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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. You realized that vaccines are not vitamins, right? The idea of vaccination was to get it once and be done with it (like all childhood vaccinations you got). As it turned out, the covid vaccine doesn't hold very long, meaning antibodies dwindling and supposedly the body won't be able to fight the virus IF you get infected (recent world meter stats indicate about 3-4% of the world's population as of 25 November, and that's over 2 years... and only 2% of those didn't recover which is about 0.007% of the world population). So the idea of a booster shot is to increase Antibody count when it is getting too low.
  2. So you saw 5 foreigners - white males not wearing masks. You presume they just arrived in Thailand and speculate they were very pleased with themselves for not wearing masks. You ask what people think they should do in such a case and all you did was post here... If you ask me what would I do, the answer is nothing. I do wear a mask when I'm public but not because I think it helps anything and I don't care what others do. The % of infected people around the world is negligent. The chances you'll encounter one are slim. If you're so worried just keep your distance and be happy you're healthy
  3. Sometimes a letter of intentions would convince the other party to comply with the contract. The OP said he used a lawyer for the contract...
  4. I never understand why so many people like to complicate simple things. In Thailand there's no need for a lawyer to complete property deals. If you want to know exact figures simply take a copy of the chanot to the land office and they'll calculate for you the numbers on the spot. The responsibility for paying both transfer fees and taxes is the seller's. However, the land office doesn't care who pays what, so it's basically according to the agreement between buyer and seller. If you sign a contract which states you share these costs and one side decides not to honour the contract - that person is in breach of the contract so you wouldn't have lost your deposit if you were to walk away from the desk back then, but you would have probably had to take the seller to court which might have been a long and costly process.
  5. I've been trying to convince many girls here to burn their bras. No luck so far. Most of them said it's the only way to keep the padding in place ????
  6. Using the atm to withdraw money from a dead person's account is illegal. The account must be frozen as soon as the bank gets notified of the death. If anyone uses the atm to withdraw before the bank is notified and later on it is found out, the person withdrawing the money can be procedures. You actually added your partner as a signatory on the account, not a beneficiary. If you try to withdraw money at a branch using your passbook you'll actually need both signatures, not only 1.
  7. My point was that although covid can cause serious illness and even death, numbers as reported by health organisations around the world suggest that serious illness and death only happens in a very small % of the world population and the panic from the virus has much more devastating effects on life.
  8. According to worldmeters.info 25Nov 2021, the total number of covid cases around the world is 259,683,133 which is just about 3.46% of the world population, and that's over 2 years. 98% of those already recovered, so only 2% of all infected people died. That is 0.07% of the world population. The active cases around the world right now: 19,673,255. Out of those only 82,285 are in serious or critical condition. That's 0.4% of total active cases, and that is only 0.001% of the world population.
  9. There are at least some western countries (including Australia) that accept both Chinese vaccines for entry without quarantine. If I absolutely had to get vaxed it would be one of those old style vaccines.
  10. The name on the building permit has nothing to do with ownership. Only the name on the chanot is ownership. Say you want to sell me the house. How will you transfer "ownership" to me? Where will it be registered? AFAIK usufruct is non transferable. Once you sell me the house how can you guarantee I will have access to the house if I have to go through someone else's property?
  11. No. The child's rights are protected by the courts. Any transaction done must be approved by the court and they'll only approve it if it will benefit the child.
  12. A misconception. The only document indicating ownership of property is the chanot and you cannot get a separate chanot for a house. The only exception AFAIK is when buying a house from a developer of a gated village where they issue 1 chanot for the land and another for the house (which technically is meaningless IMO as the owner of the land won't be able to sell the land without the house and the owner of the house won't be able to sell the house without the land...)
  13. Pretty sure he'll need his wife's concent to "buy" shares in the company as well. Also there are many threads in this forum about the costs and procedures for selling a company owned house and dissolving the company. Can be a painful and costly procedure.
  14. Just bought a new notebook for 20k. 15", i3 gen 11. On board 4gb RAM with another slot (in which I added 16gb). On board ssd 500gb with slot for another HD (couldn't install the 1tb HD from my old notebook as it is 9mm thick and the space allows only 7mm thickness). Upon first boot installation of the os starts and gives you the option to install win10 or win11. I chose win11. I'd say I'm an average user and I'm happy with it. My previous notebook ran win10 and the switch to 11 was easy. Changing from win7 to 10 (or 11) takes more getting used to, but not too difficult. The notebook came with office 19 licence for life and the only thing I'm not so happy about is that outlook is not included and I have to use MS MAIL instead.
  15. I would think these questions should be asked BEFORE establishing a company for the sole purpose of owning a property. Once you have the estimates you should then look at it as part of the costs of owning the property and decide if that's the best way to do it.
  16. They're talking about limiting access to just about everywhere. The number of unvaccinated non Thais that need immigration services is much lower than the number of Thais therefore if it was only no or limited access to immigration is not not a problem.
  17. If it was only immigration I could live with it. How many people would be effected? But he was talking about everything
  18. A better solution is give me ALL your money and then you won't have any money that can be stolen.....
  19. No, I'm not. I wrote dump the brit. But in order to get legally married in Thailand she must marry a guy
  20. That's the 1 (or many) billions $$ question I guess only Pfizer and the other vax manufacturers have the answer to. Personally - the more governments around the world push for vaccinations, the less I'm willing to get the jabs
  21. Why do you have to go back to the airport? The big rental companies usually deliver to you if within their travel limit (around 30 km) and even if they don't, they'd have a city branch where you can get the car
  22. In my area in the North it's some days have, some days don't have. Some 7-11 shops restrict 2 packs per purchase, so the other day I bought 2, paid, it the door and back in to get 2 more...
  23. Seems like 2 does of anything can't beat the delta variant. That's why all over the world they give a 3rd shot of the "good and effective" vaccines. The Chinese vaccine is based on the same technology all other traditional vaccines are based on. The anti tetanus, rabbis, influenza and the rest. When Pfizer rolled out their mRNA vaccine they said it will take up to 6 weeks to tweak it to any new mutation or variant. Well, the delta variant became the most common variant in April, and 5 months later, they still haven't got a vaccine designed for it. They just give booster shots of the same original vaccine.
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