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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. No need for cash, the delivery guy will accept payment direct from your bank app. Scan the QR code on his phone with your phone banking app.
  2. I had a block of flats in Worthing (40 years back), about 12 bedsits. 3 floors, shared showers/toilets on each floor, communal kitchen in the basement if they wanted to cook. Didn't give a poop about the condition as we had a cleaner to deal with that nonsense. The customers were students (rent paid 1 term in advance), or people on social (social paid rent direct monthly). All that was important was the monthly income, nothing else mattered.
  3. I disregarded it, as the divorced woman will just sell it the moment the divorce is granted, and nobody will make her wait.
  4. Under consideration is valid until the extension period is up, or they tell you different.
  5. Can't transfer debt to a minor. So if there's a mortgage, a kid can't own it.
  6. There are farmers all around me, and I'm 12Km for the moat in Chiang Mai. Plenty of suburban farmers.
  7. Almost all my Thai relatives get less, essentially rural farmers in Nan and Pechabun. And all my woman's friends in Chiang Mai, they are scraping around to even get 300bht. One of her cousins gets paid 400bht/day as a 'building gang' supervisor in Mae Rim.
  8. I've got 4 different mango trees in my front garden. They produce more than we can eat, give nice shade and hardly any work. Don't park your car under them, they drip sticky stuff. 2 years to produce. Bananas are fairly easy as well. Produce the same year as planted.
  9. Left owing 2 months rent ....... So the landlord keeps the 1 month security, and is out 1 months rent after 5 years of payments. Clearing up the mess, less than a day's wage, 300bht. If I were the landlord I'd call that a decent profit.
  10. Some posters seem to lack basic comprehension skills ......... I'll be smoking 20% THC joints made from dried flower ........ not extracts so legal.
  11. I assume the Religion of Peace will be the first to get suppressed. Then motorcycle clubs.
  12. I didn't ...... it was the AVA interactive chat thingy.
  13. I just didn't bother to report my address. Between 2009 and 2020 I never reported my address. Only did it once in 2020 during COVID. They did ask why they had no record of my address in their computer (even though I'd been here 11 years). I said, 'beats me, you came round to visit me every year', and that was the end of it.
  14. BJ didn't do anything. From around 2016-2019 I flew to Saigon to get my VISA because CM was just too busy. What made the difference was COVID, and all the Chinese leaving. Without the masses of tourists, it was easy to just walk in and get the extension immediately. The previous 'era' I would just book an online appointment, which still took 1/2 day. I was never daft enough to camp all night.
  15. And in Thailand the pharmacy will sell you almost any drug you can name. I prefer the Thailand way.
  16. @damole Just download it free ............. https://en.th1lib.org/book/5552932/30475f
  17. My last two 1 year extensions took less than two hours each. (from driving in to driving out)
  18. You don't have to do what the voices tell you. Mine always say 'kill everyone' ........ just say no.
  19. so MOVE ........... only 1 other expat in my village, and he only speaks Italian.
  20. I just did the online claim form right at the start, March 2020. Then they gave me a 1 year credit, then near the end of that year they extended the credit for another 2 years. It's not really their fault the governments of the world put them out of business.
  21. They cancelled 6,000bht of my flights. Not a lot of money, hardly the end of the world. I'd forget it and move on, I've still got the credit if the world ever opens up again.
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