I don't believe that for a second.
After, they try to pretend to all their fiends she never worked in a bar, but that's a different game. (that is the my one is educated, white, wealthy, supports me, Chinese, good family game)
In Thailand the 'authoritarian government' completely leaves me alone.
In the UK the 'democratic government' poked me all the time, police, speed cameras, social services, council planning department, etc.
I'm much happier sitting at home playing on my phone/computer/Xbox than I ever was doing any job. When I was a SCUBA instructor we all hated the customers and couldn't wait to get away from them. (Obviously you'd pretend to like them so they'd go to restaurants where you got a commission with you)
Obviously not, as the western prostitute hates men (especially her customers).
But the Thai prostitute quite likes men so is happy to spend time with him.
I'd go as far to say .......
Nearly every Asian hooker I spent time with seemed to like me more than my Brit wife ever did.
Would point out my former Brit wife was old, fat and white ........
and I was into her as often as she'd let me ......
and I've never been a sex worker.
I would rephrase that to 'Western women appear to hate men and Thai women appear to quite like men'.
I can't see how participating in an activity you were biologically programmed to do could be described as 'degrading'.
I don't know anyone that had much 'success' in the UK.
My definition would have been once a night back in my 20s.
I struggled to get it once a week, my average was around 3 dates = 1 sex and I couldn't afford more than 3 dates a week back then. Got married, down to once a month.
Then in my 50s I discovered Thailand, every night was a double success, then I moved in with my first Thai lady who insisted on 5x a day (almost killed me), then when I couldn't take that much success, moved in with a new one who insisted on 3x a day. Finally moved in with one who didn't like sex (Thank god) but would do it when I wanted (3x week). Perfect!
Wesco 30-20-10+T
I'm using 2ml in 2ltr to start the plants, and I'll up that to 4-5ml when they're larger.
Level teaspoon to start.
Heaped teaspoon when larger.
It's pretty much a taboo for men of any age to have sex in the west.
And if you do, you're risking your assets, your job, your future income and/or your freedom.
Depends if it's a
1. Thai style rental, cheap rent and no repairs ever. You move when you can't stand it any longer.
2. Foreigner style rental, expensive rent and you call the landlord to fix a dripping tap.
I would say the western world is abnormal, and the rest of the world is normal.
I didn't even start having sex until after my Brit wife divorced me, age 52.