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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Would point out it doesn't happen in every country. I can name many countries where women are not allowed to put themselves in a position when a man can grope them. Personal freedom comes with personal risk.
  2. Almost nobody gets to live as they choose. Normally you have some minor choices between different unsatisfactory paths. I would never have chosen to work for 40 years, if I'd been given a free choice. If I could go back in time, knowing then what I know now, I'd probably have chosen to be a violent and abusive drug dealer living on a council estate, and banging an assortment of local druggy sluts.
  3. I could have done with a little more information on family court in the UK when I was 20. If I'd known the reality I would never have married, cohabited or impregnated in the UK. But they've always been secretive, and nobody told. Apart from that nothing, always had motivation and self discipline. Diet is a crock, if you get enough exercise you can eat anything. Intellectually, I've always had far more than would give me a happy life. Pillar of the community, gets you nothing as a man, just a waste of your time and effort. Why would I want to do anything to help others? Nobody has ever managed to explain that foolishness to me? Did it ever get anyone a bigger house or more attractive woman? Just more Abrahamic nonsense to keep the proletariat submissive.
  4. He doesn't look seriously injured ....... no blood ...... no broken bones .......... No visible marks or bruising.
  5. No. Not worthwhile. PEA approved units require a PEA approved installer. I have better uses for 100,000bht than giving it to an approved installer.
  6. Mine is 12" long but I never use it as a rule. I've tried to make mine as long as the French, but folding it in half was too painful.
  7. I'm an Omicron male. Someone that's not all that serious, you'd like to avoid, but can't no matter what precautions you take ..........
  8. I have the one I linked to earlier. Works well with a similar 48v battery but I built my battery pack myself. I would have probably given building my own a miss and bought the BCT if it had been available 2 months back.
  9. An Alpha male is a male that takes what he wants, when he wants it. Genghis Khan was an alpha male, he enjoyed riding the horses and sleeping with the wives and daughters of his recently defeated enemies. Guys that lift, read self improvement books, and try to talk a girl into giving them a free one ..... not so much.
  10. No complaints when a poor guy beats his poor wife to death with a table leg. Big trouble when a rich guy gropes a rich woman. Nice to see Thai feminists have their priorities in order!
  11. I've been paying max 500bht a night for hotel rooms in Thailand since 2009. If anything the 500bht rooms are nicer now.
  12. Next you'll be suggesting all these old, fat, bald foreigners really believe their much younger gf/wife really love them.
  13. I would most seriously advise that you not use any installer or company that suggested using 6 x12 Lifepo4 packs.
  14. Posted above, 52Kbht for double the capacity you posted, no shipping you can collect them in your pickup.
  15. There are none in Thailand. The guys spending big money on 'reputable suppliers' nearly all had big problems. I bought cheap everything, ended up wasting 5,000bht on parts (a few of the s/h batteries didn't really work) ........ but saving 150,000bht on installation and installers 'mark-up'.
  16. I paid 13,400Bht inc delivery for my 5k5w wifi Hybrid Inverter delivered direct from China. Very happy with it, they put the price up a bit now. https://shopee.co.th/5.5KW-Hybrid-Off-Grid-Inverter-48V-MPPT-100A-Pure-Sine-Wave-รองรับโมดูล-WIFI-i.428988356.13409949302
  17. Batteries are expensive, expect to pay at least 50,000bht for a 48V 200AH battery. These are about the best I've seen available in Thailand at the moment.
  18. There's a lady walking around Chiang Mai with a 'coolie' hat on all afternoon/evening (LK, MM Soi 1/2, etc.). Stop her and buy some, she'll ask for 200bht a packet, but you just laugh and wave her on ...... she'll be back. Well that's how it was before COVID.
  19. Mostly made in India without license. 50bht for a packet of 4 Managra in Chiang Mai, if you pay more you must be daft. If it's for recreational use late at night, no more than 1/2 a tablet, unless you want to have a trouser problem next morning.
  20. I'm often out in the road grinding, cutting, welding, painting. Once the local builder wanted 3,000bht to fix my gate. I cut it and welded it myself while he watched, took me 30 minutes. Never had any problems.
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