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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Not as long as I have pension money to spend.
  2. Never understood why I needed 'game', apart from the Battlefield and HALO skills. The Vikings an the Mongol hordes knew how to treat women. Sadly it's only the Taliban who knows the 'game' these days.
  3. Never like it, too ethnic (American Jewish) for me.
  4. It would depend if a person is susceptible to mould. It' never bothered me, mouldy cheese no problem. Mouldy bread, just slice the discoloured part off. Penicillin, not a problem. What negative effect do you believe mould has?
  5. When you're in the jungle you can't follow 1 direction. Due to streams, trees ravines, hills, etc.
  6. I had no problems scoring a 60 year old white Brit woman back in the UK. And she wanted sex (but I had to tell her it would ruin our friendship) Why would I want to have sex with a woman over 35? For all you losers that can't score in your home countries ........ eat your hearts out!
  7. Rule 1 (discovered on my Thai honeymoon) Leave your Thai woman at home. There is no benefit in taking her with you. She'll just be unhappy, cost you money and stop you having fun. Plenty of other available women wherever you go.
  8. I can think back 40 years and dating in the UK was still a poop show. The media may have changed but the attitude didn't.
  9. Don't think I could have managed much more in my life.
  10. Doesn't make any difference to the court. My woman got caught in the same trap, just moved everything she owned into her mom's name. Successfully avoided a 500k guarantee.
  11. Not stupid, merely letting hope rule experience as many of us have done.
  12. I would advise everyone to avoid medical tests and check-ups. The more items of interest they note, the more exclusions and higher price you will pay for insurance. Best to have no medical history of any kind.
  13. Almost ALL men living in the west are INCELs. And after they marry western women they are still INCELs. I was, and all my pals back in the UK still are.
  14. Of course, the correct answer would have been "A woman that bangs on the first date, then cooks me a fried breakfast in the morning"
  15. I have a slightly different take on your comments, Many women (worldwide) see men as a commodity to be used, asset stripped and discarded.
  16. Most women lose their looks after 3 years in a LTR. Accept it, or move on!
  17. Just because we show little interest in you, doesn't mean we hate you. It's more about ROI, and you've effectively priced yourself out of the market.
  18. Before cannabis I had constant pain in my finger joints (arthritis). I was taking 6-8 paracetamol/day to relieve the pain and could no longer open twist top jars/bottles. Mouse clicks were becoming very painful. After a month of smoking cannabis every night the joint pain went away completely. After 6 months, I regained the use of my hands and can now open jars/bottles as if there was nothing wrong, and operate a mouse without pain. My wedding ring, that I had to remove because of swollen joints, now fits normally again. ZERO side effects!
  19. I used to teach French and German in High School
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