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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. If you're using the same supplier as me then it's Greenterra Peat. So no salt problems. If you're using the Coco blocks they've been washed, it's only the loose Coco that's sometimes salty and needs to be washed. Nothing wrong with adding a cap of Calmag to any of the hydro mediums.
  2. Stretching usually indicates not enough light. Not a big problem, just top the soil up another inch, the stem will grow roots once it's buried. I moved my grow inside under leds, sun is either too hot or not enough at the moment.
  3. I used to go to his concerts, Bristol/Bath mid 1970s.
  4. She's one of the Lady Love women, Pattaya LK Metro. My all time favourite from there is this lady ..........
  5. Already given up on outside, put my tent up yesterday afternoon and shifted everything inside. Tent open, settings 16hrs led, 24hrs fan.
  6. Only 44 units this month, 194bht.
  7. I'm glad I waited, gave me time to accumulate enough money to live here forever. And it's nice to have a few things left on your bucket list for your later years.
  8. Are you claiming Boris was responsible for Brexit, COVID, and war in the Ukraine?
  9. As a Brit (no sex please), I was fairly innocent when I arrived in Thailand. My innocence didn't last long though, I had more sex in my first 3 months here than I did in the previous 52 years in the UK.
  10. On the underground lottery, you can choose any numbers you like.
  11. Have you ever thought you might be gay?
  12. Agree, I always like to have 2 in my household. Just moved in a new 13yo girl to add to my 10yo son.
  13. I just assumed it was pleasant flirting. Some people see the best in everything, some people see the worst. I always choose to see the best, the lightest, the most fun in everything.
  14. I quite like this one ......... These look pretty good as well ....... As for the OP, Still plenty of pretty ladies to be had, bars, online, or just walking around town.
  15. Why would you want to waste time speaking to a woman you don't find attractive?
  16. People that have let themselves go probably don't care what other people think about them.
  17. Would say the opposite, Legalisation will drive the prices down, do criminals can't make the same profits. The war on drugs just created powerful gangs loaded with money, same as did prohibition.
  18. makes me think of this song .............
  19. I now have 3 seedlings potted into peat. (Peat and Coco are both hydro mediums, no nutrients in them, you have to add in the water every day) I'm putting them out in the early morning sun every day until 10am, when they get moved out of the direct sunlight. I already managed to burn the tips of Wiang Ping's first leaves when I left them out until 11am, no serious damage. I'm using WESCO 30-20-10 +TE, 5ml mixed in with 2l of tap water, stir well, measure the PH (mine is 6.5) then reduce the PH to 6 by stirring in a small amount of Citric acid crystals. Water around the plant (never on it) until water drips through the bottom of the pot. That 2l will probably last me 3 days on plants this small.
  20. I always have my extendable steel baton in my 'man bag'. Every dog seems to understand what it is, no need to even extend it. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3379463246-s12497131273.html @exelbeat me to it!
  21. Another one for me this morning in this years 'troll grow' ........... Blueberry Cheesecake. I'm putting mine outside in the morning sun until 10am, then they get moved inside near the window.
  22. I spent a lot of time searching the internet for information on how to grow. Plenty of advice for those growing in the USA, nothing for anyone trying to grow in Thailand. Equipment, fertiliser, soils used in the USA just not available here. Weather in California totally different, all the advice available is for people growing in a temperate climate. As for costs, around 7k-8kbht for lights and a 2ft x 4ft tent. Takes about 20-30mins a day to prep nutrients and water the plants. Energy costs, 3-4 units/day 16bht tops, 1,800bht total for 6-8oz of dried flower. Enjoy paying 700bht/gm from a shop, Even at 300bht/gm ...... 6gm Vs 6oz. You get lots of comments from people that have never grown anything, anywhere. Post a photo of your last grow ..............
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