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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I went to one in Chiang Mai last year. Fairly impressive (Wat Doi Tairn end of every February).
  2. I know the price of everything and the worth of nothing! (Oscar)
  3. I was contracted out at some point, 35 years contributions, I needed to spend about 3,200GBP on 4 years extra voluntary NI to bring my state pension within 2 pounds of the maximum. I thought it was worth it.
  4. Me too, but I don't get those letters in the UK post. All I get is emails telling me to check my gateway account.
  5. Gotta laugh at the ignorance in that sentence. As for 'hermaphrodite', in my limited experience (10s not 1000s) not once ever, best not to buy inferior quality feminised seeds from the new boys on the block.
  6. Expensive site, I don't like to pay more than $3-5 for a feminised seed expected to grow 20%+ buds.
  7. My rabbits enjoy cannabis leaves and they've picked and eaten nearly all the leaves form my baby Kratom tree.
  8. i always sat on the wall 'cos it was free, and gave the girls/guys dressed as girls the opportunity to flirt with me. Simon is a big spender!
  9. Them ........ it's always been Us Vs Them.
  10. Philippines, Just as much fun, cheaper booze, and you can stay 3 years without a VISA.
  11. I class it as annoyance rather than hatred. Poorly educated people that I wouldn't employ to clean my toilet .... thinking themselves my equal, if not my superior. "Oh you want me to walk to the photocopier once more for something you didn't ask for before" Three walks on my last visit to CM, apparently it's more fun asking the foreigner to fetch one paper at a time.
  12. I think they're desperate for their pals to make money. All the conditions put money in the pockets of health insurers, property developers, banks, etc.
  13. Would point out we foreigners ain't responsible for their poverty. They could have stayed in their home villages working normal jobs like the rest of the country.
  14. My inverter (really cheap) switches to bypass with no damage, as my woman has tested twice by accident so far. I have no worries. Maybe if I spent as much as you on an inverter I'd be more concerned. (Which is pushing the logic of paying more for quality a little)
  15. I always assume people working streets and beaches are criminals waiting for their opportunity to prey on me. So far this assumption has never let me down. May I suggest ....... 200bht. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hy-8020-1-hayashi-i580390074-s6779242569.html
  16. In the western world it takes their topnotch computers 2hrs minimum to search and compare fingerprint records. Which means in Thailand, the best Immigration manage is to compare your name with your saved fingerprint. All they can do is say if you were the same person that previously passed through using this passport. No way are they searching their database for any other different passports matching you.
  17. Obvious answers ........ 'dirty Thai sex workers spreading disease of many kinds' To the hooker in the 7-11, 'gra-lee, mai supaap' would make the whole store laugh.
  18. I don't plan to die at all. Obviously at some point I will die, but I see no advantage in making any plans for it.
  19. I use Nano for everything (past 3 years), they seem to work perfectly. Come complete with MCBs, live bus bar, neutral bar, earth bar. When I ham handedly short something out (rare), click and they're off, or more often the rabbit chews through a mains cable (frequent) rabbit survives with no apparent damage. Can't comment on RCBO as I don't use them, but the main and individual circuit MCBs work perfectly. Quality metal box as well. The knock-outs are a bit hard to knock-out.
  20. Update: In the middle of CM pollution my 9x 330W panels maxed out at 1.7kW. Now we're in monsoon and the air is clear my 9x 330W panels max at 2.6kW. pollution Vs monsoon ........... That's a 30% loss of sunlight due to air pollution. Due to the monsoon clouds, I actually end up producing the same amount of electricity. Amazing Thailand.
  21. For my woman, Would point out you only have to do it once, then claim citizenship 5 years later, including access to free health care, welfare and a state pension. Not do it every year of your life. It's actually much cheaper and easier than me staying in Thailand (over a 5 year period), but the downside being I'd have to live in England for 5 years with her, so no benefit to me.
  22. I think they'd quickly surrender (and proudly announce 'peace in our time'). The Thai army is to protect the Thai government from it's own citizens, not foreign invaders.
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