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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Shouldn't that figure of 540, be 540,000 (and even this figure should really have another zero added to it) if there is actual enforcement going on?
  2. Better the business you don't specially like than no business at all.
  3. While we are on the subject of what an Immigrant is, notwithstanding those who believe Thai citizenship makes an immigrant, let us agree that there is no such thing as an "Immigrant visa" for Thailand.
  4. Correct - there are no Immigrants in Thailand - those who arrive at Immigration can only be considered as "potential" immigrants. An Immigrant is only that when already in the Country having been accepted as such. No refugees, no asylum seekers. Thailand wants to stay Thai! Those of us who have been here for many years are not guests or visitors or tourists and not immigrants. I have been here for 20 years and married to a Thai. I live and do (most) of the things Thai people do and I think while not an official status, we are effectively residents on an annual basis and recurring as the "Immigration" laws stand currently.
  5. Interestingly, the Immigration Dept is a rather odd choice title given that no foreigner can be an immigrant, unless a doubtful wish to become a Thai citizen is successful. But even then, "immigrant" is not really what one is.
  6. It looks good in my excel spreadsheet. I tried uploading the file but that didn't work so copied and pasted it and I don't know until had uploaded it that it is far from perfect. However, I am satisfied that the information it contains is more on topic and hopefully useful
  7. Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal 70-99 150 -200 35 - 55 66 - 178 10 -180 GLUCOSE CHOLESTEROL HDL LDL Triglyceride 08/12/07 126 255 54 159 208 30/01/08 100 184 47 110 136 Improvement 21.00% 28.00% 13.00% 31.00% 35.00% Normal These improvements arise from the following actions: High 90% reduction in alcohol consumption replacing with fresh fruit juice, more water and fat free milk Near 90% reduction in added sugar from daily cereal, tea and coffee (about 10 teaspoons) 25% increase in fish in the diet – accent on Omega 3 25 grams twice a week cashews or walnuts At this time in my life only little exercise but not really any changes for the period No medical intervention
  8. A few years ago this happened to me - the same, all other things being equal should be valid today Blood Test record.ods
  9. You are up against it with, or in my case, without, Thai customs. I paid a shipping company in England 2000gbp to bring my personal effects to thailand. No furniture, only a few obvious personal effects, all properly labelled as such. After a few weeks, I was contacted by someone in Bangkok claiming to be the customs demanding B30, 000 import duties. I paid it and another b2000 to get it all to Chiang Mai and when it arrived my prized Tiffany lamps were broken. This was 20 years ago. Other Posters on here are recommending, for other reasons, not to bring furniture and other large items. My story revolves around me being completely ignorant of procedures and unfamiliar with corruption everywhere in Thailand. The silly thing is, I had bought a new desktop computer, 1,000gbp with me on the plane from UK to Thailand, declaring it at customs and being waved through without paying anything.
  10. No problem at all, though I always take my passport with me when travelling just in case. In reality, I could actually have left it at home.
  11. Three years in fact, while their complaints had fallen on deaf ears. Are these the same ears whose orifice lower down continue to claim Pattaya as a family resort? It costs the tourist to sit on the beach - the sewage is free!
  12. Wearing a crucifix is not only strange, but wearing it to tell the world that the glorification of death and suffering is something worth exhibiting, is not my idea of a philosophy of life. At least, apart from the pig, what the Thais are doing is rather silly but not especially harmful.
  13. Ministers have set the goal of reducing fatalities from 32.7 deaths per 100,000 people to 12 per 100,000 people by the year 2027. What's the use of just setting goals without actually DOING anything? It is no better than a Football Manager's team needing to score a goal but not sending any of his players onto the pitch!
  14. An upfront Seller can easily put a "reserve" on the item! I don't buy anything on EBay now, shipping and import taxes takes the shine off any decent deal one might achieve.
  15. The stand out lesson from this story is that Pit Bulls are unpredictable. As far as I am concerned, any owner and breeders of this kind of dog are irresponsible. And this situation needn't prevail for the future if they are banned entirely. There are literally thousands of other breeds one can choose from! No excuses - let's hear it from those in Authority that they will actually do something!
  16. It is absolutely fine to judge people - just keep it to yourself!
  17. But the actual question you asked was did anybody know anywhere and Google, as others have suggested, knows the answer! In addition, it is likely that some places may have accompanying reviews within the search. If you want recommendations, then that is the question to ask about. I am guessing that you, like most of us in this forum are basically strangers to one another so nothing much different from reviews from 'outsde'.
  18. By consulting someone who is an expert in everything musical and how that business works, you won't be taking any steps at all apart from getting an opinion that may assist both you and your daughter ask some of the questions you may not have thought of! If you are not in any committing situations right now, it always a good idea to seek advice that will help what is an unknown process be potentially become better informed to take those steps with confidence. You have asked the non-experts on this forum including me but I do know someone who is and you have nothing to lose by contacting him. He is an Englishman, very personable and is extremely well known in the Music industry! I wish you well at these exciting times for all your family!
  19. Grammy-Nominated Singer, Voice Coach & Stage Director, William Morris. He is available for singing coaching at his music studio in Bangkok and for online consultation. Phone: (063) 171 0669 Email: [email protected] I have cut and pasted this information from his YouTube Channel. I am one of his Subscribers. He is not directly involved with your situation but I suspect he has contacts and may have some useful insights to help you move forward with it. I have since contacted him and let him know you may contact him direct
  20. The weather for me is absolutely fine - it never sucks, only blows - just enough for a cooling breeze.
  21. Yes, that is because Madrid is the second highest capital city in Europe in altitude at over 2,000 feet, twice as high as Chiang Mai, I think most of those who choose to live in Spain go the southern areas.
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