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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's an interesting topic, Do something legal in one country, then get arrested when you enter a country where it's not allowed. Presumably Malaysians with more than one wife will be arrested and detained for bigamy the moment they enter Thailand. Not to mention the guys that married 12 year old women.
  2. Only if you're too stupid to see the name of the receiving account holder isn't as expected. When it's a delivery driver, I always hold my phone up to them and ask 'is this you?'
  3. Now tell us a story about all the married guys who paid for a house and lost it to their wife in a divorce! 50% of marriages end in divorce, mostly the women keep the house. Any investment with a 50% chance of a total loss ain't that great IMHO. Obviously not a consideration if you're 'true forced lonely' or a homosexual.
  4. I get 2.50 a week less than the max UK state pension. Had to pay 3kGBP to take it to the top. Surprised as I only really worked full-time for 20 years.
  5. Contraceptive pill. Noticed how ladyboys in Thailand are bigger than normal Thais, it's because they take female contraceptive pills.
  6. Yes, I agree, today's western women are unnaturally large and manly. When I look back at all those movies made in the 40s/50s/60s, I see the white women were all as small as today's Asian women, all my girlfriends back in the 60s UK were also small size, generally 40-50Kg. Not from any selection bias on my part, that was the size of most women in their 20s. Something has gone seriously wrong with the west in the past 50 years. I can pick up a woman that weighs 50Kg, just about, 45Kg is easier. If I can't pick a woman up, I don't want her.
  7. 60% of Americans couldn't pay a $500 bill ...... https://www.cbs19news.com/story/34248451/6-in-10-americans-dont-have-500-in-savings So assuming America is the richest country in the world, that means all other nationalities are worse off. So many AN posters are completely out of touch with the financial reality of the average western citizen.
  8. Yes, I never understood the desperation so many on this forum show because their state pension payment was delayed. It's not as if money in the bank earns you any worthwhile interest, they must have serious money management issues. You get the same nonsense posts in WISE threads, money transfer delayed a day or two and it's the end of the world. These guys are living on a knife edge.
  9. Why would you show them your passport? Last time the UK police asked to see mine, I claimed I didn't have one.
  10. This is a bit like debt collectors trying to recover unsecured loans. You don't have to pay them unless you want, sure they'll threaten all sorts, but essentially no way to legally recover. You need to differentiate between a court imposed fine and a voluntary payment.
  11. I've never known any government department not to take legal action when they can to recover money. This is how governments work. As for Benefit Fraud, claiming welfare when you're on holiday in Spain or working on the sly is the normal court action in the link you have provided, nothing to do with the State pension.
  12. No they can't. If you have evidence they can, please post a link to the court case.
  13. Happiness is booze, a joint and a hooker. Nothing in excess though. What's your definition of happiness?
  14. Would also point out this story also says 'extracts' will be removed for testing (no arrests), and the people concerned told to report to the police station at a later date for the test results and possible action. So it appears the OP would be correct if the police found 'extracts' on the tourists.
  15. I mostly have these BLUETECH 345w poly, 3,600bht delivered, a bit more for halfcells. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bluetech-solar-poly-340w-345w-dsm72-345-345-polycrystalline-solar-panel-345w-5bb-30-i1904718525-s5997080624.html?&search=pdp_v2v
  16. Yes, there was a news release from Anutin saying he's punish any police arresting people for cannabis possession about 3 months back. Shortlly after there was a report of 'granny' being arrested for 4 cannabis plants in her garden and a few days later the arresting police were all removed from active duty. Since then the police got the message and there were no more arrests. https://www.vice.com/en/article/epxjyj/thailand-legalize-cannabis-plant If you search for "police-briefed-on-cannabis-law-changes" you will find a story stating police will be unable to arrest anyone possessing cannabis.
  17. What an ignorant post, it's almost as if you don't live in Thailand and don't have a Thai family and kids.
  18. ZERO price rises in Thailand have affected me. My mortgage repayments dropped from 11k/month to 9k/month, which more than pays for all the other price rises and a bit to spare. I'm OK with my UK state pension of just under 800 pounds/4 weeks. It's far more than I ever anticipated getting when I first planned to retire (130 pounds/week).
  19. I used to compete in Strava time trials cycling up the hill from the Zoo to Wat Doi Suthep. Competing against men I was ranked number 650, competing against the women I was in the top 10. Same for trail running (Caffeine trail) ....... It was much easier for me to feel important as a woman competitor.
  20. If you lived in Chiang Mai, I'd help you out ..............
  21. You need to have completed school to age 15 (3 years high school) to work in any of the franchise chains. Only 20% of the Thai population have ever attended high school, which leaves 80% of the Thai population excluded from working in such places.
  22. I'm surprised you all expect anything form minimum wage workers. I certainly wouldn't give any loyalty to a minimum wage employer. No responsibility either way!
  23. I did the same thing, was told to wait 20 days after payment then phone a given number. Phoned the number, the lady on the other end found my payment record, then updated my record by hand. So 20 days if you ask nicely.
  24. I used to visit the Friday 'drop-in' for pensioners in my previous UK town (part of my job). These old folk were living lonely desperate lives, many had large expensive houses, but essentially lived in a single room without enough money to heat the rest of the home. Every winter some of them would die through lack of food or lack of heat. Couldn't afford transport, couldn't afford repairs to their house, a struggle to walk to the local shops to buy food then carry it home. It was really sad to see so many ending their lives like that. You sound like you have no idea of the lives of many ordinary western pensioners.
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