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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. I agree with you and those oil vaporisers - wouldn't even try them. However dry herb vape is a different story. I have one of those non electronic pen size vaporiser, that you have to heat with a torch lighter. Worked great at the beginning. Tastes a lot better than smoking a joint. However about a year ago it stopped working for me. Might have reassembled something wrong after cleaning it :( so now smoking joints...
  2. When medical cannabis became legal and as soon as I found a clinic in my province, I went and got myself the oil. All they had was THC oil. As per the instructions I started with 1 drop and worked my way to 7 drops daily. It was very low on THC so never got stoned, but sleep improved greatly. I later tried home made oil I got from a friend and found out that it takes me 2-3 hours to get high and it also depends on how long after dinner I took the oil and what I ate for dinner. I usually took the drops a couple of hours before going to sleep. The sleep was good, the high was usually good as well (only 2 drops) and the effect of the high was much longer than smoking weed. I once took my 2 drops just before going to sleep. Woke up about 6 hours later (had to drive my son) and I was as high as a giraffe.... Took another 2 hours to fade. So now I prefer vaping or smoking as the effect is within 15 minutes which means I can adjust the intake according to the effect, and although I only smoke in the evening a couple of hours before going to sleep, I know that in about 2 hours the highness will fade, yet I sleep great.
  3. I think that the 1st set of Yoko I bought were about 8K / tire, and later on I bought another set for around 6K. At the moment they are priced at 6,390 each and BFGoodrich 10,490. I read somewhere last week that as of 2019 BF started producing in Thailand as well yet the price is the same as it was in the past. Although I am happy with the Geolandar, a couple of times tires were ruined by rocks on the sidewall which is not as fortified (?) as Goodrich's. I can't say how % tread I have left, but seems a lot less than what should be. The question is if Bf worth the 16K difference in price.
  4. To be honest, when I was 56 I've never been over 65, but I do know people who like that. Had a friend that when he was 30 he was regularly over 50
  5. As long as it's not Venus!!!
  6. I need a new set of tires for a Ford Ranger 4 doors 4x4. I always liked the BFGoodrich, but was not easy to find 18" size in Thailand, usually more than 6 months since manufacturing and it was always more expensive than other A/T tires so I always had to compromise and take the Yokohama. I understand that since 2019 BFGoodrich started manufacturing here in Thailand, so I guess it would be easier to find "fresh" tires, and even see them on B-Quick website. Price is still 10,500 THB per tire, as it was about 4-5 years ago when I last looked for new tires. I don't drive off road as much as I used to, but I do have about 500 meters of unpaved road leading to my place and during the wet season it can be challenging for road tires. Many times after heavy rain I even have to go 4x4 part of this road. Also, I like to keep my off road options open. Price difference between the 2 stands at about 4K / tire. The tire I have now are about 4-6 years old. Don't know how many Km I drove on them. I understand that the BF are a bit more of a rough drive compared to Yoko, but that they last much longer. Any personal experience? Recommendations? TIA
  7. Don't understand their problem. If there are so many of them, why don't they just create a town where they can live in together with a set of rules that suits them? They can have general toilets facilities, their own old age care places, "pride parades" everyday of the year. As the common thing for all of the residents will be their membership in the a-z community, they'll know for sure that if anyone rejects them it is for other reasons...
  8. Works well in my area. The postlady in charge of my immediate area calls everyone there is a letter or parcel for me, asks if I'm home and sets a time for delivery. If I'm not at home but somewhere in the area she'd come to me
  9. No, be didn't. But he's a great salesman, maybe the greatest in the world so he managed to get all those millions to think he was doing something for them. In fact - he consolidated their loans and made it easier for them to borrow more money, not as a way to increase their income, but so they could buy cars, phones and other unnessesary objects that pushed them further into debts
  10. Wether I had sex with a virgin or not is irrelevant. As for showing virgin blood - seems you get all your knowledge from the wrong kind of books. And as for ill feelings - she probably had those, as she went to her mom to complain about the rape immediately after it happened, not few weeks or months after she was raped. But the most important fact you keep ignoring - the 14 years old girl was raped, and her virginity has nothing to do with it! Grow up
  11. Good to hear that the Bang Phra mechanics are the good guys in this story. I used to fly there, was a club member.
  12. 1. Being a Virgin is NOT a prerequisite for rape. 2. The girl is 14 years old. In countries where there are statutory rape laws, sex with such a young girl would be considered rape even if the girl initiated the sex. In Thailand there's no such laws yet it is still illegal to have sex with a girl (or boy) this age 3. What tale-telling signs? Those usually appear after an abuse that the tape victims are afraid to complain and try to hide what has happened. This girl went to her mom immediately after the rape, hoping her mom and aunt will help her deal with what happened. 4. It couldn't have been many months after the rape as there is a limited time in which an abortion takes place.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 236 seconds  
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 126 seconds  
  15. I do similar thing with boron powder. A tiny little spoon of boron (Spoon came with the boron) in a small sauce plate, a few drops of boiling water to desolve the powder, a normal teaspoon of honey (tried with jam or peanut butter but never worked for me) mix it good and put it near the path of the ants. Sometimes put some drops on the surface along the path as well. Soon enough there ants will come feeding on it and in few days no more ants.
  16. How's that TIT? You mean it never happens in other more "civilized" countries? Here's a result of a very quick google search, from the US. source: https://rainn.org/statistics/scope-problem
  17. This is exactly what he did 20 years ago, and basically tripled the average household debts of Thai people...
  18. Don't know about a place in Udon, but I traveled 800 km to bang na a few years ago. An overhaul of auto transmission quoted by ford dealer at about 150-200k THB, 85k by a local garage that said it would take about 2 weeks. Called the guys at bang na and they said 35-50k, done in less than 1 day and no need to wait for oaths 6 as they have everything there Arrived around 6am, decided on complete overhaul for 50k. Drove out of the garage around 3pm. In fact I'm thinking of driving there again soon to change transmission oil, as at the dealership it takes 3 days just for that...
  19. Probably as stupid as you quoting my reply and then re-write it...
  20. Why? She'll inherit enough money to overcome any bad feelings
  21. Probably called and said something in the lines of: Hey girl, congrats on your new job. Now can you put daddy on the phone please?
  22. He's innocent until proven guilty in the case he's waiting for. However, he is a convicted felon, so certificate of innocence is really stretching it.... I wonder if he would be able to get a visa to countries like Australia where one must indicate any criminal record...
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