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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Patient to Doctor: "I think I lave lost my memory" Doctor to Patient: "When did you lose it?" Patient to Doctor: "Lose what?"
  2. What about your poor wife, does she get anything beneficial from this move of yours?
  3. You are trying to impress us again, Bob But I think its not working!
  4. Maybe that is 1,000 people in 1,000 hotels and that is only one million!
  5. Attractive women is not the preserve of places
  6. The "familiarity breeds contempt" seems to follow you around. I never experience social conflict whether I am in familiar surroundings or otherwise or in any country I have ever visited, Lived here for 21 years and inside Thai culture and enjoying the "familarity" with both Thai women and men whoever I meet. I know they like and approve of me - they tell my Thai wife that helps her feel proud of me. What are you actually doing and saying to people to make them behave that way towards you. It would help all of us understand what really happened at the store the other day when they "allegedly" told you to not talk Thai and go away. I see that as a bizarre response to an existing customer without some kind of ?provocation? Were you drunk for example? Tell us the bit you are leaving out!
  7. My point remains valid
  8. From silly to stupid. Don't waste any more of your time
  9. I will take a pinch of salt with that silly remark!
  10. I have never taken supplements in my life - why? Because I am perfectly 100% healthy and I don't need them! Why, because I always have a balanced diet and a great deal of exercise - that includes my brain. I am 79!
  11. And almost certainly no fines for many people riding by - not to mention those arriving and departing from that store - with no helmets!
  12. Yes, as per "The Cyclist" below
  13. Do you think YOUR opinion is right? Too many assumptions!
  14. You CAN buy land in Thailand but you can't own it!
  15. Your name Olivia suggests you may be a woman. Either way, if you are married then your partner needs to be happy as well about moving to an unknown part of the country. This does have certain variables, when as a foreigner, an expat community will likely be smaller. Regarding Surat Thani City, I have lived there for more than a year but 7 years ago. Its true, there isnt much in the city to get excited about. An "opportunity" is not a commitment so unless the job has significance enough to justify it, I wouldn't choose that place. Being so much further south of most other places in Thailand, it remains hot enough throughout the "winter" to require the Aircon on all night. On balance the best suggestion I can make is that you go there and investigate matters that are important to you.
  16. The Headline should read: "Beware of Anything on Facebook that Requires Honesty and Serious Advice about Anything"
  17. There are some good reasons not to have the Grammar Police on this forum Many on here are not native English speakers - we can forgive them for not being entirely accurate. Even native speakers do not use correct grammar at times. Native speakers, including myself, make typing mistakes and without checking before posting lend themselves to be "corrected" But the most important point is that if there is no mistaking the intention of the writer and matters are understood by their readers - no need to correct anything as there is no ambiguity. It is annoying to be "corrected" when it makes no difference to the intended meaning. I doubt there is anybody here for the purposes of improving their English!
  18. Mister Gamma GOBLIN Are Garden Gnomes any relatives of yours? Given you don't believe in fairies, how come you believe the one that lives in the sky? Not only that: it talks to you!
  19. Where have I said or inferred or implied I am proud of such a situation?
  20. Yes, from my generation, quite common for little awareness of dental care. I readily accept lack of responsibility since adulthood.
  21. I have lived in various places around Thailand, in all, 21 years. My thoughts are completely different from yours and that is where the problem lies - it is your perception and an inability to live with the reality - a great deal I suspect that does not personally affect you. And of course, much of your lifestyle which you have described here many times. it is only my opinion, but you may well have similar issues wherever you go!
  22. You are playing semantics. It IS for fun and personal pleasure; "The Thrill of the Hunt" etc. You said yourself you hunt and kill (and maybe often only injure some poor creature that then dies a lingering death). Only sometimes take home the spoils. I experience the outdoors that don't require killing anything.
  23. People who carry guns for the personal pleasure and fun they get from killing animal and birds, doesn't have my blessing or respect. That is my opinion.
  24. I can give you my experience that I am sorry to say won't be much help but may be of some use to somebody. I am now 79. I was never brought up to take care of my teeth so never visited dentists or even cleaned my teeth as a child. My first encounter was at aged 20 when I had serious toothache, about five years later, same again and had a tooth extracted with local anaesthetic. My last visit in 1976 for yet another bout of bad toothache; a similar situation - straight extraction. I didn't visit another dentist for any reason until 2007 in Chiang Mai. By then, my remaining teeth were needing some real attention. At the clinic I was fully assessed, including Xrays and a subsequent appointment was made for the following month. Out of interest, my lack of concern for my teeth was never because of being scared of dentists or anaesthetic. At last, I was doing something positive for my teeth and I was feeling proud of myself for being so "brave". I sat in the chair and even at that point I was feeling absolutely fine. The local anaestheic was applied and a few seconds later I had difficulty breathing. The situation was difficult for the team there and they took me straight to hospital where I underwent oxygen relief. I went home shortly afterwards. So not what I would think of as White Coat syndrome or anxiety but something was going on - in my subconscious? A day later, I was asked to get an allergy test for the anaesthetic with no negative outcome. The Clinic subsequently refused any future treatment for me and no fees from them of any kind! As I write I still haven't managed to sort out my teeth. I haven't had toothache for many years. They don't help for facial appearance but I eat normally and to be fair, I have cleaned them two or three times a day for the last 15 years. Yes, I know, there are justified criticisms of my lack of care in most of my lifetime, but you know, I am otherwise in perfect health.
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