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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. There can be no gender equality until all men and women are allowed to compete in the same sporting events.
  2. Most of us can't afford to live in our home countries. Harry never had that problem. If King Charles gave me a nice stately home in which to live, and the money to spend on servants, food, living expenses .... I'd go back in an instant. I see @JonnyF already posted the same.
  3. Of topic, My step-daughter is one of those. I put it down to the high protein diet that western people eat Vs the rice with flavouring that Thai people traditionally ate. Unlimited access to fish/meat/milk makes a lot of difference to a growing child. Obviously the western diet is spreading to the Thai people and their children.
  4. Bought loads from them, fast delivery, no problems. Wait until they send you a 15% or 20% discount code before buying.
  5. The government schools are free, but if you don't pay for the 'extras' they won't let the kids sign up. My local schools extras are 5,000bht x2 a year.
  6. You forgot the 3 kids between Harry and the 2nd spot. Even Andrew has a better chance at the Throne than Harry.
  7. It's more a construction problem IMHO. When I bought my house the manhole cover at the back of the house hadn't been screwed down. Checked a few of the other houses, 250 houses all with wrongly installed septic tank covers. Had to get the builders back and show them how to fix the covers on properly. They said it wasn't important.
  8. The Brit version of Cadburys is as good as it ever was IMHO. Obviously not to be compared with the version sold to the Asian market with a higher melting point fat.
  9. People gave it to me as gifts. I agree with @thaibeachlovers, it's seen as 'posh', didn't like 'Ferrero Rocher' either. I ate them, but would have preferred Cadbury's fruit and nut, Terry's chocolate orange, or after Eight mints. My last Lazada order ............
  10. We asked the local teachers which school their kids went to. Then we sent our kids to the same school.
  11. Same process as enrolling any Thai child in a school. It just costs more, ask at the school how much they want. Loads of Burmese workers kids at my sons government school.
  12. No, I think all the politicians should be prevented from talking about sexuality, theirs or others.
  13. Tell that to Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Chairman Mao, and Adolf ........ all communists/socialists. Not sure is Muslims are left or right, but they want to chuck Trans of the roofs of buildings.
  14. My Brit government has been trying to erase white middle class men for the past 20 years.
  15. cheap one looks fine to me! This link for @OneMoreFarang only ............. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1376508386439936/?s=fb_shorts_tab&stack_idx=0
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