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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I only encountered lap dancers in Canada (Pussy Palace/Beef Baron franchise, London, Ontario 1990s). All the dancers were slim university students wearing only bikini bottoms. $1 a dance, beer was also $1 small bottle.
  2. Australia is even worse, my Brit son impregnated an Oz girl, she was much bigger, tougher and more manly than him.
  3. Bank transfer using your Thai bank phone app is the normal way. You have to move with the times.
  4. The cheap seeds I bought from FB (200bht/50seeds) have germinated very well, but they're all a bit stretched for some reason.
  5. The problem is, you have no credibility on this forum. Anyone can boast about their fantasy life in Thailand. A few photos of your extractions/grow would raise your status.
  6. Most of the men I knew in the UK just learned to live without sex. And these were mostly married men. I was lucky and discovered Thailand in my 50s, not only could I pay for sex with attractive women, but they actually pretended they liked me and enjoyed the sex. Compared to the Brit women who could hardly bring themselves to endure sex with me even though they professed to love me.
  7. Poor chap, still at 74 dying while having a walk on the beach isn't the worst way to go.
  8. No delivery, no payment ....... no need for any drama.
  9. Not sure there were many non-white Brit holidaymakers visiting Spain back in the 1970s. Everyone I encountered was white. But are you suggesting that I (as an obvious Celtic/Germanic person) should have been questioned as a possible west Indian/Pakistani illegal?
  10. How many white illegal immigrants have you encountered in Europe?
  11. I don't live hand to mouth, I can survive a break in my pension payments for a few years. Last time a government agency (the police) took unauthorised unilateral action against me it cost them 7,000 pounds. My policy is to hold my ground, and never back down.
  12. I don't show respect (or anything else) for anyone. I'm not a serf in a feudal society.
  13. The UK had freedom of movement in Europe before the idea of the EU was ever conceived. Lets go back to basics, all foreign citizens removed from the UK/EU and start negotiations again from scratch.
  14. Spanish, English, French, Italian have a lot in common. German is a bit different.
  15. I try to learn from my mistakes.
  16. Please post copy of court order requiring that repayment. When someone threatens me, I always suggest they take me to court. So far they always lost, and that includes the Law Society taking me to court. It's really hard for big business to win against private individuals in court.
  17. Best never to carry. Delivery to your home, smoke in your home.
  18. Before my divorce at age 45 I was a retired millionaire in the Uk. After my divorce I had to move to the 3rd world to make my remaining assets last without working. I now have both a smaller house, smaller woman, and smaller outgoings, but bigger happiness.
  19. I would expect rich people to have a better driveway. As for keeping large amounts of money lying around in your home .... never a good idea in any country.
  20. Taking random strangers off the road for sex in your home is probably not a good idea. Short time rooms are much safer.
  21. I'm advocating a preparation for war with an organisation (the EU under German control) that has always been the true enemy of England. Appeasement has never worked.
  22. I can confirm their ST rooms are very nice. I'd happily eat at either restaurant.
  23. Before the EU they didn't care. After the EU they do care. I rest my case. If i were the Brit government, I'd take retaliatory actions. 1. Ban all Brits from entering Spain. 2. Remove all Spanish citizens forcibly from the UK. 3. Ban all Spanish ships from UK waters, sink them if they enter illegally. 4. Sever all diplomatic links with Spain. IMHO the UK should be preparing for war with the EU. Start accumulating weapons, recruiting soldiers.
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