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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's not important that my woman likes me, its only important she serves me.
  2. Yes, she completed her high school exams with baby in a car seat on the examiners table. Then did 2 years at university before dropping out.
  3. Good photo of Anutin, someone just needs to photoshop a trough in place of the plant for it to be perfect ....... oink oink!
  4. Doubt as a 60+ year old I'd be able to find many virgins prepared to have sex with me. I've been well used, and I don't mind then being previously used either. This idea of getting a fresh one is only for the deeply bigoted IMHO. As for 'ripping you off' .... laughable, all women will rip you off given the opportunity, it's in their biological programming. Religion was invented to force women to be faithful and loyal to one man, without the enforced restrictions of religion, and the threat of death/whippings/ruin, they all slut around.
  5. Odd that you view the west as a single country. Or do you mean China and white people? ....... that doesn't work either.
  6. Never been in any Thai pharmacy that wouldn't sell me any product they had in stock, no questions asked. Maybe they should look to cleaning up their own members, before they start trying to interfere with others.
  7. As far as I can see, no u-turns. Self important people writing letters is irrelevant to the laws, or lack of laws. I still follow the rules I did when it was illegal. 1. Don't carry. 2. Smoke quietly at home.
  8. None of my Brit sourced seeds have done this. I'm not convinced the Thai sourced seeds are what they claim to be.
  9. I don't consider $50k as cheap or even affordable. My 3 bedroom house in CM cost $54k including the land.
  10. Would point out there are more Thais entitled to UK state pensions, than expats who gained Thai citizenship.
  11. Laws never apply to everyone. Those laws I don't like, I ignore.
  12. More likely the hormones from the contraceptive pill in the water. In London they say the water passed through 5 people before you drink it. Contraceptive hormones don't degrade and are mainly flushed out of the woman's body through urine.
  13. I'd guess at "Make a wish" Read by a Thai speaker that can read English letters but doesn't understand English pronunciation and too important for anyone to correct. My opinion, If you don't have the qualifications to teach in a school in your home country, you shouldn't be teaching here. End of!
  14. Would point out you can never really trust any woman ...... even if you're Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney, Robin Williams, Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates. When these guys can't keep their women, what chance do us plebs have? Paul McCartney, famous musician, mega rich couldn't even afford a whole one!
  15. My best pal is a strong good looking muscular athletic black guy with a great personality. One minor quirk, he never had any desire to buy a house, said it took too much of his income. He never had one relationship in the UK (London), but had many attractive girlfriends (supermodel quality) that all dumped him a few weeks after the first date. He was always going on about how no woman ever dated him for long and he couldn't understand why. I asked him, did he mention his 'not ever buying a house' before he got dumped? He went away and thought about it ........ then later returned and said "you're right, they all dumped me after I said I would never buy a house". Problem solved, no free house = no relationship in the UK.
  16. Then pinned your arms by kneeling on them, but to be fair they did rub themselves all over your face.
  17. I never paid for sex in the UK, married 30 years and never got much.
  18. I only encountered lap dancers in Canada (Pussy Palace/Beef Baron franchise, London, Ontario 1990s). All the dancers were slim university students wearing only bikini bottoms. $1 a dance, beer was also $1 small bottle.
  19. Australia is even worse, my Brit son impregnated an Oz girl, she was much bigger, tougher and more manly than him.
  20. Bank transfer using your Thai bank phone app is the normal way. You have to move with the times.
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