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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't get high, I smoke before bed and am asleep before any unwanted effects appear. But if you could suggest a different pain relief that has no side effects and costs less than 4bht/day I'll give it a go.
  2. Been smoking since 2020 when the joint pain in my fingers became more than 8 paracetamol a day could handle. No pain, better sleep and less stomach problems since that time.
  3. Depth of breath is more important IMHO. You gotta go all the way in for best effect. Shallow sips do very little.
  4. You are correct assuming the wiring has been done correctly. However if the live and neutral were reversed before the breaker, what you thought was 'neutral' would be in reality live and permanently connected. MY house had live and neutral reversed coming out of the PEA meter, neutral was constantly live until I had it fixed. Sam as you, I found it (with a test screwdriver) when installing a shower heater on the first day I moved in the new build. Mains testing screwdrivers are well worth the 20bht. Always touch every bare wire with one, before you put your hands on it.
  5. Now show me a video of a dog evolving into a horse. Evolution is a theory ........ as in not proven. God is a theory ....... again not proven. Once something is proven they drop the 'theory' bit. But if evolution was real the number of species in the world should steadily increase. And the unfortunate fact is, since the 'Cambrian explosion' when most of the major animal groups first 'appeared', the number of species has been reducing. Which would tend to indicate God (sudden appearance of new animals in a short time) was more likely than evolution (gradual continuous appearance of new animals). One of the problems with posters is they never think, they just repeat. The wokes all repeat, climate change is real an caused by humans wearing a mask will prevent COVID Evolution is real and proven The religious all repeat, Everything is the will of god But none of them have ever tried thinking for themselves. I even have a few doubts about Newtons Laws, as it fails to account for the orbits of the galaxy, and 'dark matter' (something you can't see or measure) to me, smacks a little of religion and faith.
  6. As posted previously Evolution and creation are both just theories. There is no evidence to support either.
  7. I've found Critical Orange Punch, Tropical punch, Red Diesel and BubbleGummer exotics all work well. Smoked. As does cheap Laos '69' gold brick (available widely on Thai cannabis groups @400bht for 100gm). 2-4gm ground on the pizza cheese base before cooking. But Blue Dream, Lemon Kush, White Widow, Amnesia appear not medically effective.
  8. Sativa is not that good for 'medicinal uses'. Indica is great for sleeping and arthritis, Thai sativa does nothing for me. I smoke 0.5gm every night before bed.
  9. When you're 70 you probably won't want to do much. Which is what a lot of posters seem to be missing.
  10. I'd still be here, same house, same woman but maybe a new car. I'm OK with my life and what I have.
  11. Meth tablets are 25bht and available everywhere, why would kids want cannabis @ 500bht/gm?
  12. Do most foreign countries even have access to Thai script? I think not!
  13. Slightly off topic, I used to do time trials cycling from CM Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep. As a male I was positioned at a bit over 600th. As a female I was in the top 10. That's a massive difference.
  14. Only primary (6 years) and lower high school (3 years) is free, 9 years in total. https://www.talkeducation.com/news/thailand-s-schooling-system-everything-you-need-to-know
  15. Because it's Ladyboys doing all the robbing. And they mostly aren't transgender but transvestites.
  16. Use WISE between your UK bank and Thailand Bank. No need for your UK debit card to be used at all. Pay for everything with your Thai debit card + sa-kan QR/promptpay. My UK bank sees ZERO foreign transactions.
  17. Very cheap this month, big discount ..........
  18. There is an attendance requirement at all Thai government schools. The girl I took in couldn't progress to her next year as she skipped too much school. Yes, it's true, everyone that turns up gets a passing grade during their free government education which ends age 15 (but that's still only 61% of students from 2019 UNICEF study). At that point 66% of the remaining pupils are culled from the schools as unsuitable for more education and those that continue must pay. Less than 29% of Thai students graduate high school at age 18 (2019 study). https://data.unicef.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Thailand-Education-Fact-Sheets-2019-EN.pdf
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