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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. You are right, I am mere mortal and not exalted at all. But she loves me for the way I love her, treat her, respect her and am completely honest and reliable and easy to get on with. My knowledge of the world is far greater than hers and use it to help her and us make life's decisions. I am a good man for her - she tells me and shows me every day. In her eyes, I am right for her. That helps me feel really nice and both of us together make for a peaceful and happy life!
  2. Thank you for your kind comments As a matter of interest, she is not my wife because of her education and awards. She is kind, thoughtful, considerate, respectful, honest, very unselfish, loving, nice and naughty sometimes and a thoroughly good woman whose friends and students admire her as I do. She sings in the shower and when she is cooking. Jeab is happy and so am I.
  3. In May of last year, I told here of the event that my Thai wife (Jeab) had been awarded, "COMPANION OF THE MOST EXALTED ORDER OF THE WHITE ELEPHANT". I think I have heard all the jokes on this one! This particular award is Fourth in Class of the eight in this category. This has an English equivalent of "Companion of Honour" and is for a major contribution to the the Arts, Sciences and Education over a long period. There are only 120 awards at this level. Her career in the Military as soldier, nurse and Officer spans 23 years and her work in Buddhist education about 12 years, as well as writing four books that have been peer reviewed and published (in Thai language only). Jeab has B.A and MA (hons) and for about 5 years has 'Assistant Professor' added to her achievements. Officially retired, Jeab works part time as a Government Schools Inspector visiting those around Northern Thailand. I mention those aspects above for the benefit of those who didn't see my original post, that attracted praise but for some it was little to shout about. It IS true at the 8th level that awards are made for those working for just 5 years in the Government and if that was all it were, I wouldn't make anything special about it. It is special and I am so proud of her. As well as being educated, she is a very charming, elegant lady, that I celebrated a 4th wedding anniversary with last week at the beach in Koh Samet. The update is that on 18th July there will be a presentation of her personally-signed (by the King) framed certificate. For some reason, the accompanying insignia (medal and ribbon) will not be presented at the same time and the delay of the presentation may be Covid-19 related but apparently, one of her Colleagues has waited 5 years for his presentation. It involves a trip to Ayutthaya. I will accompany her! Thank you for your interest and responses.
  4. My experience with my then English wife was fifteen years ago so what I have to say isn't so current, but for nearly three years we were in and out just about every week including time in a hospital bed. My wife's cancer entailed much radiation and chemotherapy and all staff and Doctors were first class in every way from bedside manner to quality consultations. Costs for the entire period I can't remember but everything was incredibly cheaper than the week she had in RAM, which to be fair included major surgery, but that was covered by medical Insurance. I am talking about Suan Dok right in Muang Chiang Mai. She was in a private room.
  5. ChrisKC

    Makro Bread

    Most of the world's wheat comes from Ukraine and Russia. Little to none has been exported for four months, resulting in a doubling of the price and a serious shortage. My local Makro store in Lampang has had no whole wheat bread for a month now.
  6. I have a suggestion to make: On several occasions I have sought to have messages sent to my phone when changing passwords etc, including my Bank for which I have an online Account, Messages were stated by the Sender to have been received by me but I couldn't find them. I discovered sometime later, that I HAD received them but in a messaging app already installed when I bought the phone ("hidden" in a folder on the Menu screen). Even my online bank with it's own messaging system didn't receive my messages but instead went to an existing app I rarely looked at! So, try looking at another possible messaging app on your phone or tablet to check.
  7. Apart from the interest generated by what seems to be most of the population... I have ZERO personal interest!
  8. Was that when the bees suddenly started swarming around you?
  9. What might a Doctor's diagnosis come up with? Food poisoning; as in, nothing to do with the leaf!
  10. Given that the report states and CCTV footage shows - but wouldn't a bike or a car collide into the SIDE of a vehicle coming out from a side road? If hitting the car in the back, this would give more time for the biker to stop as the other vehicle would still be turning from side on before going forward. That the car went to the outside lane, this gave even more time for the biker to stop. I do not intend to infer that the biker is at fault, only that all things being equal these are points I just make about the scenario. Whether he was just going too fast to brake in time, lost concentration, we don't know! In any event, the report isn't clear that the CCTV footage includes a car "suddenly" coming out of a side road or how far away the biker was at that point! The "full story" doesn't clarify anything more about the accident. As I see it, therefore, I cannot judge who was really at fault. RIP to that unfortunate man!
  11. There are no excuses! if one doesn't apply the brake or slow down until actually at the crossing there isn't time enough to avoid a collision. As many as 90% of drivers do not stop at these crossings whether people are waiting to cross or even on the crossing itself. There would be even more accidents if pedestrians weren't acutely aware of sentence two above. What I don't understand is that most pedestrians are also riders and drivers themselves! But again - no enforcement of the law or official regard for public road safety. And let's forget that it is likely to change for the better
  12. Was told to take Asprin after a TIA Stoke, Doc also said nothing to worry about as most people have had a Stroke that they knew nothing about and felt nothing, I went dizzy with double vision for about 15 seconds. It scared me so I went to Hospital. My comment relates to the above sentence only, not the abdominal aspect. I have learned from experience of 15 years ago and research that a TIA can be a warning of a serious Stroke to come. It should be treated as such. In my own case I was diagnosed by my local Doctor who tested me me for high blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels. They were not so serious but all were above normal. I decided on a course of action that I referred to with a chart I posted on this forum a few months ago in an associated thread. I managed a reduction in my measurements after only seven weeks that brought all the numbers down to normal levels. After first seeing my test results (high) I was advised to have a scan at the hospital that revealed the TIA had damaged 1% of my brain but that the neural networks, within about 2 minutes of the TIA had already taken over the duties of the damaged area and faculties temporarily endured had been restored to "normal" ( as perceived by me). 15 years later, now, my numbers as they relate to highs in sugar levels, cholesterol, etc. have remained in normal range.
  13. That's easy, for the man who has a bit of cash, they are everywhere.
  14. Well, I shall continue staying away and I will recommend my foreign visitors to do the same.
  15. In the context of this article, one doesn't increase measurements, one increases measures. This should be basic stuff for professionals!
  16. Not sure I can answer this question directly, but for me, this is just the kind of product I wouldn't buy from the internet. There are plenty of stores that do exceptional deals but important as anything, you can examine each type directly and ask various questions to help with your decision.
  17. I asked my wife the other day her opinion about the idea of not wearing her mask, She told me she would like to continue to wear it. I explained to her that covid in Thailand right now is experiencing a dramatic fall in positive infections to the point that statistically, the chance of catching it was extremely improbable and for myself, I could accept on this basis, I could easily give up my mask. With this in mind I asked if she thought there was a hint of paranoia and she agreed. I would like to make this point though, We have been wearing masks for more than two years and while agreeing that in the early times in 2020 it took quite a while to adjust to wearing them but that after two years, it has become routine and one might also think of it as a habit. Now the "habit" is a little difficult to break and a new adjustment in reverse is the matter to ponder. It isn't entirely rational, I think, but in Lampang where I live, just about everyone still wears their mask and going anywhere without it, might elicit the death look. It isn't a big deal for me either way but I DO wonder when it will all end!
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