they really wanted to enforce the "ban", this would be so easy - simply have a policeman walk up and down the Beach Road, making it obvious they mean what they say. Those same policemen could double up and observe other aspects of law enforcement. Bring back the "bobby on the beat" - if there ever was such a thing in Thailand.
  18. Guests come and go! I am not a guest, I am resident as many of us here are for many years and whatever the politics are we are subject to them and have to live with them. That entitles us to comment on them, understanding as foreigners we can't change anything in the voting process!
  19. I have been a Subscriber to Pulse TV for more than a year and in that time, I have to change twice to a New Payee and a different bank. Apart from issues I have had on my PC with streaming content with Firefox and Chrome, I asked them about the change to their bank details first time but this point was ignored. This month, it happens again. Completely new individual person with no apparent connection to Pulse TV, the business. I guess this is common to all existing Subscribers and I wonder if other Members here can shed light on the Company's legal status that brings up nothing from variously worded questions on the Internet. I think there should be at least some information to its customers regarding something as important as who we are actually paying and why the changes! Also, I find it odd, that I have to send customer services a copy of proof of payment, (and if I don't the system automatically just cuts me off when I have actually paid), rather than (him) them, that confirms payment received as every other payment I make on my phone indicates. Any transaction on my phone, in or out sends me notification of it - same as other recipients. Thank you for any observations.
  20. Thank you, but I have never been a witness, only three times since 2010 as the one needing confirmation of still living and the one receiving the form and the covering letter!
  21. Not sure what is meant by "charming" The scenery is spectacular in many parts of Thailand but I would like to introduce the aspect of the architecture and quaint little towns; interesting walks around them, with privately owned businesses, shops that are a little different from the main stuff, lovely restaurants. And of course a small matter of the locals being friendly. My brother-in-law is visiting Thailand for the first time in November and he asked me, what is the Thai architecture like? Although, I have been to many places all over Thailand, I have found that architecture amounts to temples and little else. To check this opinion I visited Google and architectural images of Thailand to discover- it is mostly about Temples. I am sure there are pockets of interesting architecture and "charm" in Thailand; I have a found a few, particularly in Songkhla, especially the "old town"
  22. have it your own way mate!
  23. It DID need an official stamp and the doctor had one!
  24. And when they receive the life certificate they say, "Oh No!, he's still alive!"
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