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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. I had a similar requirement for proof of residence, - in fact a change of address, that is only a utility bill, signed by a lawyer or the British Embassy. Though my home receives two utility bill every month (created from devices that read the meters) and in Thai language. Both are addressed exactly where I live but to my wife. They do not lend themselves to be translated. When notifying the Insurance Company (re my private pension) by registered post of my change of address nearly thirteen months ago, they sent a written reply to my new address that I received stating that a the utility bill as mentioned above and a signed copy of my passport was required. I explained it could not be done and instead, I sent them a copy of each of my utility bills and 12 other proofs including a video of me outside and inside my house. I sent a copy of my driving licence back and front showing the address in Thai and English. In addition, I sent a certificate of residence issued at Immigration, different pages of my passport. I did all this by email and it was received by them. I then received a reply stating that only a (f)utility bill was acceptable. I told them and sent a copy of my Government change of address that required nothing except me advising them of it. It was then I decided that I would tell them I hadn't moved after all and if they wanted to send anything to me, the old address and the new address was OK for me to receive them. About two weeks ago, I received another letter - computer generated, by post taking seven weeks to get here that ignored everything in my emails and still insisting on a utility bill. I have given up!
  2. No, the graphic labels should be tattooed on Thai Drivers and a few Foreigners
  3. What is all the fuss about a "wai"? (there are actually nine variations of it that takes account of so many cultural situations in public life. Giving a wai is simply a greeting or a goodbye, or a thank you. No need for special reasons as in superior or older people, or a "need" to show respect. I do it naturally and have done for most of my life in Thailand, thinking nothing of it, as others do with me, both Thai and other foreigners. I am not bowing or kowtowing to Thai culture any more than compromising my own western culture. I have never observed reactions either positive or negative about my behaviour protocols - I am readily accepted by all that I meet without recourse to "wais" or wherefores!
  4. This is why one shouldn't take advice from other than those who know what they are talking about - OP, try your own Doctor!!
  5. Why are you telling everybody (most of whom are anonymous) on an open forum? Some might require a date and a time!
  6. "Hills" is not enough height I agree. You original post gives me the impression you are looking for somewhere else in Thailand - if that is true, then up the mountains you need to go!
  7. For the last two years the temperature here in April and May has been up to 45C So you have answered your own question - anywhere there are hills will be cooler and if you are in Northern Thailand you won't need to go far! Not all cities even capital ones are in valleys, Chiang Mai for example, right here in Thailand, is 1,000 feet above sea level.
  8. It is the hottest month of the year everywhere in Thailand. What will you do on Doi Inthanon for a month or more? I live in Northern Thailand and in February so far, nearly every day already 34C (air temperature) - and it is going to get even hotter and may last until October - yes, including the rainy season. Keep going North until you reach somewhere you like - you might need to go 10 degrees of latitude from where you are - that means another country.
  9. From my observations of food delivery folk, they go as fast as they can (dangerously so) and the shortest route. They are obviously paid according to the greater numbers of deliveries they make. No point in going the "long way round". The above points by others also explains deviations in route - to you.
  10. I am far too modest to delve too deep into this topic.
  11. Why don't you just help the OP?
  12. My English wife of 47 years of our marriage, neither of whom controlled the other on any matter and in all that time we NEVER had a row! Before I married my current partner, I promised her I would never lie to her about anything. I also promised I would never tell her what to do and as long as she agreed to be of similar mind with me... We each consult the other on matters of importance, as in assumed responsibilities and irregular spending. When things go wrong because of forgetfulness rather than a bad attitude, the other will back up. We are each others main support system practically and emotionally. My wife and I treat each other as equals, believing in the principle that if both of us remain unselfish, then we end up getting what we want from giving rather than taking! Both of us told the other only yesterday that we are very happy together. Control yourself - manage others. Circumstances are bound to be different with many relationships that may determine the outcome of who might be said to be wearing the TROUSERS (I am an Englishman)
  13. Was he breathing heavy after 30 years? Did he ignore the canaries? Tis a long time that! Should have read the book, "Coming Up For Air", George Orwell!
  14. This item is in the Health Forum because it is hoped to encourage others towards good health and fitness On 1st January I received an invitation from my Health App to complete, either 100,000 – 200,000 or 300,000 steps for the entire month. They were graded as “Beginner”, “Intermediate” or “Professional” I chose Professional because that required me to walk on average 10,000 steps every day to reach my goal. For me it was easy, as I had already done 150 consecutive days average of around 15,000. Sara, my wife, was persuaded to join me at the Beginner challenge (100,000 steps) that required only 3,300 steps per day – her average was about 3,000 already. Both of us would be awarded a “medal” if we succeeded. By coincidence, our separate Apps showed we would reach our goal on 17 January, a full 14 days before the deadline. Sara had “workouts” that amounted to about 15 kms walking, while the remainder was in ordinary daily activities. I walked 129 kms (workouts) in that time as well as my own moving about all day, inning and outing, upping and downing. And for good measure, I will go through 1,000 kms by month end in walking workouts over the last 5 months.
  15. The rampant corruption, caused in part, by a totally inadequate wage structure that needs supplementation by donations from motorists. It's mainly greedy people who are corrupt, not the poor!
  16. That doesn't mean it is or not required. I have my passport with me on domestic flights but my driving license offered has always been accepted. If the driving license IS accepted that won't tell Immigration about overstay!
  17. I am just as unaffected personally with this article as I was when it was announced 18 months ago as legal. I don't wish business failure on anybody arising from what appears to be a Government UTurn. These Investors were entitled to start a legitimate business based on earlier solid indications of new markets and new level of acceptance. Irrespective of the whys and wherefore of cannabis use, this situation now unfolding doesn't show the Government in a very favourable light, either here or abroad, and I would understand if many people and Business Owners protest angrily!
  18. Don't you actually mean: "Another real Death"?
  19. Question is easy! Only in the minds of the gullible! Non-existent!
  20. I had a g/f who called an ice cream sandwich a "snake" .
  21. The Abbot speculated... What nonsense - so much for the "wisdom" of Buddhism!!
  22. This is what I call a songthaew! My Thai wife calls it a tuk tuk The photo in the Article is also called a songthaew - Seems to depend on where you live. Might just as well call a spade a spade - or a shovel! And the nerve to call them any of them "taxis" is laughable!
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