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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. TPN (Thai Payment Network) is always a problem. They aren't real Mastercards and like everything online run by Thai's often don't work.
  2. Strike back was a strange series, Season 1 very dull, then taken over by 'SkiniMax' with naked women having sex in every episode for 4 seasons, then 2 seasons with no sex that were very dull.
  3. Rained yesterday evening in Chiang Mai. Longest we've been without rain this year is 2 weeks. Very strange dry season .........
  4. You'd get yourself appointed as property manager (which is recorded on the chanote). Why not give it a go ......... but don't agree to paying a deposit so no risk to you. The real answer can only be given by the manager of the land office processing the sale. They are the ultimate kings of their empires. Same for the yellow book, some office managers say yes, some say no. You ain't gonna change their mind if they don't like foreigners.
  5. A guy posted last month this happening to him. Full custody, no mom, land office said no when they went to transfer, lost his deposit.
  6. Land office will likely refuse. Would be different if mom was dead.
  7. You believe wrong. Kid can own a house in own name from the day it gets a birth certificate. Permission is required by both parents at the time of purchase. One parent must be declared property manager at time of purchase (foreigner or Thai) by mutual consent of both parents. No loans are allowed on the property, has to be owned outright. The property cannot be sold until the child is age 20. Beware! Many Thai mothers will not agree to this, and will often convince the lawyer/land office to not proceed with this arrangement. You will just be informed 'not possible'.
  8. White knights gotta virtue signal .......................
  9. Went there loads, didn't meet any Chinese or Russians, encountered plenty of Brits and a few Aussies though. I've also heard plenty of bad stories about Cambodia/Philippines, but the reality was less problems than Thailand as both countries actually seem to like foreign visitors/expats. Filipino guys are actually quite friendly, and seem to strike up conversations with you, in English, without appearing to have ulterior motives. When you're lying in bed watching a movie with your Filipino 'gf', she'll actually have sensible comments to make about it.
  10. I'd have assumed they were lying and countered their story with my adventures in the SAS.
  11. Nope, I think hardly any new western people will arrive here. Cambodia/Philippines/Mauritius are just as good, easier to enter, and no need for $25000 you can't spend in a local bank. If I wasn't already here, I wouldn't be coming.
  12. Did you miss last weeks 'girl kills her granny' story? And Tangmo killed by her female friends stamping on her hands ..........
  13. I always go alone, bank tellers don't need to chat with you in any language about transactions. Paying a bill, hand them the money and the bill, no talking needed. For deposits or withdrawals I can say 'faaark' or 'tawn' if I really have to. What else would you need to say?
  14. I did this too ......... then realised I might as well sit at home drinking my coffee and save 45bht/cup. same for beer, much cheaper to drink it at home (alone).
  15. Production cost has almost nothing to do with retail price anywhere in the world. Retail price is driven by the local populations ability to pay. Which is why most of us are living in Thailand. We earned $50k/year in our home countries and live in a country where the locals earn $5k/year. Giving us a buying advantage on many retail items of 10:1. The real determining factor of pricing is the ability of local residents to pay.
  16. And that will just be her extended family all living with you, while you get to pay for everyone.
  17. Banks aren't allowed to sell repossessions for less than the outstanding loan. I believe it was a law passed by the Thai government to try to discourage banks giving excessive loans on a property.
  18. Overnight bus works ............. leaves HH late afternoon, arrive CM early morning (7am ish).
  19. If I were restricted from eating strawberries (or only allowed one a month), I'd probably obsess about them too.
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