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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. A "Table for four" is a different scenario I arrive at a restaurant empty or otherwise, with three others and ask for a table for four - they seat me somewhere, often with a choice - end of story without drama or conflict!
  2. The answer is in the question. Does it makes sense to say you can't live alone and when you have someone, you have no time for them? You are hurting them by admitting that your work is an obsession. You should be passionate about anything that is worthwhile, but "obsessive, "NO!
  3. Are you sure it is "often"? I have lived here for more than 20 years all over Thailand and never experienced being asked to move to another table.
  4. What a nasty opinion you have of your fellow humans! Just about 100% of whom you have no knowledge of Women in general are not inferior to you in any way!
  5. Take the position of Immigration: Foreigners are not even of this world We are officially ALIENS
  6. As far as I am concerned, violence is unnecessary. When someone is drunk and looking for trouble, I leave the scene, whether alone or with somebody, pool party or any other place. The difference between me and many posters on this issue, is that I know how to control myself and certainly not looking to smash somebody's head in, whatever they have done!
  7. My gut feeling is that this wish to get a vehicle from Thailand to Europe is pretty rare and even if there was someone here actually has experience of the procedure it might have been a long time ago. Someone here mentioned a Shipping Agent and that would be my first option to establish the current procedure and potential costs and the exact destination - I am not sure that "Europe" is an ultimate destination.
  8. Cash transaction 5 seconds, three or four times that is a maximum of 20 seconds - what's the problem? You will often spend 30 times that (5 seconds) at some traffic lights just to wait your turn.
  9. If you live here you are a resident not a guest. Guests are casual visitors who come and go, like tourists for example!
  10. The title suggests that ANY foreigners but in the text you want to know where you fit personally - a completely different matter! I have heard that on the "hierarchy" "list" I read a long time ago that briefly: Royalty All Monks Senior Officers in the Military and Government The Rich, high profile celebrities and Farang (particularly) of foreigners A few more layers I am not sure of.
  11. There are other issues about refusing euthanasia for pets, When it is refused in circumstances where it is obvious to do so, there are at least two victims who continue to suffer unnecessarily: the pet and the pet Owner. If it is performed, there are no victims, including the Vet! And it is worth noting that most people in Thailand, including vets, are quite OK with the terrible treatment and slaughter of animals for food - that they eat!! Even monks find this a difficult problem to grapple with! I wonder how many people actually practice the main precepts of Buddhism - I can tell you - not that many!
  12. Sorry to hear about this, I know how emotionally painful it is. I don't live around Pattaya but I do know that there are vets in Thailand who will do the needful. I find it rather sad to think that religion gets in the way of real suffering.
  13. Apart from casual visits I wouldn't consider any country to retire to that is hopelessly religious or not democratic (in principle) Yes, I live in Thailand that is 96% Theravada Buddhist but fortunately no gods involved - I am OK with its philosophy of life. Also, "might" be anything better is not enough to make informed decisions. Even if you found perfection anywhere, you can be sure change might get in the way of thoughts of reality in permanency!
  14. Well, Krabi (do you mean Krabi Province or Krabi town) is not a city and cannot easily be compared with Phuket that has much more going for it in the form of restaurants, night life and shopping and decidedly more expensive. Are you planning only going to beaches? Have a two-centre holiday and choose for the longer time in the place that suits you. It also matters if you are alone or with a partner or even a family that may determine the suitability of the places - and of course when you plan to go!
  15. Most Thai food is junk food- You show me a dish that has any vegetables in it and no processed ingredients. in any event, the lady is in business to satisfy a ready market. Could be a lot worse - selling weed!
  16. The straitjacket of education in Thailand is: The preservation and continued cultivation of "Thainess"
  17. Is he a bloke or a geezer? Same as you I think, frequents bars, shouts about how much money he has, "a bit weird" and obviously a great fan of all the ladies.
  18. I had to look it up - Mahjong solitaire - I knew when I saw the images. Better than nothing but - not very demanding and only "sharps" up part of the brain I would have thought a retired IT man could could do something a little more challenging. Exercising the body would help too; the brain loves oxygen; you do any of that?
  19. Certainly doing something that requires some element of thinking and calculating is good for the brain. Every day: I do two or three sudoku puzzles at the expert level I play computer chess Also every day, I do word games, including spelling at the expert level Every week I complete a cryptic crossword (Everyman on Sundays)
  20. That makes a big difference. It seems that you would need a whole house with minimum 2 bedrooms and at least some kitchen area and some space around for the children. Some resorts have such places so still suggest you look around in Agoda and state your requirements. Many resorts have English speaking staff. But it won't be from a baseline of B500 per night. I have learned through personal experience that the rate per night can be negotiated down drastically when needing a month or two, especially if we are talking the low season. Do some research online before going to Agents.
  21. Go to agoda or booking. Com. This has the advantage of photos and reasonable descriptions of the place. There are hundreds of places for b500 per night. You can call the resorts or hotels direct and negotiate a deal. Certainly easier if some Thai person can help you. You mention the wife wanting - she going alone?
  22. something suspicious or at least unexplained. My own quote Anyone of us here can speculate on circumstances From my point of view, anyone reported missing with the information, though scant in this case, needs to be addressed now, waiting for a period (who will decide?) to elapse before serious action is taken could lead to greater problems for the missing person and for Officialdom not acting quickly - no, not panicking! The family, 10,000 kms away, can do nothing except hope somebody is doing something, if only to eliminate certain possibilities and to satisfy them that inquiries continue on their behalf.
  23. I think people on here are underestimating the concern. It is stated that he was supposed to be on a flight back home and there is no advice to his family that he missed that flight. Not being on a booked flight suggests something suspicious or at least unexplained. The family's thoughts are those of a man that has "disappeared" - that sounds reasonable to me and needs urgent attention.
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