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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. When I was a teenager, I went to parties, in fact in my twenties too, but I didn't need the crutch of drugs to give me a false feeling of "fun" When it comes to drugs, I have never taken any in my entire life and from that point of view, the cynics may call me "goody goody". The dead girl was described as "fiercely independent". What does this mean? Is it someone who is stubborn, someone who doesn't take advice from anyone including parents, doesn't need anyone's help for anything? I will do what I like! The "fun" life is where one doesn't require any due diligence; can be carefree. She won't suffer anything from her death but her friends and family have to live with this tragedy for the rest of their lives - it is with them I offer my sympathies!
  2. How much actual BEER do they produce - it is all lager! And they know this and feel that calling it "lager beer" satisfies real beer drinkers. Which it doesn't!
  3. YOU were the reason they shouted - you just didn't observe it! Things like this happen for a reason that none of us here has any idea of but possibly you do! I wonder what the assistants would say if we asked them, "WHY"? I don't believe post-covid is relevant. Going for their throat next time will likely give them reason to react "unfavourably" towards your person that you will definitely observe!
  4. A sort of "shotgun wedding" One wedding and two funerals! Who can make sense of it all?
  5. One g/f I had didnt even know Liverpool was in England. Another g/f asked me if New Zealand was "near " England.
  6. Same month last year B1900, this month 2023 - B2900. I have spoken to a few people and everyone said their bill was worth mentioning - because higher than they thought it would be!
  7. Roads are not dangerous - drivers are. My points remain valid in my first post and in my response to your comment. In addition, I have never had an accident myself either in my car or, on my bicycle for the last 25,000 kms. I KNOW there are lots of accidents all over the place, I read about them and I have commented many times on this forum.
  8. What I have written is absolutely correct. I have seen the aftermath of accidents - quite a few - but I didn't witness anything myself which is my main point. In the overall scheme of things there are trillions of precise points where accidents can happen and still I have to be there at a precise time to see anything actually happen and only once - last year in fact; a motorbike crashing into a car.
  9. Nowhere in the world is 100% safe if one is in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am not scared of anything! Even very bad driving in Thailand has me having seen only one accident actually happen in more than twenty years and that didn't involve me or my bike or my car!
  10. You could move to Phuket, Its official - The Governor there says the fog and smog are normal natural phenomena
  11. She is a pretty girl but I would prefer 10,000 police on the road doing their job!
  12. 100 checkpoints- 10,000 checkpoints wouldn't be enough for reasonable Thailand coverage. As long as you don't meet a checkpoint or turn around when you see one, you will be fine - drunk or not.
  13. The chart below shows my figures for blood pressure for the last seven weeks. They show three consecutive measurements, early morning and late evening Three measurements recorded plus the average in the next column and a final column for the two averages to calculate the average daily measurements The 1's and 1/2's in the rows reflect the medication. either a whole tablet or just half - they are made to easily break in half. My readings show I am within acceptable levels with the odd blip for which I have no explanation. I use an Omron.
  14. Another conjugation of the word is pedantry - idiomatically, the "splitting of hairs". Possibly arguing a point that does little to change the subject/object of it! For example. "I have 2000 friends on Facebook". Pedant replies, "I happen to know you have only 1998". ie, the pedant makes a point that is not fully denying it but feels the need to refute on the basis of it being incorrect - but in reality of no significance to the original claim that remains valid and unnecessarily requiring correction! I am now being circumloquacious or a perennial sufferer of logorrhea. ( the spellchecker for this word suggested gonorrhea - Ha! ha).
  15. I am interested in the "stamp" in the OP. It refers to a retirement "visa" Also there is no reference to the Immigration Office it is issued at. It looks a little mickey mouseish to me
  16. Good point. I would also argue why B800,000, when after retirement extension granted, only B400,000 needs to be in the bank!
  17. I should have pre-fixed my story with a disclaimer of it not being an April Fools joke.
  18. A French friend of mine while doing his 90 Day report at Lampang Immigration yesterday, 31 March, was told through his Thai wife, that from 1st of April, upon entering Thailand with a re-entry visa (while on retirement extension), would need to show B800,000 in the bank. This information relayed to me by my wife who's Thai friend was discussing this with an Immigration Officer. As it relates to me, I am returning from Malaysia (after about four days) to Chiang Mai by air in late June and need to be sure this is a fact. I do use an Agent and yesterday they told me they knew nothing of it. In the meantime, I ask on this forum if anyone else knows anything that resembles the opening sentence or if something has been lost in translation. In my written conversation later with the Agent they told me something I am not prepared to publish direct in this forum. Please PM me to find out out what it was - it was very surprising!
  19. Is "suspicion" enough for imprisonment? Another ill-thought headline I think.
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