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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Red Cock 150bht from all Tesco branches. You can't beat a 'Red Cock' in the morning. And if you like Gin, they've made this one just for you ....... (BigC 220bht)
  2. The western world ........... 80% of men 'get none', until over age 40 then almost all 'get none'. And that includes married men, who almost all 'get none' (from their wife) for most of their married life.
  3. I was full of them 8 years back, told I would die without surgery. Lots of pain from an infection, hospital, intravenous antibiotics. Didn't fancy having my gall bladder taken out. Learned what the rising pain was like before hospital. Kept antibiotics ready for when the initial pain warned me. Had two minor attacks shortly after, nothing for the past 7 years. Lost some weight (around 25Kg), exercised more. Gallstones are made of cholesterol, if you reduce your cholesterol the gallstones will disappear. But if you don't have the will power ............... PS. The big ones don't harm you. It's the little ones that work their way into the bile duct that cause the problems.
  4. Just buy from UK seedbanks, they have no problems posting here and much better prices than FB. My friend can recommend 'The Vault' and 'Grizzly'. They come in a plain brown jiffy bag. No need for aircon, they grow just fine at normal Thai room temperature. So my friend tells me.
  5. 60 units/day = 2000 units/month = 8000bht/month = 62 months for payback. That 5 years+ by my counting.
  6. Maybe you should have concentrated on surrounding yourself with a family that won't do that. Although old folks get abused by families/nursing homes/carers all over the world.
  7. You forgot the 500bht charge at the Thai bank for incoming SWIFTs. (which they don't tell you about, and doesn't show on your bank statement)
  8. I don't trust them! Not for more time than it takes to get my money from my UK bank to my Thai bank anyway.
  9. 35/pound lasted a lot longer than 75/pound. Why concentrate your thoughts on a brief and anomalous high? At 45/pound we're still doing a lot better than the Australians/NZers and Canadians. They're down 20% and we're only down 10% on the past 10 years.
  10. When benefits approach the wage of a job, there will be nobody seeking employment in that job. Then you import foreigners who are prepared to work for that pay, as their home countries don't give them a free ride. Answer ....... stop giving women free money, stop importing foreign workers. If I could have given birth to 2 children and been given benefits/housing/child support for the rest of my life, I wouldn't have bothered working either. NZ/Oz, closing the borders was never going to work. Wonder when the governments will run out of money? Wonder what will happen when they do run out of money?
  11. They all seem to want your house and pension when they get tired of you. Which is more of a problem for me than their political views. Women with access to the western legal system are just too expensive IMHO. Just not worth the risk of asset stripping and false accusations, possibly arrest and jail..
  12. I only found one, and it was always deserted. Me and my pal usually had it to ourselves. (three level roof)
  13. My advice, don't trust any foreigners in Chiang Mai. Any foreigner claiming to sell Insurance, Financial advice, Pension advice is working illegally. Best to use someone in your home country, they're probably crooks as well, but at least the Brit government is watching them. Hargreaves Lansdown seemed to be legit, but they don't deal with people who admit to living outside the UK. (The only Pension company that I used that never stole from me)
  14. I'm not fat, why should I have to pay for fat people's hospital. I'm not a smoker, I don't play football/rugby/squash, etc. I'm not female, why should I pay for their abortions ............ I'm not an Afghan/Syrian/Somali refugee ......... The list is endless.
  15. There's also the option of having no treatment at all. Lots of stuff gets better if left alone (free), and if you die still free, or was misdiagnosed by the doctors. I've refused two operations on me (must have or die), 8 years later still here. And one on my five year old son (must have or die), 5 years later still here. Notice how they nearly always want to but metal and screws in to fix broken bones? Rarely required, and ups the price of the treatment enormously.
  16. Maybe you weren't in the right places. Attractive women move to the big cities where their looks will get them money. Or maybe you standards are higher/different to mine. Any female under 50Kg, and under 35 years old generally looks good to me.
  17. Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, China ...... much the same percent attractive as Thailand.
  18. Probably because a Clinton would still like to be President.
  19. Unfortunately BKB Mastercard uses the TPN network, which is a bit hit and miss. It's not a real Mastercard.
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